Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2245: , Monstrous anger!

Fengshen was really angry. As the main **** of the Alliance of Gods, he had lived for hundreds of years, and it was the first time he was despised by a small human being. This was something he couldn't accept.

I want this kid to understand how far his strength is from myself.

"Purgatory King, you will pay the price of death for your arrogance..."

Fengshen said coldly, a pair of blue eyes emitting dazzling blue light, like stars in the universe.

He just stood there quietly, and the surrounding air seemed to be drawn by some kind of force and flowed rapidly, forming a super storm.

Huhuhu! !

The storm whirled rapidly, raged, and made a sharp howling sound, shredding the surrounding boulders, and was drawn into the storm!

With the continuous enhancement of Fengshen's wind magic, the storm continues to spread and gradually becomes a fierce typhoon!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

This typhoon smashed wildly between the valleys, and completely smashed the low mountains that were already incomplete!

The rocks are flying, and the smoke is billowing!

The entire valley shook, as if the earth was roaring, roaring!

"Everyone pay attention to defense!"

Master Jinghui frowned too much, reminding everyone loudly.

At this time, since Ye Fei can't be helped, it can't be a burden.

Everyone nodded their heads and began to perform their exercises to resist Fengshen's storm attack.

Ye Fei stared at Fengshen firmly, he could clearly feel the vast and surging pressure released from Fengshen's body!

This coercion is more than a little bit stronger than these gods!

Is this the power of the Lord God?

Really so powerful!

Ye Fei furrowed his brows, the golden flames in his pupils were burning, and the blood in his body was also hot, full of high morale!

No matter how powerful Fengshen is, he is not afraid!

If you can't even beat the wind **** who is ranked twelfth, then you don't have to think about competing with other main gods or even the king of gods!

"Devil Storm!!"

Fengshen gave a soft drink and waved his hands abruptly.

I saw that the collapsed low mountains, boulders, mud, and sand were directly swept up by the storm and gathered in the air!

The rocks and soil gathered in the air desperately compressed and condensed, and in just a few seconds, a mountain of tens of tons was formed, and it was rolled directly toward Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's gaze was firmly locked on Fengshen, he suddenly stepped on his foot, his figure violently rushed, and his backhand was a sharp cut!

That golden infuriating giant sword curled up with pale golden sword intent, sharp and unmatched, and even with a powerful and overbearing force, it directly slashed towards this mountain!

Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, Ye Fei's sword directly split this mountain condensed by rock and soil in half!

Really force Huashan, extremely overbearing!

"Long live the leader!!"

The people from all the martial arts present raised their arms and shouted and were deeply encouraged.

After Ye Fei opened the mountain with a sword, holding the infuriating sword, the wind was blowing at his feet, and he rushed towards Fengshen directly!

However, at this moment, King Han had already launched an attack!


King Han instantly cast his freezing magic, and wanted to freeze Ye Fei into a popsicle.

The cold air hit, Ye Fei's feet suddenly formed a layer of ice, making it impossible to take a step forward!

"Hehe... It turned out to be Frozen Magic... With this trick, you want to trap me?"

Ye Fei sneered, then burst out loudly: "Bring it to me!!"

The voice fell.

Click! !

Only heard a crackling sound, the ice on Ye Fei's legs was directly shattered into powder!


King Han lifted his spirits, his eyes widened, and he was very puzzled.

Doesn't his own freezing magic work for this kid? !

Without waiting for him to think, Ye Fei swung a sword at him directly!

Huh! !

A violent sword spirit raged away, and the goal was directed at King Han!

King Han was startled, and quickly dodged toward the side!

"Boom" there was a loud noise, and Ye Fei directly cut a gap of more than ten meters where he stood just now!

After pushing the Han King back, Ye Fei didn't have any restraints, and jumped to the front of Fengshen, then with a sharp sword, he slashed towards Fengshen!

"One sword hides the air!!"

Huh! !

