Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2262: , Not worth mentioning!

Dugu Yiren's rare face blushed, and said, "Feier, I haven't seen you for so many years. I haven't learned the others, but I have learned the slippery tone."

"Hey, Master, is everything I said really good?" Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Okay, stop talking, eat yours."

Dugu Yiren shook his head amused.

After eating five or six bowls of rice in a row, Ye Fei hiccuped, patted his stomach, and said, "Master, I'm full."

After Dugu Yiren cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, she made a pot of tea and poured a cup for herself and Ye Fei.

Ye Fei took the cup and took a sip of tea, and then said, "Master, tell me quickly, what happened when I was in a coma?"

Dugu Yiren nodded, and then truthfully told Ye Fei what had happened before.

After listening to Dugu Yiren's words, Ye Fei said helplessly: "Unexpectedly, I was in a coma for more than ten days..."

"I thought it would take you a week to wake up, but your body is recovering pretty quickly." Duguyi said humanely.

Ye Fei put down the tea cup, looked straight into the eyes of Dugu Yiren, and asked, "Master, is my martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength really gone?"

Although he already knew the answer, he still couldn't believe it, and wanted to hear Dugu Yiren's answer.

"Feier, I think you should already know, why bother to ask me?"

Dugu Yiren picked up the teapot and poured another cup of tea for herself and Ye Fei.

"Sure enough..."

Ye Fei muttered to himself, his eyes dimmed.

Dugu Yiren sighed lightly and said: "Feier, in fact, you don't have martial arts, it is not a good thing..."

"What do you mean?" Ye Fei was puzzled.

Dugu Yiren met Ye Fei's gaze and said: "Feier, without martial arts, you will become an ordinary person, and then you will stay away from the dispute between the Ancient Alliance and the Alliance of Gods.

You know, what caused you to become the way you are now...

If you are not involved in this dispute, then you will not be dying of being beaten by the Fengshen of the Alliance of Gods, and you will almost die, and you will not lose your martial arts.

Therefore, Master does not want you to participate in this dispute anymore, and live your life well in the future... You have to know that the current strength of the Alliance of Gods is far stronger than that of the Ancient Alliance.

Fengshen, ranked twelfth, beat you like this. Have you ever thought about how strong the king of the gods, who is ranked first, should be? "

Ye Fei fell silent when she heard Dugu Yiren's words.

Although he knew that Dugu Yi Ren was doing it for his own good, but the war had already begun. Can he really stay out of the matter and abandon his relatives, lovers, and friends?

After this incident, Ye Fei did indeed think about taking Ji Ruyue, taking his own woman and friends away from China, and returning to the Lost Island to spend the rest of his life peacefully.

However, this is simply impossible.

Her mother, Ji Ruyue, as the head of one of the five great families of the Ancient Alliance, will definitely participate in this battle.

Moreover, Qin Menglan is the eldest lady of the Guwu Qin family, Liu Yiyi is the eldest lady of Yunxia Valley, and Su Luoyan is the eldest lady of Donghaimen. They will certainly not ignore their parents. Once the war breaks out, Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi , Su Luoyan will definitely go back to help...

My own relatives and women have been involved in this battle, so how can I really ignore them?

Ye Fei clenched his fist tightly, looked straight at the Dugu Yiren, and said: "Master, I know what you said, and everything you do is for my good.

However, there are my relatives and women, as well as my friends in the ancient alliance, how can I live on my own, regardless of them?

Master, I am not a savior. I am not involved in this war to defend China or the Ancient Alliance... I just want to protect the people around me..."

"As you are now, who else can you protect? Don't you even care about your own life in order to protect other people?!"

Dugu Yiren's face sank, and her voice increased a few decibels.

"Master, Ji Ruyue is my mother, and Qin Menglan, Liu Yiyi, and Su Luoyan are my women. How can I care about their life and death?"

Ye Fei met Dugu Yiren's gaze and said, "Master, you have always let me be an upright man, but at the most critical time now, how can you let me be a tortoise?"

"I'm not asking you to be a tortoise, I just want you to live well!" Dugu Yiren said emotionally.

"Master, I know you are kind to me... But, I really can't abandon them...

Even if my strength can't be restored, even if I desperately, I will protect them..." Ye Fei said firmly.

Looking at Ye Fei’s firm face, Dugu Yiren opened her mouth. She wanted to say something more, but after thinking about it, she said, “Feier, since you have made a decision, then Master will not persuade you anymore... …"

"Master, do you mean you agreed?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Fei's mouth.

"Even if I don't agree, will you listen to me again?" Dugu Yiren asked rhetorically.

"Sorry, Master, I can't listen to you this time."

Ye Fei replied apologetically, then looked at Dugu Yiren, and said, "Master, can my strength be restored?"

Dugu Yiren did not answer Ye Fei, did not say yes or no, but just picked up the tea cup and drank the tea.

"Master, you must have a way to restore my strength, right?" Ye Fei asked.


Dugu Yiren put down the tea cup, looked at Ye Fei, and said, "Feier, there is a way to restore your strength..."

"Really?! Is there really a way?!"

Ye Fei suddenly became excited.

Although Ye Fei was not too sad to be reduced to a waste, but if he could regain his strength, it would definitely be better.

"Feier, don't get excited first."

Dugu Yiren paused, and then said with a solemn expression: "I do have a way to restore your strength... But this method is very difficult. If you want to try it, it will definitely be a life of nine deaths..."

"Nine deaths...hehe..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Master, after so many years of walking, I have experienced more things in my life, but in the end it has not survived.

Moreover, I have already been regarded as a person who has died once, so I am not afraid of death...Master, as long as I can regain my strength, I am willing to try whatever I do! "

"Are you really willing to try?" Dugu Yiren asked again.

"Yes!" Ye Fei replied decisively.

Dugu Yiren sighed faintly, and said: "Well then, I'll take you over..."

After the two of them finished their last cup of tea, they left the bamboo building and came to the back mountain ten miles away from the bamboo building.

This mountain is 700 or 800 meters tall, and you can't see your head when you lift your eyes.

The waterfall fell like a milky way, hitting the rocks below the mountain, making a crisp sound.

Ye Fei looked around. Although he felt that the surrounding scenery was good, he didn't feel anything strange.

"Master, what are we doing here? Don't you want to take me to recover my strength?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

"Yes, the place where you can regain your strength is here." Dugu Yiren replied.


Ye Fei scratched his head and said, "Master, you didn't tease me anymore. How can this be a place where I can restore my strength?"

"Feier, wait a moment."

Dugu Yiren replied, holding a white long sword, stepping lightly on his feet, and leaping up.

I saw that after Dugu Yiren jumped into the air fifty or sixty high, he threw the white sword in his hand directly into the air!

"Ancient swordsmanship!!"

With a soft drink, Dugu Yiren raised his arms, and a force of infuriating energy swept out of the dusty realm.

In an instant, I saw that hundreds of white long swords formed by Zhen Qi suddenly appeared in the air.

These hundreds of Zhenqi long swords were suspended in the air, shining with a cold light under the sunlight, with a fierce killing intent.

"It's worthy of being a master, the same is ancient swordsmanship, but the power is so overbearing, and you can feel the killing intent even so far away..." Ye Fei muttered, staring at the hundreds of long swords above.

"Feier, get out of the way, the farther the better!"

Dugu Yiren shouted at Ye Fei.

"Yes, Master!"

Ye Fei responded, then turned around and ran away stubbornly...

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