Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2254: , The flames of war are not extinguished!

"Old beggar!!"

The old monster Xingyue turned around, grabbed the old beggar by the collar, and roared angrily: "You're a **** bastard!! Isn't Little Brother Ye your brother?!

How could you watch Brother Ye be beaten like this by Fengshen? ! You say it, you say it! Why? Why? ! "

"Boss is right! Old thing, if you could help at the time, Brother Ye wouldn't be like this at all!!"

Qianshou Rentu also yelled at the old beggar in anger.

The Poison King, the Evil Emperor, and the Raksha Ghost King also had bloodshot eyes, staring at the old beggar, wanting to have a fight.

They really liked and admired Ye Fei, they had already regarded Ye Fei as their brother.

This was not only because Ye Fei rescued them from the tower, but also because Ye Fei was open-minded, bold and responsible, and very appetite for them.

When the Battle of Yijianfeng broke out, they didn't know at all. If they had known it earlier, even if they tried their best, they would rush over to help.

However, by the time they knew about it, it was already too late.

The old beggar pushed away the old monster Xingyue directly, and roared in grief: "Brother Ye is my beloved brother! Do you think I don't want to help? Do you think you want to see Brother Ye become like this?!

How dangerous the situation was, what do you know? ! At that time, in addition to dealing with King Han and Shadow Demon, I also had to protect people from other sects!

I'm just a person, what do you want me to do? If I can, I would rather die in place of Brother Ye! ! ! "

Seeing the hysterical appearance of the old beggar, the heads and deputy heads of the eight martial sects present all bowed their heads slightly, feeling guilty and sad.

Therefore, if they were not present at the time, the old beggar would be more than enough to deal with King Han and Shadow Demon.

"What the old man said is that if there is no protection from the old man, we are afraid that more than a thousand people from each of our sects will have to die in the hands of the Shadow Demon and the Cold King..."

Wudang's deputy head trembled and said.

"You **** shut up for me!!"

The old monster Xingyue roared at Wudang deputy head, murderous in his eyes, and said: "What is your life and death, Lao Tzu!!"

If it wasn't for you stupid and caught the tricks of others, my little brother Ye wouldn't come over and clean up the mess for you! It will not become what it is now! !

In my opinion, none of your lives of more than a thousand wastes can be worth the life of my little brother Ye! ! "

Hearing the words of Old Monster Xingyue, the people of the Eight Martial Arts frowned. Although Ye Fei was the leader and very important, but Old Monster Xingyue said these things, which made them very unhappy.

However, when they thought of the strength and prestige of Old Monster Xingyue, and that they were indeed useless to others, they lowered their heads and did not dare to refute.

"Ye Fei... Ye Fei..."

Master Jinghui's eyes were swollen from crying. She was just standing by the bed, looking at Ye Fei's face, calling Ye Fei's name over and over again, hoping for a miracle.

"We were also wrong in this matter. If we could arrive earlier, it wouldn't make the matter so serious..." Old Ancestor Xuanyuan said with a sigh.

The other four great ancestors also sighed again and again, and their hearts were full of guilt and helplessness.

After they got the news, they rushed to Yijian Peak with their whip, but when they arrived, the battle was over and everything was too late.

Especially the ancestors of the Ji family and the Qin family, they thumped their chests and feet, and mourned in utter grief.

After all, Ye Fei is the Ji family, the Qin family's son-in-law, and the younger generation they admire.

Now, Ye Fei was unconscious and would die at any time. This made them very regretful, regretting that he couldn't arrive earlier.

The Poison King coldly glanced at the three Patriarch Xuanyuan, Patriarch Huangfu and Patriarch Gongsun, and said angrily: "Of course you are at fault! You are in the ancient martial realm. You obviously got the news, but you didn't arrive in time. What is the reason?!

I'm afraid you old guys just want to take this opportunity to get rid of Little Brother Ye, right? After all, Brother Ye had a hatred with you before, you should always hold a grudge, right? ! "

"Old Poison King! Don't spit people!!"

