Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2256: , I can save him!

Ji Ruyue was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Ye Fei with a gentle expression, and said, "So you are Fei'er's master. Fei'er mentioned you to me before.

Girl, thank you very much for taking care of Feier for so many years, for teaching him how to be a human being, and also for teaching him martial arts and medical skills...

Without you, Feier would not have become so good. Thank you very much, girl..."

"Madam Ji, you are serious."

The white-clothed woman shook her head, smiled slightly, and said, "Feier is destined to me, so I took him away. Feier can achieve what he has now is all on his own. I just guided him... …"

Everyone in the room thought that the woman in white had a cold temperament, and there was no expression on her face.

However, when they saw the smile on the corner of the woman's mouth in white, everyone's eyes were straight.

The woman smiled, and everyone was stunned to feel that the world was overshadowed, as if the most beautiful flower in the world had bloomed, and the beauty was so thrilling.

Ji Ruyue smiled and nodded, and asked: "By the way, girl, what's your name?"

"Dugu Yiren."

The woman in white opened her red lips lightly and said her name.

"Who sees Youren coming and going alone, misty and lonely. The so-called Yiren is on the side of the water."

Shi Junze on the side curled his lips, then smiled and answered, "Dugu Yiren, a good name."

"You are Shi Junze, right?"

Dugu Yiren turned to look at Shi Junze.

Shi Junze was a little flattered when seeing Dugu Yiren even knowing him, he nodded and said: "Yes, Miss Yiren, I am the brother of the boss."

Shi Junze hurriedly replied, and then continued: "By the way, Miss Yiren, since you are the boss's master, then you must have a way to save the boss, right?"

The others present also looked expectantly at Dugu Yiren.

After all, they had already thought of countless ways to treat Ye Fei, but they had no effect.

Today, they can only pin their hopes on the Dugu Yi, hoping that a miracle can happen.

"I can save Feier."

Dugu Yiren nodded.


When Shi Junze heard this, he was ecstatic, "Miss Yiren, can you really save the boss?!"


Dugu Yiren nodded calmly.

"Great! That's great!!"

"Feier is saved! Feier is saved!!"

"The lord is saved! Great! Thank God!!"

For a moment, everyone in the room cheered.

Today, Ye Fei, as the leader of the Ancient Alliance, not to mention his strength, is the backbone of everyone.

Moreover, the war is approaching, if Ye Fei falls at this time, it will be a huge blow to countless people.

But now that I heard that Dugu Yiren could save Ye Fei, how could everyone be unhappy and not excited?

Ji Ruyue looked at Dugu Yiren with tears in her eyes, and said: "Thank you, thank you so much for coming to treat Feier. Miss Yiren, you can just say what you need!"

"Nothing is needed."

Dugu Yiren shook his head.

Nothing needed? !

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard it.

"Miss Yiren, Ye Fei suffered a very serious internal injury. His muscles and veins were broken, and his internal organs were all injured, and he was dying. But you can treat Ye Fei without anything. I don't believe it." The ancestor stroked his beard and said.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not."

Dugu Yiren replied lightly.


The ancestor Xuanyuan was speechless at once, and this girl was too incapable of talking, and listening to it made people irritating.

However, when he thought of Dugu Yiren's strength, he just snorted and flicked his sleeves without saying anything more.

Not only the ancestor Xuanyuan, but most of the people present were a little bit unbelieving.

Doesn't it require silver needles or various medicinal materials to save people?

But this woman said that she didn’t need anything. Isn’t that too much?

"Girl, they don't believe you, old beggar I believe you!"

The old beggar came over, patted his chest and said, "You can give it a try. As long as you can save Brother Ye, even if you let the old beggar I kowtow for you!"

"Old predecessor, kowtow or something is unnecessary. Feier is my apprentice, and I should do my best to save him."

Dugu Yiren replied, and then turned to look at Ye Fei on the bed.

She didn't speak any more, but concentrated on her breath, a cold breath flicked through her calm eyes, and then turned her right hand!

