Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2248: , Excited!

Moreover, this time, King Han did not use the "Death Ice Prison" on a large scale, but infinitely compressed the scope and controlled it within the scope of the old beggar's activities!

The purpose is to hold the old beggar, even if he can't freeze to death, but also to limit his attack!

In an instant, the surrounding area of ​​the old beggar had already turned into an ice and snow, and the temperature dropped by dozens of degrees!

The surrounding rocks were frozen into blocks of ice, the soil was also frozen, and even the nearby stream was frozen!

In the world where the old beggar was located, ice had formed on all sides, condensing into a tower-shaped ice prison, trapping it in it!

What's more, what horrified Jinghui and others was that the temperature continued to drop, even if they were separated by a certain distance, they were still affected by the cold air!

"Everyone gathers together and quickly protects against the severe cold!"

Master Jinghui yelled too softly, and took the lead to start the exercise.

Others also hurriedly performed their exercises to resist the severe cold together.

Master Jinghui and others, who were a hundred meters away, felt the biting cold. One can imagine how cold the old beggar trapped in the ice prison should be?

Everyone can't imagine it at all!


The old beggar in the ice prison breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his hands, and muttered, "Hey, it's really cold enough..."

I saw that there was a layer of ice crystals on his body, eyebrows and beard, and the ice crystals were still spreading, as if he could freeze his whole person into a popsicle at any time.

"Hahaha... Old thing, aren't you very strong! Now you are still trapped by my ice prison!"

When King Han saw the old beggar look embarrassed, he laughed wildly.

"It seems that this old thing is indeed injured, or else he won't be trapped in this ice prison."

The Shadow Demon squinted his eyes, and obviously felt that the old beggar was going to die.

"It is precisely because this old thing was injured that is the best time for us to kill him!"

The cold king's eyes flashed with Leng Xun's killing intent, and said: "You and I will join forces and kill him!"

"Right on my mind!"

Shadow Fiend nodded.

"Frozen Gun!!"

The cold king immediately used the freezing magic, and the ice in his hand was condensed into a spear.

Although this spear is made of ice, but because of the freezing magic of the cold king, this spear has become indestructible, even harder than steel!

"Dark Dragon!!"

The Shadow Demon also immediately cast shadow magic, condensing into a huge black western dragon, hovering in the air.


King Han yelled, holding a freezing gun, and took the lead in looting the old beggar!

The Shadow Demon also shouted angrily: "Dark Dragon! Shred that old guy!!"


The dark dragon screamed, flapped its wings, and rushed in the direction of the old beggar!

At this time, King Han had already approached the old beggar, his eyes were shining with cold light, he clenched the freezing gun in his hand, and pierced the old beggar's chest!

Whoosh! !

The Frozen Spear was shining with a dazzling cold glow under the shining of the sun, and with a fierce murderous aura, it was bound to stab the old beggar to the heart!

However, just as the freezing gun in King Han's hand approached, the old beggar suddenly raised his head, and a deep light flashed in his eyes!

Moreover, around the old beggar, a thick wall of infuriating energy has condensed invisibly, directly blocking the freezing spear in the hands of King Han!

This frozen gun stopped 30 centimeters from the old beggar's chest, and it was no longer possible to pierce forward half a minute!


King Han's heart tightened, he immediately clenched the frozen gun with both hands, tried his best to stab the old beggar!

However, even though his pale face has turned red, he still can't shake the old beggar's defense!

"Little Western Magic, dare to contend with my Chinese ancient martial arts... it's simply overpowering!!"

The old beggar screamed and shook his whole body, and the sound of "cracking" sounded!

I saw that the ice cubes that had originally condensed on him were directly broken into ice **** fragments, and they fell to the ground sprinklingly!


King Han was shocked.

He never expected that his freezing magic did not restrict the old beggar at all!

Could it be that what I saw just now was just appearance, but in fact this old man's embarrassed appearance was pretended? !

