Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2257: , Dump all beings!

"Three thorns are perfect!"

Dugu Yiren's voice sounded indifferently, with the third Zhenqi silver needle in her hand, her jade hand waved again!

Hand up, the needle falls!

The third Zhenqi silver needle once again sank into the third big hole on Ye Fei's body!

Hum! !

Zhenqi Silver Needle quivered again in the same way!

At this moment, everyone present felt a blank mind!

Unexpectedly, in addition to seeing the stunt of "True Qi transforming form, using Qi to transform reality" today, they also saw the Taiyi Divine Needle that only appeared in the legendary ancient medical books!

Moreover, everyone feels that Dugu Yiren is not treating a disease, but is performing a beautiful and wonderful art performance!

With the beauty of the country and the legendary acupuncture technique, it is undoubtedly the most beautiful visual feast!

"Four thorns come back to life and go back!"

Dugu Yiren's techniques were extremely skillful. She held the silver needle of Zhen Qi, her bright eyes swept across Ye Fei's chest, and then the needle dropped quickly!

Shot like wind, clean and neat!

call out! !

With this needle, Dugu Yiren changed the acupuncture point and pierced the Shenque acupoint on Ye Fei's body!

Shenque point is one of the 36 dead spots of the human body!


Ancestor Xuanyuan's expression changed drastically, and said, " this too messy?!"

"No, this girl is not messing around..."

The old beggar shook his head and said, "Now, Brother Ye is already a half-dead person. He has already stepped into the Palace of the King of Hades with one foot. If he uses ordinary acupuncture and moxibustion, it will definitely not work.

This is why we have hired so many doctors to treat Brother Ye, but it hasn't achieved any results.

After all, if you want to save a half-dead person to life, it is a matter of changing your life against the sky. Naturally, you can't use ordinary methods to treat..."

"so it is……"

When Xuanyuan ancestor heard this, he nodded, feeling that what the old beggar said was reasonable.

At this moment, everyone in the room watched Dugu Yiren applying the needle intently, and did not dare to blink, for fear of missing any wonderful details.

And Dugu Yiren didn't pay attention to everyone, but concentrated on treating Ye Fei!

Everyone held their breath and watched Dugu Yiren drop the needle again and again!

"Five thorns, honesty and virtue first!"

"Six thorns are no good or bad for the treatment of diseases!"

"Seven thorns commoner is all cold!"

"Eight thorns sympathy implies spiritual suffering!"

"Nine thorns common people take the lead!"

After applying nine stitches in a row, Dugu Yiren stopped applying the stitches.

Buzzing! ! ...

I saw that the nine silver needles of Zhen Qi were on Ye Fei's body, and the four big acupoints and five dead spots trembled at the same time. In the huge room, he heard very clearly.

Moreover, with the trembling of the nine silver needles of true Qi, only strands of light blue Qi emerged from the acupuncture points on Ye Fei's body.

These light blue qi were the storm magic energy that Fengshen penetrated into Ye Fei's body and destroyed Ye Fei's body functions.

"This... who is this woman... She, she can actually display all the nine needles of the Taiyi Divine Needle..."

The ancestor Xuanyuan was almost speechless in astonishment. He didn't expect that one day he would see someone who could use the nine needles of the Taiyi Divine Needle all at once.

"Ancestor Xuanyuan, is it difficult to use Nine Needles?" an elder of the school asked puzzledly.

"Not only is it difficult, it is simply difficult to climb to the sky!"

The ancestor Xuanyuan swallowed his throat, and said: "The legendary magical acupuncture technique of Taiyi Shenzhen has only nine needles in total. If an average peerless doctor can display the first four needles, it would already be quite a godless existence. !

Because every additional stitch is applied, the difficulty is doubled! To use the Taiyi Magic Needle, you must focus your attention to the extreme, without making any mistakes!

A slight deviation will not only fail to treat, but will also kill people! Moreover, if there is no deep internal strength and true qi as the support, there will be no last shot at all!

If I were to administer the needle, I'm afraid I will be severely injured before the end, and I will collapse directly..."