The ancestor Xuanyuan said furiously: "Although Ye Fei had enemies with a few of us before, since the moment Ye Fei was willing to join forces with our Antiquity Alliance to fight the Alliance of the Gods, the hatred has been resolved!

I, Huangfu ancestor, and Gongsun ancestor were in retreat at the time. After receiving the news, we rushed to Yijianfeng as soon as possible! How do we know that the war is over when we arrive? ! "

"Yes, Old Poison King, don't treat a gentleman like a villain! We are not as unbearable as you said!!"

The ancestor Huangfu also roared angrily.

"Who is the villain, who is the gentleman, I think you all know in your heart, why do I need to point it out!" Poison King said coldly.


The ancestor Xuanyuan was blown up with anger, and he was about to fight the Poison King.


Sitting by the bed, Ji Ruyue yelled, turned her head to look at the crowd, her eyes were red and swollen, and she said, "Feier has become like this, can you stop arguing!!"

After hearing Ji Ruyue's words, everyone fell silent and did not continue to quarrel.

Ji Ruyue looked at Ye Fei on the bed and held her child's hand tightly. She tremblingly said with a cry in her voice: "Feier...can you hear what the mother said? Fei'er, can you? Open your eyes and see your mother?

Fei'er, I'm sorry for your mother...If everything can be done again, mother will definitely not let you run for the position of the leader, and will not hurt you and let you get involved in this dispute...

I'm sorry, Feier, mother is really sorry for you..."

While she was speaking, Ji Ruyue's tears flowed down, and she couldn't stop it.

Hearing what Ji Ruyue said, everyone present was sighed for a while.

I am afraid that among all the people present, only Ji Ruyue is the most sad and heartbroken.

Ji Ruyue finally got acquainted with her son, but now, it is to be separated from each other forever, this kind of blow is no ordinary pain.

"Madam, don't be sad, Ye Fei will definitely wake up..."

Master Jinghui couldn't bear it too much, so she spoke softly with comfort.

Ji Ruyue turned to look at Master Jinghui, nodded, and then turned to look at Ye Fei on the bed.

"Dragon Lord, is the boss really... dead?"

Shi Junze's eyes were red, and he clenched his fists, his veins violent, and he asked with a trembling voice.

He couldn't believe that this matter was true. He dominates the world, the unparalleled boss really just left?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The dragon lord sighed softly and said: "Now Ye Fei has only one breath left. If that breath is gone, then Ye Fei will really not be able to wake up..."

"Why don't you think of a way to save the boss!!" Shi Junze whispered.

"I have already thought of everything I should think..."

The dragon lord sighed back.

"No, there must be a way..."

Shi Junze shook his head vigorously, his teeth clenched, and his pupils were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Junze, cheer up!!"

The Dragon Lord looked at Shi Junze with red eyes, and said: "The fact that Ye Fei is unconscious must not be spread, otherwise, the entire underground world will become turbulent again, have you heard it?!"

Shi Junze just stared at Ye Fei on the bed, was silent, clenched his fists, and his nails got stuck in the flesh.

He knew clearly that if he told Baal about this, everyone would go crazy, and everyone would go to the Alliance of the Gods desperately.

Moreover, other organizations that are eyeing the temple will also make a comeback and attack the temple.

Therefore, even if my heart is sad, I can never tell Barr about it.

"Brother Ye's pulse is weaker, and his breath is sometimes absent..."

The old beggar trembling gave Ye Fei a pulse and said something.

Then, the old beggar turned his head and glanced at everyone present, and hissed like crazy: "Is there any way you can do it? Is there any way everyone didn't think of?! You must save Ye brother, save my Ye. Brother!!"

But everyone was silent, thinking about all the methods that should be thought of, and all the famous doctors that should be hired, there is really no way...

"I can save him..."

At this moment, an ethereal and pleasant voice came in from outside the door.

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