Thinking of this, he instinctively wanted to close his gun and retreat, but before he could recover, the old beggar directly lifted a palm and slapped at King Han!

"Drop Dragon Palm! Lishe Dachuan!!"

boom! !

With one palm, the powerful palm power is like a rushing river, with rolling coercion, swept towards the King of Cold!

Click! Click! !

I saw that the invincible freezing spear in King Han's hand was directly shot to pieces, and King Han himself was hit by this powerful palm, and his body flew out directly!


He had been flying more than 20 meters away. When King Han landed, he felt like his body was turned upside down. A mouthful of thick blood was sprayed out, and he suffered serious injuries.

"King Han!!!"

Upon seeing this, the Shadow Demon yelled, very worried.

"I'm fine..."

King Han vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood and said, "Quick! Kill this old guy!"

He already knew clearly that the strength of the old beggar was unfathomable, and if he could not be killed as soon as possible, he and the Shadow Demon would both be killed here!

The Shadow Demon nodded, and then cast shadow magic again, once again condensing two dark dragons!

For a moment, three huge dark dragons neighed in the sky, flapping their huge wings, and rushed towards the old beggar!

The old beggar just glanced at the sky contemptuously, and then slammed forward!

boom! !

With a loud noise, the tower-shaped ice prison that had trapped him was directly shattered by him!

When the ice shattered firmly, the surrounding temperature returned to the same level again!

"King Cold, let me tell you... the ones that can be trapped by your ice prison are all insects. If it is a real dragon, how can you be trapped by your little ice prison!!!"

The old beggar screamed, then raised his arms and slapped his palms directly at the three dark dragons in the air!

"Dropping Dragon Palm! Shocked Baili!!"

Accompanied by the old beggar's shocking shout, after a mighty and huge golden dragon hovered on the old beggar's head for a week, with supreme pressure, it directly rushed towards the three dark dragons!

Boom boom boom! !

A roar of explosions resounded!

The violent air wave rushed away in all directions, and there were bursts of crazy explosions all around!

At this moment, in the air, when the three dark dragons besieged the golden dragon together, the huge golden dragon issued a thunderous roar, instantly tearing the three dark dragons to pieces!

Seeing this scene, both Shadow Demon and Cold King were dumbfounded. Obviously, I didn't expect the Dark Demon Dragon to be so vulnerable!

As for the people of the various sects, they were directly shocked!

Although they have always known that the old beggar is very powerful, they did not expect that the old beggar is so strong to such an incredible level!

The old beggar looked at the Shadow Demon indifferently, and said domineering loudly: "In front of our Chinese Dragon, you Western Demon Dragon is not worth mentioning!

Stars are harder than Haoyue! A stream is harder than a big river! After all, the magic dragon is not as good as the dragon!

Just like your alliance of gods, if you want to make a comeback again, you will only have to be eliminated! ! "

Hearing the words of the old beggar, the faces of the Shadow Demon and the Cold King became fierce and red!

"Old stuff! I will let you know what is the real Western magic!!"


The Shadow Demon and the Cold King roared one after another, and once again rushed towards the old beggar.


The old beggar snorted coldly, and rushed towards the Shadow Demon and the Cold King!

When the old beggar fought fiercely with the Shadow Demon and the Cold King, Ye Fei and Fengshen had already fought a dozen moves!

Because of the improvement of Ye Fei's sword intent, for a while, he was on a par with Fengshen, and he didn't fall under the wind!

"Ancient swordsmanship! All beings punish!"

Ye Fei burst out with a loud shout. In his eyes, the golden flames were extremely flaming, like two blazing flames, as if to swallow the wind **** not far away!

This domineering coercion not only made Master Jinghui and the others tremble, but also made the shadow demons and the cold kings who are in the fierce battle look sideways!

Both of them have a common idea. This kid is really a pervert. He has fought so many photos with Master Fengshen, and he is still alive!

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