Hearing the words of the ancestor Xuanyuan, a huge wave turned in everyone's hearts. When they looked at Dugu Yiren again, their eyes were not only shocked, but also awe and admiration!

At a young age, martial arts and medical skills are so good, it is even more evil than evil!

It wasn't until the acupuncture treatment by Dugu Yiren was over, and until the Yinzhen Yinzhen with Zhenqi disappeared from Ye Fei's body, Ji Ruyue dared to ask: "Miss Yiren, is Feier cured?"


Dugu Yiren nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "But it was not cured."

"Uh...little girl, is it cured?"

The old beggar looked at Dugu Yiren with a puzzled look and asked.

Others present also looked at Dugu Yi with a strange expression. Once he was cured, he was cured, and if it was not cured, there was no cure. She answered an ambiguous answer. What did she mean?

Dugu Yiren glanced at Ye Fei and said, "Feier's fortune telling is to be saved, but it takes a few days of treatment to wake up and recover..."

"Brother Ye's life was really saved?!"

When the old beggar heard it, he couldn't believe it.

The others were also unbelieving. After all, Ye Fei did not wake up, and was still in a coma.

"If you don't believe it, you can check it."

Dugu Yiren said lightly.

The old beggar nodded, then stretched out his hand to catch Ye Fei's pulse.

Although the old beggar's medical skills are not superb, it is still better than ordinary Chinese medicine. Therefore, he can check if Ye Fei's body has improved.

Originally, the old beggar didn't believe it very much, but after a few minutes, the old beggar's eyes suddenly opened, and his face showed a very excited and surprised expression!

"It's cured! It's really cured!!"

The old beggar released his hand and said with tears in his eyes: "Brother Ye's pulse is now gentle and powerful, and the breath in his body is smooth...Even the damage to the internal organs has been cured!!"

"Old beggar, are you true?!"

The Poison King still didn't believe it.

"Old Poison King, if you don't believe it, you can check it yourself!" The old beggar smiled.

"Check it!"

The Poison King blanked his eyes at the old beggar, and then he took Ye Fei's pulse by himself.

A few minutes later.

The Poison King turned to look at Dugu Yiren, took a deep breath, and said, "Thank you girl for helping me. I thank you on behalf of Brother Ye!"

"Thank you Miss Yiren!"

The old beggar's eyes were red, and he arched his hands at the Dugu Yiren.

When everyone saw the old beggar and the poison king say this, they were all excited, and the hanging heart finally let go.

Dugu Yiren did not pay attention to everyone, but looked at Ji Ruyue and said softly: "Mrs. Ji, I will take Feier out of here for the following treatment today. I hope you can agree."

"Ah? You want to take Feier away?!"

Ji Ruyue was stunned, a little hesitant, "This..."

"Little girl, although you are Ye Fei's master, you have also taken care of Ye Fei. We are very grateful to you.

However, Ye Fei is also the leader of our Antiquity Alliance, the backbone of everyone... Now, it is the tense period of our Antiquity Alliance and the Alliance of Gods. As the leader, Ye Fei cannot leave..."

Old Ancestor Xuanyuan stood up and said with a smile, "So, if you want to continue the treatment, you can stay here..."

"Shut up!"

Dugu Yiren screamed, and directly interrupted what the ancestor Xuanyuan was about to say.


Ancestor Xuanyuan frowned, his face instantly sinking.

This little girl is too rude, she has lived for hundreds of years anyway, doesn't he know that she respects her predecessors?

Dugu Yiren glanced at everyone present with an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "I want to take Feier out of here, just tell you!

Do you agree or disagree, I will take Feier away today! "

"Little girl, don't be too presumptuous! Although you are Ye Fei's master, Ye Fei is also the leader of our Antiquity Alliance!

If you want to take him away, you must get our consent! If we disagree, then you can never take Ye Fei away! ! "

The ancestor Huangfu answered angrily.

Just now, he was shocked by the palm of Dugu Yiren, and his heart was still angry, so seeing the ancestor Xuanyuan came out to oppose, he also jumped out.

Anyway, in his opinion, even if Dugu Yiren is strong, but there are so many people here, there are also eight masters who leave the dust, can it not deal with a little girl?

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