The incomparable sword intent quickly fell, the speed reached the extreme, with the boundless killing intent, it was bound to split Fengshen in half!

Ye Fei didn't dare to be careless when dealing with Fengshen, so every sword had the meaning of killing!

"The Wall of Wind!"

Seeing Ye Fei’s sword fall, Fengshen’s expression did not fluctuate. Although Ye Fei’s sword was so fast that Master Jinghui and others could not catch it, he clearly saw the trajectory of the sword. .

Therefore, he just pointed his right hand upwards and formed a wall of wind directly in front of him!

Cang! !

Ye Fei's sword slashed on it, as if it had slashed on a diamond. It had no effect on this wind wall at all. Instead, it was sent away by the force of the counter-shock!

Huh! !

Ye Fei's body turned a few somersaults in the air, and then slammed his sword towards the ground!

laugh! !

The rock on the ground was drawn by the huge sword of infuriating energy in Ye Fei's hand, and then it stopped!

Ye Fei stabilized his body, raised his eyes to look at Fengshen, and shook his somewhat numb right hand, shocked in his heart!

He thought that Fengshen was only attacking strong, but he didn't expect that his defense power would be so perverted!

No wonder this guy can be ranked among the twelve major gods, and his strength is truly extraordinary!

If you can't even break Fengshen's defenses, you can't do it if you want to kill him!

While thinking about how to hit Fengshen, Fengshen has begun to continue to stimulate the wind magic energy!

"Storm Sawtooth!!"

Fengshen gave a soft drink and waved his arms again.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Suddenly, the earth began to shake, and the mountain landslide appeared again!

I saw that cracks began to appear on the ground, and the blade formed by a rock with a handle, under the traction of the energy of the storm, sprang out like bamboo shoots after a rain!

A huge, generous rock blade exudes a light blue glow, with a fierce murderous intent, it stabs at Ye Fei!

Seeing these hundreds of rock blades break out of the soil, Ye Fei was shocked, his feet slammed to the ground, and his body jumped directly into the sky over 20 meters!

However, even if Ye Fei jumped to a height of more than 20 meters, the blade of the rock below was catching up, like a sharp sawtooth, tearing Ye Fei to pieces!

"All beings punish!"

Ye Fei's eyes became cold, and he slammed the infuriating giant sword, slashing towards the hundreds of broad rock blades below!

A sword fell, with an incomparably heavy sword intent, like a five-finger mountain in the Tathagata, crushing against the blades of these rocks!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Click! ! ...

The golden sword light exploded, and the whole earth made a heavy impact!

The sword that Ye Fei swung directly defeated the hundreds of rock blades that broke out from below, crushing them into stone chips!

However, at this moment, Ye Fei suddenly felt a palpitating pressure coming from the sky!

He raised his head intentionally, trying to swing a sword, but he was hit by a huge black object shrouded in shadow!

boom! !


Ye Fei gave a painful grunt, his body plummeted like a meteorite, and he slammed it on the ground with a loud "bang", smashing the ground out of a pit.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ye Fei coughed violently, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He was focused on Fengshen just now, and he didn't have the time to control the Shadow Demon and the Cold King.

In fact, he couldn't be distracted at all, competing with top powerhouses like Fengshen, distraction was equal to death.

This is also true, the sneak attack of Shadow Demon succeeded.

"Ye Fei!!"


"Ye Donor!!"

In the distance, Master Jinghui, Master Ku'e and others were very worried when they saw Ye Fei's injury.

"Go! Help the leader!!"

An elder waved his hand, leading a group of warriors, and rushed towards the shadow demon who attacked.

Master Jinghui, Zen Master Ku'e, and the heads of a few sects couldn't bear to watch, and they all rushed up!

However, before they ran a few steps, Fengshen didn't turn his head back, a cloud of wind magical energy was condensed in his hand, and a storm light wave was sent towards these people.

boom! !

The sound of breaking through the air!

This huge storm light wave was like a heavy artillery, and it severely hit Master Jinghui, Master Ku'e and others!

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