Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2263: , Like the first sight!

No way, Ye Fei knew that he was an ordinary person now. If he didn't run, the hundreds of long swords would fall, and he couldn't stop it, that would be really dead.

After running to more than three hundred meters away, Ye Fei took a few breaths, then stopped, raised his eyes, and wanted to see what Dugu Yiren wanted to do.

After Ye Fei ran away, Dugu Yiren kicked his right foot down, and his body rose again by ten meters.

Immediately, Dugu Yiren waved his arms and chuckled softly: "Zhou Tian star formation! The formation is open!!"

The voice fell.

Shoo! ! ...

The sword of true Qi in the sky, with the sound of breaking through the sky, pierced downward!

Before the sword fell, the surrounding flowers and trees were all crushed by the sharp sword aura of these hundreds of long swords, and even the surrounding stones were cut with clear sword marks!

"Zhou Tian star formation?!"

Ye Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ye Fei had seen this formation from ancient books and classics before. It is said that it was an ancient great power in the ancient martial arts thousands of years ago, according to the "Xiantian Baolingtu" and "Hetu Luoshu", combined with three hundred and six Fifteen stars, among which the Sun Star and Lunar Star are the array eyes, and the array created thereby has the effect of protecting the world.

However, what makes Ye Fei puzzled is why the master wants to set up a large array of stars here, can it be said that there is something unknown here?

Without waiting for Ye Fei to think, these three hundred and sixty-five white long swords fell down, exactly corresponding to the position of the three hundred and sixty-five stars, and the two swords in the middle fell on the Sun Star and the Lunar Star. Locations.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Three hundred and sixty-five long swords fell, and the power of its explosion was unimaginable. The wind was strong, the boulders burst, and the water splashed! !

Only a few seconds later, only the sound of "rumbling" was heard, and the whole earth seemed to vibrate, as if an earthquake had occurred!

Even if it was more than three hundred meters away, Ye Fei could feel the vibration under his feet!

One minute later.

When Ye Fei raised his eyes and looked at it again, he was dumbfounded, and his whole person was stupid!

I saw that 20 meters away from Dugu Yiren, the big mountain with waterfalls, centered on the waterfall, the big mountain seemed to split longitudinally from the middle, moving slowly toward both sides!


Ye Fei couldn't help but burst into a swear word, puzzled.

Could it be said that this mountain was originally disconnected?

Twenty minutes have passed.

When the disconnected mountain moved hundreds of meters to the left and right, I saw that there was a mountain of hundreds of meters in it.

Tibetan mountains in the mountains? !

Ye Fei's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, his jaw almost falling in surprise.

In order to see the truth, Ye Fei quickly opened his legs and ran over.

"Master, this...what the **** is going on? Why is there a big mountain inside?" Ye Fei asked quickly.

Dugu Yiren looked at the big mountain inside and said, "Feier, the big mountain inside has been opened up. It is an independent space isolated from the outside, and it is also called the ‘Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm’.

In the ‘Xuanhuang Secret Realm’, it is divided into two spaces, one is the ‘cold cave’ and the other is the ‘flaming cave’. The temperature in the ‘cold cave’ is as low as tens of degrees, a bit lower than the temperature of the north and south poles on the earth.

And the temperature in the "yan cave" is as high as several hundred degrees, not much lower than the temperature of magma..."

"Two heavens of ice and fire?!"

Ye Fei couldn't help but exclaimed, the corners of his mouth twitched, and said: "Master, do you want me to go inside?"


Dugu Yiren nodded.

Ye Fei swallowed his throat and said, "Master, are you kidding me? If my current strength is still there, if I let me in, I can withstand the low temperature and high temperature inside.

But now I am an ordinary person. If I enter this place, I won’t be frozen to death, I’ll also be heated to death! This, Master, is there any other way? "


Dugu Yiren shook his head and said, "This is the only way I can think of."

"Master, did you create this'Xuanhuang Secret Realm'?" Ye Fei swallowed his throat and asked.


Dugu Yiren shook his head and said, "I discovered this place in an ancient book. At the beginning, I couldn't open it. Later, I spent a few years learning the'Zhou Tian Xing Chen Great Array'. Open the'Xuanhuang Secret Realm'.

According to the record in that ancient book, it is said that the ‘Xuanhuang Secret Realm’ was created by an ancient powerful person in the ancient martial arts world. The secret realm he created was used to cultivate and restore cultivation.

Cultivating in the "Xuanhuang Secret Realm" for one day is equivalent to an average warrior practicing outside for a year... It's just that because the environment inside is too bad, the average warrior can't bear it...

Therefore, even if those warriors know this place, they still dare not go in for cultivation, because going in is tantamount to suicide..."


Ye Fei's cheeks twitched, and he said to his heart that only a madman would dare to try this "suicidal" practice.

It's no wonder that those ancient books record that those ancient powerful people can move mountains and fill the sea, and now it seems that they are all true.

If you don't have the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea, how can you create such an independent secret realm and space?

On the other hand, in the current ancient martial arts world, most of them are mediocre people, except for being able to pretend to be compelling, they don't have much ability.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and asked curiously: "Master, have you ever gone in for cultivation?"

"Went in."

Dugu Yiren nodded and said, "It's just that I practiced inside. After I reach the Great Chen Licheng Stage, I can't break through anymore, so I haven't gone in again. Instead, I'm looking for other breakthrough opportunities."

"Lichen Dacheng realm...If I can reach this realm, I won't be afraid of the king of the gods in the Alliance of Gods..." Ye Fei looked authentic.

"Feier, Master asks you again, do you really want to go in for cultivation?" Dugu Yiren asked again.

Without any hesitation, Ye Fei nodded directly and said: "Go in! The big deal is death! If I can recover my strength or even break through, then I will earn it! If I really die unfortunately, it is also my life!"

"Well, since you have decided, then I will take you in."

Dugu Yiren nodded, and then led Ye Fei to perform light work, flew over a lake in front of the mountain and came to the foot of the mountain.

I saw that this big mountain really had a stone gate more than four to five meters high, which was tightly closed.

After Dugu Yiren found the mechanism, he opened the stone gate directly.

The Shimen opened, and Dugu Yiren took the lead and walked in.

Ye Fei took a few deep breaths and walked in.

After walking in, a long passage appeared inside. Ye Fei and Duguyiren walked for more than ten minutes before seeing a door again.

"Feier, this is the'Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm', you still have a chance to go back, are you sure you want to go in?" Dugu Yiren asked again.


Ye Fei pressed hard.

Dugu Yiren sighed lightly, then found the mechanism and opened the door.

When the door opened, a cold air came out, and Dugu Yiren didn't think there was anything, but Ye Fei was shaking with cold.

Ye Fei was shocked, just standing at the door and it was so cold. If he went in, wouldn't he be frozen into a popsicle?

"Go, let's go in."

Duguyi said humanely, and then stepped in.

Ye Fei gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and walked in.

When he walked in, Ye Fei was directly stunned by the scene in front of him.

There is a huge space inside. I don't know what stone is inlaid above the cave, emitting a white light, illuminating this space.

In this huge space, there are thick layers of ice on all sides, hundreds of meters thick, like an ice palace, which is very dazzling under the light.

And in the center of this space, there is a clear cold pool, braving the cold air.

"Feier, this is the ‘cold cave’."

Dugu Yiren said lightly, and then said: "Now, I will take you to the'yan cave' to see."


Ye Fei hugged his arms, shivering with cold, his face turned pale, his teeth were fighting, and his lips were frozen purple.

He had just come in, and he had already felt the cold deep into his bones within a minute...

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