Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2249: , Sword intent skyrocketed!

However, at this time, the Shadow Demon and the Cold King also did not care about Ye Fei, after all, they had to deal with the abnormal level master of the old beggar!

At this time, Ye Fei had already swung a sword towards Fengshen!

Huh! !

A sword swung out, as if the ancient gods were crushed down, a storm of crazy sword intent appeared, as if to split the entire earth!

"Wind wall!!"

Fengshen's eyes stunned, and without hesitation, he urged the wind magic, condensing a wind wall, blocking it!

boom! ! ——

The dazzling golden light fell like a meteor, crashing into the wind wall condensed by Fengshen! !

With this thunderous blow, a roar of thunder broke out!

With Ye Fei and Fengshen as the center point, the roaring air waves and energy, like a giant bulldozer, directly overturned the rocky surface with a radius of 100 meters to a height of more than three or four meters!

Master Jinghui and the others thought it would be safe enough to stand a hundred meters away, but they didn't expect that they would still be affected.

As a result, everyone trembled in their hearts, and continued to retreat towards the distance, retreating to a place two to three hundred meters away.

Everyone looked at the battle on both sides with horror, and felt that they couldn't lift up their qi.

The battles on both sides were too terrifying and exciting, so they didn't know which way to look.

One is the old man who has lived for hundreds of years, and the other is the enchanting young man who turned out to be born.

But at this moment, the difference in strength between the old and the young is not big, and both have the strength to overwhelm the sea.

At this time, Fengshen thought he could still carry Ye Fei's sword, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

However, the next second.

Only a "click" sounded.


Fengshen was stunned, raised his eyes to look upwards, and his pupils closed.

I saw that the wall of wind that he condensed was cut into a crack by Ye Fei's sword.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest.

When cracks appeared in this wall of wind, the cracks spread everywhere, and they were directly shattered with a "pop".


Fengshen looked at Ye Fei in disbelief, his eyes filled with shock and incomprehension.

After all, Ye Fei couldn't break his defense at all before.

But now, his defense actually didn't work for this kid.

He is a wind god, a noble god, and a god, so he should crush small humans in all aspects!

But now, his majesty has been severely provoked, so he is angry!

"Boy, the game should be over, prepare to accept God's punishment!"

Fengshen urged the wind magic to lift himself into the air, and then he spread his arms and muttered words in his mouth, "Flying wind! Show the world your noble rage! Let the world be afraid, let the world be scared!"

"Death Storm!!"

Shattering! !

When the voice of Fengshen fell, the airflow in the entire valley began to flow frantically, and all the rocks, soil and other things on the surface of the valley were rolled into the sky!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of storms with a length of tens of meters were condensed and formed, raging crazily throughout the valley!

Boom boom boom! !

These dozens of storms are like the sharpest cutting machine in the world, wherever they pass, everything around them is destroyed and shattered!

"This...this is simply not the power that a person should have!"

"It's horrible! It's horrible!!"

People from all sects looked at the scene in front of them and exclaimed.


Accompanied by screams, some warriors of lower strength were directly swept into the sky, and were torn to pieces by the storm.

The more powerful warriors, although they took the storm's attack, also suffered a lot of injuries, their bodies were cut by the storm, and they were dripping with blood.

At this time, dozens of storms swept away in the direction of Ye Fei with a super powerful force of destruction!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was also secretly shocked, and directly mobilized the strongest defense to resist the storm's attack!

In a blink of an eye, dozens of storms besieged Ye Feiqi inside!

The storm revolved and raged, piercing through deep pits in the ground around Ye Fei, and these dozens of storms were like blades, cutting Ye Fei's flesh!

Ye Fei's body was already very strong and abnormal, and ordinary swords couldn't pierce it. With the defense of Vientiane's true energy, for a while, it actually resisted the cutting of this death storm!

Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! ...

The high-speed rotating storm cuts on Ye Fei's body, just like a cutting machine is cutting on a steel plate, and it makes a metal-like crashing sound!

Seeing Death Storm failed to strangle Ye Fei, Fengshen frowned, waved his arms again, and shouted: "Death Storm! Strengthen!!!"

Huhuhu! ! ...

The sharp wind roared in the valley, and the dozens of death storms expanded again, and the wind speed increased several times again!

In just a few tens of seconds, Ye Fei's Vientiane Infuriating Defense could not hold it after all, and it was directly crushed!

Therefore, at this moment, these dozens of storms were completely cut on Ye Fei's body!

In the first half a minute, this death storm was unable to break through the flesh of Ye Fei's body, and did not cause substantial damage!

However, with the passage of time, Death Storm finally cut through Ye Fei's skin, followed by his flesh!


The skin and flesh were torn, blood dripping, and the pain made Ye Fei hiss and roar.

"Ye Fei!!"


There were tears in the eyes of Master Jinghui and others, and she wanted to help, but she couldn't get close at all.

Ye Fei's body was originally different from ordinary people. It was the body of God of War and had a strong resilience. Just now, his body had already recovered a bit, and the blood on his body had also solidified.

But now, under the cutting of this death storm, his body was torn again, with new injuries and old injuries, causing Ye Fei's entire body to flow in blood, and there was no more intact place, even his entire face was full. The blood is like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Seeing Ye Fei now, Master Jinghui felt like a knife cut in her heart, tears kept flowing down, she bit her lip firmly, and even wanted to endure this pain for the man.

She didn't even know that her heart had been firmly tied to Ye Fei.

At this time, Ye Fei felt pain like a knife cut all over his body, but his brain was still sober.

I can't continue like this anymore, if I continue like this, I will definitely be twisted into a mass of scum.

In any case, I have to try to break through these dozens of death storms!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei held the huge sword of infuriating energy, pointed towards the top, and let out a thunderous shout in his mouth!

"Wan Jian is coming!!"

The sound hasn't fallen.

I saw that the golden sword shadows all over the sky immediately gathered above him, dyeing the entire world into gold!

"It's this trick again..."

Fengshen squinted his eyes, but he didn't care.

He didn't think that this golden sword could break through his death storm.


Ye Fei let out a loud howl again.

Whoops whoops! ! ...

Those thousands of golden sword shadows seemed to have heard the call of the master, and pierced in the direction of Ye Fei!

"What is the leader doing?!"

"Even if this golden sword can break through the storm of death, other golden swords will hurt himself!!"

"He... is he going to destroy himself?!"

Everyone was shocked, and they didn't understand why Ye Fei did this.

Just between everyone's thoughts, the golden sword that filled the sky finally fell.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Thousands of golden swords attacked the dozens of death storms, making a deafening explosion!

The golden brilliance bloomed like a golden hemisphere, centered on the place where Ye Fei was, spreading in all directions!

The golden light was too strong, causing everyone to close their eyes subconsciously.

When everyone opened their eyes again, everything was calm again.

When everyone looked up, they saw that the dozens of death storms had disappeared, and the rocks on the ground in that place had been crushed to debris by the dozens of storms, exposing the bare ground...

And Ye Fei, who was covered in blood, was standing there, the infuriating sword in his hand stabbed in the soil, stabilizing his shaky body.

Moreover, in Ye Fei's body, several blood holes were pierced by the golden sword just now. Although the deadly parts were avoided, it was still very terrible...

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