Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2247: , So powerful!

Without waiting for everyone to think about it, a more violent vibration sounded.

The earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, and the waves are rolling!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

I saw that in the several mountains that suppressed Ye Fei, a golden sword of true energy with a breaking momentum, like a huge drill, directly pierced out of the several mountains!

Moreover, at this moment, everyone was stunned to feel that this sword intent was very different from the sword intent that Ye Fei used before!

They clearly felt that the sword intent that Ye Fei used at this time was stronger, more surging, and more extraordinary, and it was dozens of times stronger than the previous sword intent!

Perhaps, only the king, and only the king, can have the aura of looking over the world!

"King's sword intent...Is old brother Ye?"

The old beggar froze for a moment, and muttered: "Hey...No, why did Brother Ye's sword intent suddenly become so tyrannical?"

"Ancient swordsmanship...Sword intent conduction!! Sword dominates the world!!!"

A burst of crazy shouts sounded in several mountains!

The huge mountain piled and squeezed together was directly crushed by this golden giant sword!

The huge boulders flew around and the sand swept across, making the entire valley suddenly become a deserted ancient battlefield like a golden iron horse!

Everyone tried their best to resist, and the Fengshen, Shadow Demon, and Cold King opened their defenses to avoid being hit by the flying boulder!


Accompanied by a cry like a barren ancient dragon, Ye Fei held a huge sword of Zhen Qi that was several meters taller and several times wider than his entire body, and jumped directly out of the frantic gravel!

boom! !

He stepped on the ground and smashed the rocks on the ground. Although his body was stained with blood and dust, his aura was more than doubled!

Especially the sword of true Qi in his hand has become a little wider, and the sword intent has increased dozens of times!

The beating golden flames in his eyes burned more vigorously, as if to burn everything in the world!

"This...what the **** is going on?!"

King Han couldn't help but exclaimed, "Why do I feel that the energy in this kid has become stronger? Isn't he injured?!"

Shadow Demon was also shocked, and didn't know how to explain the phenomenon before him.

"It's no wonder the king of the gods wants to win over this guy again and again... the potential of this kid is really great..."

Fengshen squinted his eyes, a hint of killing flashed in his eyes, and said: "If you give him some more time to grow, I am afraid his strength will become even more terrifying!

So, no matter what, he must be killed today! His existence is our biggest obstacle! "

Both Shadow Demon and Cold King nodded, and they also had a slaying heart towards Ye Fei.

In fact, it was not only Fengshen, Shadow Demon, and King Han who noticed Ye Fei's change, but the old beggar, Jinghui Shitai and others also felt Ye Fei's change.

"The leader has really become stronger... It seems that today we have hope of winning..."

"Yeah, you deserve to be the leader who dominates the world. It's really stronger after the war..."

"With the old man and the leader teaming up, these three guys are dead!"

For a while, the people of all major sects were full of confidence, waving their arms, cheering for Ye Fei and the old beggar in their hearts.

In fact, after Ye Fei was buried alive by a few big mountains, his muscles, bones and veins all had tearing pain, and even made him feel suffocated.

However, it was precisely because of this piercing pain that the potential in his body was forced out.

What he thought was very simple. Since his muscle strength could be transmitted before, and his physical strength could increase sharply, could his sword intent also increase sharply?

Therefore, Ye Fei tried to transmit the sword intent power... As expected, the sword intent power can be transmitted and strengthened just like the power of the physical body!

It is precisely because of this that Ye Fei was able to defeat several mountains of dozens or hundreds of tons with a single sword!

The old beggar was very pleased to see Ye Fei's changes.

He smiled and joked: "Brother Ye, why are you buried alive?"

"One was buried without paying attention."

Ye Fei curled his lips, pretending to be unhappy and said: "Big Brother, since you are not dead, why don't you come out earlier? If you come out earlier, I won't be so embarrassed!"

"I want to come out soon!"

