Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2255: , The proud son of heaven!

"Who is it? Who is talking?!"

Hearing this sound, the old beggar lifted his spirits and quickly raised his eyes and looked at the door.

Everyone in the room also turned around one after another, looking for fame in the past.

When seeing the figure that appeared at the door, a stunning color appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

I saw a woman in white standing at the door.

The woman's skin is snowy, gentle as jade, and her eyes are like a puddle of clear water. When she is looking forward to it, she has a graceful and elegant temperament, which seems to be only in her twenties.

The woman wore a white dress and fluttered in the wind, a soft cloud of hair pouring down, her slender jade hand held a Shengxue long sword, and a palm-sized white jade gourd hung around her waist. It was beautiful, elegant and noble. Vulgar.

Suddenly, everyone thought that the fairy descended to the earth, making people photographed, embarrassed, and afraid to blaspheme.

However, everyone present was very puzzled, who is this woman and why did she appear here quietly?

If someone is approaching, everyone should be aware of it soon, after all, everyone is a warrior, and their perception is much stronger than ordinary people.

Could it be that this woman has a very high level of cultivation and light gong, can she walk in the snow without a trace, come and go silently?

But, that's not right, they don't even feel this woman's cultivation level.

However, among all the people present, others may not have noticed the woman's cultivation, but Xuanyuan ancestor, Ji family ancestor, five evil old men and old beggars were aware of the woman's cultivation.

Li Chen... Dacheng realm, only one step can you step into the heaven and human realm? ! !

The old beggars suddenly widened their eyes and looked at the woman like a monster.

This woman is so young that her cultivation has reached the realm of Lichen Dacheng. This, this is too enchanting, too defying, right?

After all, although the old beggars present were in the Lichen Realm, they were only in the Xiaocheng Realm. Although they were in Lichen, the difference between Xiaocheng and Dacheng was quite big.

Ye Fei had reached the realm of Vientiane Dacheng at a young age. He was already against the sky, but he did not expect that this white-clothed woman was even more terrifying.

Could it be that the young people nowadays are so talented?

"Who on earth are you?"

The ancestor Xuanyuan stared at the woman in white tightly, and asked with a shock, releasing the coercion of leaving the dust realm.

The old beggars also increased their vigilance and released the coercion.

After all, they didn't know the white-clothed woman with a high level of cultivation, so they didn't know whether this woman was an enemy or a friend.

If it is a friend, it is easy to handle, if it is an enemy, then everyone is really in danger.

Lichen achieves the realm of great achievement, that is a super powerhouse with half of his feet in the realm of heaven and human, I am afraid, if he and others join hands, maybe he can only fight with him...

For a while, the other people in the room felt the pressure released from the body of the old beggar and others. They were shocked to feel that their heartbeat was quickening, cold sweat became cold, and even breathing was a little difficult.

However, the white-clothed woman didn't seem to be affected at all, she didn't say anything, and ignored everyone, but walked straight toward the bed.

"Stop! Who are you?!"

The ancestor Huangfu directly stepped forward and stood in front of the woman in white.

The white-clothed woman furrowed her eyebrows, her red lips lightly opened, and said faintly, "Get out of the way."

Although the white-clothed woman's voice was very soft and light, it revealed an unrejectable pressure, which made the ancestor Huangfu, whose cultivation base was in the Dacheng Realm of Vientiane, couldn't help but sweat.

He looked stunned, he couldn't imagine that he, a master who had lived for hundreds of years, was shocked by the aura of a little girl.

Therefore, it also made him feel very shameless.

The ancestor Huangfu did not give way, but still stood in front of the white-clothed woman. Old Cheng said: "You girl, do you understand what I'm saying? I'm asking you!"

"Who am I, why do I want you to know?"

The woman in white met Huangfu's ancestor's gaze and asked naturally.


The ancestor Huangfu was speechless because of the words of the woman in white.

The people from all the big sects present looked at the woman in white with astonishment, and said to her heart, this woman is too domineering, dare to openly confront Huangfu's ancestor?