I saw that there was an extra white silver needle between Dugu Yiren's slender fingers!

Moreover, what shocked everyone was that this silver needle was different from ordinary silver needles, but a silver needle condensed from Zhen Qi!

The point is that this Zhenqi Silver Needle is no different from an ordinary Silver Needle!

"True Qi transforms into form, with Qi transforms into reality!!"

The ancestor Xuanyuan couldn't help exclaiming when seeing Dugu Yiren showing this hand.

"Old Ancestor Xuanyuan, what is true Qi transforming form, using Qi to transform reality?"

A deputy head of the school asked curiously.

The ancestor Xuanyuan took a deep breath and slowly said, "If you want to transform your true Qi into form and use Qi to transform your body into reality, you must possess extremely deep internal skills.

With my current cultivation base and internal strength, it can be done, but it can't last long.

But this woman can not only do it easily, but can also be used to treat diseases. This is enough to prove that this woman's internal strength has reached an unfathomable level..."


Hearing what the ancestor Xuanyuan said, everyone took a deep breath, and they were obviously shocked by Dugu Yiren.

Dugu Yiren's fingertips held a silver needle of true energy, a pair of beautiful eyes quickly passed over Ye Fei's body, and then her right hand shook!

A thorn in the mortal world! !

call out! !

The Zhenqi Silver Needle drew a wonderful arc in the air, and then steadily pierced into a big hole on Ye Fei's body!

Hum! !

When the Zhenqi silver needle pierced the acupuncture point on Ye Fei's body, the silver needle quivered slightly!

This trembling sound appeared extremely clear in this quiet room, and it passed into everyone's ears!

Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded, and thought it was incredible!

Although Dugu Yiren only gave a shot, this shot was enough to shock everyone living in the room!

This woman really doesn't need anything to start treatment!

After applying the first stitch, Dugu Yiren raised her right hand, and another Zhenqi silver needle appeared at her fingertips!

Dugu Yiren's fingers clamped one end of the Zhenqi Silver Needle, and then lightly waved her right hand!

Two thorn sentient beings exchange for earth and heaven!

call out! !

The second needle, Canruo Meteor, once again steadily pierced the second big hole on Ye Fei's body!

"Is this..."

The ancestor Xuanyuan's heart shook, his eyes were rounded, his mouth opened even harder to close, and he couldn't restrain the excitement in his eyes!

"Ancestor Xuanyuan, what is it?" Ancestor Huangfu asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, this woman is using the legendary acupuncture technique-Taiyi Shen Needle!!" Old Ancestor Xuanyuan replied excitedly.

"Taiyi Magic Needle?!"

The ancestor Huangfu's expression changed, and said, "Could it be the top three Taiyi needles in China's "God Needle List"?!"

"Yes, it is definitely not wrong!"

The ancestor Xuanyuan looked excited and even excitedly said: "Moreover, in my opinion, this woman's mastery of the Taiyi Divine Needle is not only perfect, but also has reached the point of superb!

It is hard to imagine who this woman is, and why her martial arts and medical skills are at such a peak! ! "

Although the others in the room were not doctors, they also knew a little knowledge of Chinese medicine. Therefore, all of them were surprised by Duguyi.

"It's no wonder why the boss's medical skills are so superb. I didn't expect that his master's medical skills are even more against the sky..."

Shi Junze couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Maybe this lady Yiren can really cure Ye Fei..." The Dragon Lord squinted his eyes and said.

"It's not maybe, it must be!"

Shi Junze replied firmly with his eyes.

The dragon lord was taken aback, then he smiled, and said, "That's right, yes! This kid can't die!"

At this time, Dugu Yiren's expression had been focused to the extreme, and everyone's exclamation and exclamation had no effect on her at all.

Because she is the only one who knows how much Ye Fei's injury is. If it weren't for her to rush, if it wasn't for Ye Fei to breathe a sigh of relief, I'm afraid it would be difficult to save Ye Fei...

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