Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2246: , Kill it altogether!


A burst of screams sounded, and some weaker warriors were directly bombarded and killed, falling to the ground to death.

Master Jinghui Tai, Master Ku'e and others vomited blood again and suffered serious injuries.

"Trash must have the consciousness of being trash..."

Fengshen's voice rang indifferently.



The elders, heads and disciples of these sects were very upset when they heard the word "waste".

However, when they thought of the strength gap between themselves and others and Fengshen, they suddenly felt that they were no different from waste.

At this time, Ye Fei had already gotten up from the ground, his body was covered with dust, his clothes had become tattered, his sleeves had been torn, and he looked very embarrassed.

However, the embarrassment is only the appearance. Now, Ye Fei's body is very strong. The collision just made him suffer a slight injury, and it did not have much impact on Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was holding a huge sword of true energy, and shouted at Master Jinghui and others: "Don't **** come near me! Go back!!"

Hearing Ye Fei's roar, even though Shitai Jinghui and others were unwilling, they could only retreat.

"Dark Dragon! Go! Tear him to pieces!!"

The shadow demon hovered in the sky, and the dark dragon formed by the shadow gave orders.


The huge dark dragon neighed, flapped its wings, and swooped down towards Ye Fei.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

When the dark dragon approached, the rocks below were blown up, as if several bombs had been thrown.


Ye Fei let out a long roar, the exposed muscles of the right arm bulged, and the strong and strong tendons appeared!

He vigorously swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and slashed towards the dark dragon that was swooping down!

"Ten kills in one step!!"

Huh! !

A huge light blade brought out a golden half-moon arc, and carrying a sharp sword intent, it smashed towards the dark dragon!

This sword is extremely arrogant, as if to break everything in the world!

Next second.

The huge sword light flashed, and the sword slashed directly on the body of the dark dragon!

The dark dragon uttered a wailing sound, and it was fragmented in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of "bang"!

Under this sword, the mountain behind the Dark Demon Dragon was split with a crack that was more than 20 meters long and one meter deep, as if this mountain was about to be split by Ye Fei!

Seeing this scene, Shadow Demon's face changed drastically, and his heart was shocked.

After this kid was hit so violently, he was not injured?

His brows were furrowed, and this kid was really not an ordinary person.

After slashing the dark dragon with a sword, Ye Fei turned his head and stared at the Fengshen, the Shadow Demon and the Cold King. The infuriating giant sword pointed at the three, and the domineering and unparalleled roar resounded!

"Come again!!"

This wild roar resounded like a dragon's roar, echoing throughout the valley, shaking people's eardrums rumbling.

Fengshen frowned slightly, waved his arms, and sighed softly: "Devil Storm! Storm superimposed!!!"

Shattering! !

The storm swept again, but in the blink of an eye, the wind magic energy spurred by the wind **** directly gathered the rocks and soil in the entire valley, forming several "big mountains" tens of meters high!

Swish! !

The "big mountains" formed by agglomeration of several rocks and soil rolled towards Ye Fei!

When the first mountain came down, Ye Fei directly swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand, splitting it in half!

But soon, the second, third, fourth, and fifth mountains were pressed down one after another, even if Ye Fei swung several swords in a row, he still couldn't break it!

Seeing that these mountains could not be broken open, Ye Fei's left arm was palm, and he slapped it up, wanting to bear the oppression of these mountains!

However, the total of these four mountains had already reached dozens of hundreds of tons, and Ye Fei couldn't bear this pressure!

However, before Ye Fei could react, Fengshen gathered two mountains again and slammed into Ye Fei's chest and back!

boom! ! boom! !

Two muffled thunder sounds!


Under the collision of the two big mountains, Ye Fei directly sprayed a mouthful of blood, and his face became pale.

"Ye Fei!!"


Master Jinghui and others saw this scene with heartache and red eyes.

It's over, it's over.

Not long ago, the old beggar was buried alive like this.

Is it now that Ye Fei is going to make the same mistake again?


Ye Fei roared, every muscle in his body, every meridian, and even every bone, under the pressure of this heavy force, felt like a needle piercing!

If I changed to an ordinary person, I would have burst and died long ago!

And because Ye Fei had always exercised his physical body, he actually underwent the oppression of several mountains!


Fengshen saw that Ye Fei was still stubbornly resisting, his eyes sank, and his arms waved again.

Rumble! !

I saw that these mountains continued to gather under the impetus of the storm energy, as if they were about to crush Ye Fei into fleshy foam!


Ye Fei's eyes were red, and his face, neck, and whole body became red.

Puff puff! ! ...

But at this moment, the sound of bursting blood vessels sounded!

After all, Ye Fei's body couldn't bear the constant oppressive force, and several veins on his body burst directly, overflowing with red blood, making Ye Fei's whole person a blood man!

