Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2258: , Dugu Yiren!

Dugu Yiren’s face completely cooled down. She glanced at everyone present, and said coldly: “You all seem to be doing good for Feier, but in fact you just want to use Feier to resist the gods for you. alliance!

If it weren't for you, how could Feier get involved in this war? How could he be severely injured and still unconscious and almost died? !

Also, let me tell you that Feier now has lost all martial arts, lost cultivation skills, and lost internal strength! Even if you want to use Feier again, it is impossible, because Feier is now an ordinary person! ! "

In the latter sentence, Dugu Yiren almost roared out, and mist appeared in those beautiful eyes.

When she arrived, she was really distressed when she saw Ye Fei's appearance.

If it weren't for these people, how could Ye Fei become what he is now?

So, this time, she would take Ye Fei away anyway.

If she stops, she will kill whoever!

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, dumbfounded, dumbfounded when hearing the words of Dugu Yiren.

Lost martial arts... Lost cultivation base... Lost internal strength... How can this be possible?

No one believes it, or can't believe it.

Such a powerful Ye Fei slayed the five gods of ghost face monk, burning sky, magic bow, water monster and thunder beast with his own power. How could Ye Fei, who was severely injured by the wind god, become an ordinary person? !

"Little girl, you... are you kidding?" the old beggar asked with a dry smile.

The others also looked at Dugu Yiren in a daze, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

"I'm not kidding, you can check it." Dugu Yiren said blankly.

The old beggar frowned and checked Ye Fei's body again.

A few minutes later, he sighed heavily, a look of indescribable helplessness flashed in his eyes, and slowly said: "Miss Yiren said the truth. Brother Ye's martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength are really gone... …"

boom! !

Hearing the words of the old beggar, everyone present was stunned to feel that a thunderstorm struck from the top of their heads, making them unable to recover for a long time.

The proud son of heaven, who has been rare in a century, was really abandoned like this?

Everyone sighed for a while, the world is impermanent, it is really unpredictable...

"How could this could this be..."

Shi Junze muttered with his eyes dull: "If the boss wakes up and knows the truth, how painful and sad the boss should be..."

As Ye Fei's brother, he knew Ye Fei's character very clearly.

Ye Fei has always been strong and will not admit defeat. Although he has a high talent on the way of cultivation, he still has to work harder than ordinary people, just to improve his strength and protect the people around him.

But now, Ye Fei's martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength are all gone, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Ye Fei.

Shi Junze felt bitter in his heart. If he knew something like this would happen, then he shouldn't have persuaded the boss to participate in this battle...

But, what to say now, it's too late...

The dragon lord sighed deeply and said: "If the people in the underground world learn about this, I'm afraid the underground world will become turbulent again, and there will even be a big reshuffle...

If the temple does not have Ye Fei and the Purgatory King, I am afraid it will become the object of countless people to carve up..."

"Do not!"

Shi Junze shook his head and said firmly in his eyes: "Even if the boss's martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength are gone, I and the other brothers and sisters in the temple will swear to protect this foundation for the boss!

Moreover, I believe that as long as the boss is still alive, the boss will do everything possible to get himself back to the top! A miracle will happen! ! "

The dragon lord’s face was full of helplessness and bitterness, and he said indifferently: “Junze, you should know that in the past hundred years, all warriors whose cultivation bases have been abolished have been depressed and reduced to ordinary people. No one can recover their strength. , Back to the top..."

"The boss has never been the same as ordinary people!"

Shi Junze frowned and said: "If there is a miracle in this world, then it was created by the boss!!"


The dragon master was startled, he wanted to say something, but he didn't go on.

What will the miracle really happen?

If Ye Fei really fell this time, the battle between the Ancient Alliance and the Alliance of Gods will become even more difficult...

He didn't know whether the miracle would happen, but he still looked forward to it, looking forward to Ye Fei's return of the king, leading the ancient alliance, and damaging the alliance of the gods!