The old beggar squinted Ye Fei and said, "Whoever is buried alive by a few big mountains, it will be difficult to get over in a short time, okay?

You think that the old man, I am still like you, young and strong, and recover quickly! "


Ye Fei just laughed. He was also very happy after learning that the old beggar was still alive. What he said just now was just to enliven the atmosphere.

"Okay, don't be silly."

The old beggar waved his hand and said, "Next, let us join hands and kill these three guys!"

"OK, no problem!"

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Brother, leave Fengshen to me, you go and deal with the other two guys!"


The old beggar was taken aback and said, "Are you sure you want to deal with Fengshen?"

"Of course!"

Ye Fei stared at Fengshen firmly, and said coldly: "This guy almost beat me to death. I still want him to take revenge!"

"Alright, leave the Fengshen to you, and I will deal with the Shadow Demon and the Cold King!"

The old beggar agreed without saying much.

"Shadow Demon, King Cold, hold the old beggar first, and I will kill that kid!"

Fengshen also immediately issued the order.


Shadow Demon and Cold King nodded.


Ye Fei burst out with a shout, holding the infuriating sword, and took the lead to attack the Fengshen, Shadow Demon and Cold King!

"Ten kills in one step!!"

Ye Fei swung a sword in the direction of the Fengshen trio before he approached the Fengshen trio!

Huh! !

Originally, Ye Fei's sword's kill range was more than ten meters away, but after the sword intent was transmitted, the kill range directly increased to fifty or sixty meters away!

A sword slashed out, like a giant spirit **** swinging a sword, the momentum is particularly amazing!

After a golden blade of light flashed in the air, it crashed down on Fengshen, Moyin and Hanwang!

Fengshen felt the horror of this sword, and immediately waved his right hand, and immediately condensed a wall of wind and blocked it!

But the Shadow Demon and the Cold King instantly determined that they could not block the full attack power of this sword at all, and dodge quickly!

At the moment when Shadow Demon and Cold King avoided!

boom! !

With a sword landing, the entire valley trembles, the rocks on the ground are directly shattered, and the surrounding rocks are directly cracked!

And on the ground, a gap of fifty to sixty meters long and more than one meter deep was cut!

The super destructive power made everyone stunned, and the sword energy it brought out even more than ten meters away from the Shadow Demon and the Cold King who dodged next to them!

However, Fengshen did not receive much influence, instead relying on the wind wall to block the destructive power of Ye Fei's sword!

The old beggar squinted his eyes. He was still a little worried, but now he saw it and felt that maybe Ye Fei could really fight Fengshen.

Thinking of this, the old beggar didn't pay attention to Fengshen anymore, but ran towards the Shadow Demon and the Cold King!

"Drop the palm of the dragon! Do not use the Qianlong!"

The old beggar yelled, and the momentum and coercion on his body skyrocketed again, and the vigorous infuriating energy condensed and slapped directly in the direction of the Shadow Demon and the Cold King!


The golden dragon roared, roared, and with a terrifying coercion, it rushed towards the shadow demon and the cold king!

"Ice shield!!"

"Shadow Shield!!"

The cold king and the shadow demon naturally didn't dare to hold big, and quickly opened their defenses.

Although the old beggars were injured and their strength was compromised, they still felt an unprecedented pressure.

boom! !

The crazy explosion sounded!

The old beggar shattered the defenses of Shadow Demon and Cold King with just one palm!

The powerful palm strength, with the power of domineering the world, directly shook the Shadow Demon and the Cold King back out!

Seeing this scene, the people of the various sects were very excited, and they were looking forward to it, if one day, their strength could reach such a level, that would be great.

"Shadow Demon, King Cold, don't hide! Come on, fight the old beggar with me!"

The old beggar yelled boldly, picked up the wine gourd and took a sip of wine, and his back was like lightning, and he continued to pursue the Shadow Demon and the Cold King!

"Death Ice Prison!!"

Seeing the old beggar rush up again, King Han's eyes sank, and the cold air on his body was directly released!

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