"Dragon Lord, do you think this beautiful woman has a personality similar to that of the boss?"

Shi Junze on the side touched his chin and asked in a low voice.

The dragon lord smiled helplessly, and said: "This woman is indeed a bit like that kid Ye Fei, the same domineering, the same arrogant, and the same don't know what she is afraid of..."

At this time, the ancestor Huangfu was already flushed with anger. He blew his beard and stared at the woman in white, and said angrily: "You girl, do you know who I am? Do you know what the inferiority of young and old is? !"

"I care who you are, what is the inferiority and inferiority of the old and the young? In my place, there are only the strong and the weak..."

The white-clothed woman replied calmly, and then prepared to bypass Huangfu's ancestor and walk towards the bed.

"What a arrogant female doll! Then I want you to see what is really strong!!"

The ancestor Huangfu was angry, he shouted, lifted a palm directly, and patted the white-clothed woman heavily.

"Huangfu stop!"

Seeing that the ancestor Huangfu was about to do something, Old Ancestor Xuanyuan yelled out to stop him.

However, Huangfu's ancestor has already shot a palm, it's too late!

However, when Huangfu ancestor slapped this palm, the woman in white didn't even look at him, just casually raised her left palm and greeted him!

boom! !

Accompanied by a muffled thunder and explosion, Huangfu ancestor screamed "Ah," and his body was directly shocked out. With a "bang", it smashed a mahogany table!

"Cough cough cough..."

The ancestor Huangfu lay in a piece of sawdust, coughing violently, feeling his whole arm numb, and his body was shaken to the ground.

When he raised his eyes again to look at the white-clothed woman, there was a touch of unwillingness, complexity, and even jealousy in his eyes.

The white-clothed woman turned her head, glanced at him indifferently, and whispered: "If you dare to do anything, I will kill you."


The whole room was quiet, and the needles dropped could be heard.

The white-clothed woman shook the palm of her hand and the ancestor Huangfu had already shocked everyone, and now it was even more shocking to hear the plain and murderous words of the white-clothed woman.

Beautiful, powerful, domineering, and arrogant are everyone's evaluation and impression of the woman in white at this time.

Some people who couldn't see the white-clothed woman's cultivation level, after seeing this scene again, they all understood.

The strength of this white-clothed woman is definitely much higher than Huangfu's ancestor!

What a monster!

However, what makes everyone unable to understand is that if there are such powerful masters in the ancient martial arts, then they should have heard of it, but why have they never seen this woman?

When everyone was thinking about it, the woman in white had already reached the bed.

She quietly looked at the weak and dying Ye Fei on the bed, with a rare gentleness on her face.

Seeing that the white-clothed woman didn't mean to hurt Ye Fei, they didn't say anything, but wanted to see what the woman wanted to do.

"Feier, I'm sorry, I am late..."

The woman in white said something softly, with a trace of regret and distress in her voice.

"This girl, do you know our Ye Fei?"

Seeing that the white-clothed woman didn't look like a bad person, Ji Ruyue asked softly.

"Mrs. Ji, I know Feier, I knew each other a long time ago..."

The white-clothed woman looked at Ji Ruyue gently and replied.

"Then are you Feier's friend, or..."

"I am Feier's master..."

The woman in white replied softly.

Master? !

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the woman in white dumbfoundedly.

This woman turned out to be Ye Fei's master? !

At this moment, everyone understands why this woman's strength is so terrifying, why this woman is so domineering and arrogant.

How can an ordinary person be able to be the master of this kid like Ye Fei?

The apprentices are already so against the sky, so I am afraid that the master is even more against the sky!

Master Jinghui also looked at the woman in white with a complicated expression, and said to her heart that she had never known that Ye Fei actually had a master, and that this master was still so young and beautiful, with an appearance that overwhelmed all sentient beings.

Originally, Master Jinghui thought that she was beautiful enough, but compared with this woman, it was really worse than a little bit...

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