At this time, Dugu Yiren did not look at everyone again, but turned to look at Ji Ruyue, and said: "Mrs. Ji, I will take Feier away to stay away from this dispute..."

Ji Ruyue wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, smiled and nodded, and said: "Okay, Miss Yiren, Feier will ask you."


Dugu Yiren nodded, then picked up Ye Fei, turned and walked outside.

"Step aside!"

Seeing everyone in front of him, Dugu Yiren screamed.

Everyone didn't dare to stop them anymore, and gave way.

Coming outside, Dugu Yiren's right foot lightly touched the ground, and his body floated up. After a few highs, he left the Ji family ancestral land...

Until Dugu Yiren and Ye Fei left, everyone in the room still didn't recover, and was still silent in the sadness just now.

There was deathly silence in the room, and everyone was silent and complex.

After a long time.

The Dragon Lord took a deep breath, stood up, and said: "Everyone, I know that the matter of Ye Fei's being deposed, everyone is not very comfortable in their hearts, and they are also deeply shocked.

However, I hope you can get out of this matter as soon as possible. Now is not the time to be sad... The Alliance of Gods is eyeing us, and we must be ready for the next battle with the Alliance of Gods! "

"Don't worry, Dragon Lord, even without Ye Fei, we can handle this battle!" Huangfu Ancestor said.

"Yes, the ancestor Huangfu is right! One less person will not have much impact on our Antiquity Alliance!"

Old ancestor Gongsun also stood up and took the sentence.

Although the dragon lord was a little unhappy, he smiled and nodded, and said: "Then I hope you will show your magical powers in the battle with the Alliance of Gods!"

"What's all this! I'm gone, when the Alliance of Gods calls over, you are telling us!"

With a low face, the Poison King beckoned to the old monster Xingyue, "Boss, evil emperor, human tutor, ghost, let’s go!!"

Old Monster Xingyue and the Evil Emperor nodded silently, and then left with the Poison King.

"Old beggar, I'm leaving too, see you during the war..."

With red eyes, the old beggar took a few sips of wine like catharsis, humming a Huayin old tune, and left the house.

In the voice of the old beggar, one can hear a trace of helplessness, a trace of sadness, a trace of vicissitudes and a trace of heartache...

After a while, everyone greeted them and left one after another, leaving only the Dragon Lord and Shi Junze.

"Mother Ji, don't be sad. Although Ye Fei has no martial arts and has become an ordinary person, at least he is still alive, isn't he?" The Dragon Lord smiled reluctantly and said.

"Yes, at least Feier is still alive..."

Ji Ruyue nodded, her son is still alive, that's enough.

"Mother Ji, don't worry, we will never forget Ye Fei's contribution to China Huaxia!"

The dragon lord bowed respectfully to the mistress of Ji family.

He respected Ji Ruyue not only because of Ji Ruyue's identity and status, but also because when he wooed Ye Fei, Ji Ruyue did not hesitate to support it and helped herself woo Ye Fei to join the Antiquity Alliance.

Moreover, after joining the Antiquity Alliance, Ye Fei did a lot of things for the Antiquity Alliance, stabilized people's hearts, killed the gods, and severely injured the Lord God...So Ye Fei had done enough.

Even if Ye Fei can no longer play for China, his admiration and appreciation for Ye Fei has never been reduced by half.

Shi Junze tried his best to make himself smile brighter, and said, "Auntie, don't worry, the boss is not an ordinary person, and his strength will definitely be restored!"

"It doesn't matter whether Feier's strength is restored or not. I only hope that in the future, Feier can survive..." Ji Ruyue choked.

"Most definitely."

Shi Junze gave Ji Ruyue a few more words of consolation, and then left with the dragon master.

After everyone had left, Ji Ruyue came outside, looked at the sky, tears streaming down, and muttered: "Feier, mother, I'm sorry. From now on, I must live on..."

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