There were tears in the eyes of the people from all the big sects present, and they wanted to rush to help, but the Cold King and Shadow Demon stood in front of them. Anyone who took a step closer would be directly beheaded by them!

In their eyes, these people are ants, and some of them are not as good as ants. If you kill them, you will kill them!

"Ye Fei!!!"

Master Jinghui was beaten to the ground by the Shadow Demon, the corners of her mouth were doubled with blood, her pretty face became pale, and her long black hair was scattered, messy and sad.

Seeing Ye Fei enduring such pain, Master Jinghui felt that her heart was about to burst, and her heartache was about to die.


At this time, accompanied by Ye Fei's last roar.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Several big mountains finally gathered, engulfing Ye Fei's whole person...

Seeing Ye Fei disappear in front of them, everyone was completely dull, their eyes hollow and numb.

"This kid is really tenacious..."

Fengshen let out a sigh of relief, and said to Shadow Demon and King Cold: "The trouble has been solved, get rid of these wastes."


The Shadow Demon and King Han nodded, then turned around and slaughtered the only 1,000 people left.

Even if everyone resisted desperately, they could not stop the slaughter of Shadow Demon and Cold King.

In just a few minutes, more than two hundred people have fallen.

However, just as the Shadow Demon and the Cold King were about to continue to kill, suddenly, a "rumbling" sound rang!

"what sound?"

Fengshen froze for a moment, and turned his head to look at the two mountains that suppressed the old beggar.

Shadow Demon and King Cold stopped killing and looked at them together.

I saw that the two mountains that suppressed the old beggar began to shake, and the rocks kept rolling down.

"This... Isn't the old beggar dead?!"

"Old predecessor...really not dead!!"

Everyone looked at the direction of the two mountains and muttered, their eyes full of hope.

Fengshen also realized that something was wrong, he frowned and waved his arms again, "Devil Storm!!"

I saw that Fengshen urged the magical energy of the wind element, once again condensed a mountain, and swept in the direction where the old beggar was suppressed!

However, just when the mountain was about to be depressed, a strong voice resounded from the two mountains!

"Drop the palm of the dragon!! The dragon fights in the wild!!!"

Boom! ! ——

The two suppressed mountains exploded directly!

The earth shook, the rubble flew wildly, and a strong and heavy air wave burst out with waves of violent power! !


The sound of the dragon chant resounded!

I saw that a majestic golden dragon flew directly out of the mountain, directly smashing the mountain that Fengshen "moved" just now! !

When the mountains were all shattered, and when the dust dissipated, everyone saw a small figure appearing in front of them!

"Old beggar!!"

"Old man!!"

Seeing this figure, everyone shouted with excitement.

At this moment, the old beggar was covered with dust all over his body, as if he had been salvaged from the dust.

And his patched clothes became more tattered, and there were wounds all over his body. The blood had solidified, and he looked very embarrassed.


The old beggar coughed out a few mouthfuls of sand and stones, patted the dust on his body, and muttered: "Fortunately, the old beggar my body is strong enough, otherwise, I would really be crushed to death by this broken mountain..."

Hearing the familiar voice of the old beggar, everyone's faces showed ecstasy and wept with joy.

"The old beggar is not dead! Haha, the old beggar is not dead!!"

"Great! Great!"

Everyone waved their arms excitedly.

Master Jinghui was also very happy to see that the old beggar was okay.

However, when she looked at the place where Ye Fei was suppressed, her eyes darkened and tears flowed down unconsciously.

The first man to make his heart beat, after all, died...

Fengshen squinted his eyes, looked at the old beggar, and said indifferently: "Old beggar, it seems that your life is really hard, none of this can kill you..."

"Aeolus, old beggar, my life has always been hard, I'm sorry, I let you down..."

The old beggar's eyes were shining with golden light, and he walked over step by step. Although he suffered a lot of injuries, his momentum was not weakened by half.


Fengshen chuckled lightly and said indifferently: "It's a pity that you have already been injured. It is impossible for you to defeat us with the power of one person..."

However, as soon as Fengshen's words fell, there was a shock from the earth!

Rumble! ! ——

Fengshen frowned, his pupils shrank slightly, and turned to look at the place where Ye Fei was suppressed.

All the people present turned their heads and looked around, and the old beggar also looked around questioningly, and said to his heart, is it because there are people pressed there too?

"This...what's going on?!"

The Shadow Demon was shocked and puzzled.


"Could it be that the leader is not dead?!"

"Not dead, the leader is not dead!!"

The people of all major sects were also excited.

The old beggar did not die, everyone was already very excited, and when they learned that Ye Fei was also not dead, everyone was even more excited, like a shot of a booster!

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