Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2264: , Nine deaths!

"Feier, shall we go out?"

Dugu Yiren really couldn't bear it, she was able to withstand the severe cold, but Ye Fei couldn't.

Today's Ye Fei, physically weak, has no martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength, and wears thin clothes on his body, which is simply unable to withstand the extreme cold.

" going death going out..."

Ye Fei trembled and shook his head again and again, stubbornly so distressing.

Dugu Yiren sighed heavily and said, "Well, let's go!"

With that said, Dugu Yiren took Ye Fei and performed light work again and swept forward.

After passing more than two or three hundred meters, Dugu Yiren and Ye Fei came to the door of Yandong.

I saw that Yan cave and cold cave were not separated by a stone gate, but connected to each other.

A two or three-meter-high arc-shaped opening seems to have set up an invisible barrier, so that the severe cold of the cold cave and the heat of the hot cave will not affect each other.

Ye Fei was full of emotion. It seems that the ancient power a thousand years ago was really powerful, and he was able to create such two spaces. I am afraid that no one in this world can do this.

"Feier, this is the'yan cave'."

Dugu Yiren pointed to Yandong and continued: "The temperature in Yandong is as high as Baidu, and there is a Yantan in Yandong that is exactly the same as Hantan.

The temperature in "Hantan" is lower than that in Shanghai Baidu, while the temperature in "Yantan" is higher than that in Shanghai Baidu, reaching a thousand degrees, which is almost the same as the temperature of magma.

If your cultivation base is restored and you encounter the bottleneck of breakthrough, you can go to ‘cold pool’ and ‘yantan’ to practice and continue to break through..."

Feeling the severe cold in the cold cave, and seeing the flame cave that was burning red, Ye Fei thought to himself that practicing in the cold cave and the flame cave is already considered a "suicidal" practice.

If you are about to jump into the cold pool and the Yantan pool, it is not cultivation, it is definitely seeking death.

However, what Ye Fei thinks now is how to survive in such a cruel environment, and then practice and restore his strength.

If your strength really recovers, you can try to cultivate in the cold pool and the flame pool.

If those warriors in the ancient Chinese martial arts world knew that Ye Fei was going to practice in such a cruel environment, I am afraid everyone would think Ye Fei was crazy.

If you are not a lunatic, how can you choose this "suicidal" practice method?

After all, in the eyes of those warriors in China, tens of hundreds of years of retreat practice is already extremely boring.

But their cultivation method and the cultivation method Ye Fei is going to experience now are simply worlds apart.

Practicing in a cave or in a house in retreat, although boring, but at any rate worry-free.

However, cultivating in ghost places like Cold Cave and Yan Cave would be fatal at any time.

However, for Ye Fei, this kind of crazy and desperate practice is something he must endure.

Today, his martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength have all been abolished, plus the existing and potential enemies have appeared.

And these enemies are still old monsters that have lived for hundreds of years. If you don't recover your strength as soon as possible and choose a conventional practice method, let alone protecting the people around you, it will be self-protection, and it will be a problem.

Therefore, no matter how difficult this cultivation is, you must survive it!

Restore your strength, break through your cultivation base, and increase your combat effectiveness and lethality!

Only by achieving these goals, in the future war with the Alliance of Gods, can oneself be invincible!

"Feier, what are you in a daze? Did you hear what I told you just now?"

Seeing that Ye Fei was in a daze, Dugu Yiren asked aloud.

"Ah, oh, I heard that."

Ye Fei held his arms, twitched the corners of his mouth, and grinned reluctantly: "Don't worry, Master, I won't be so confused until my strength and cultivation base are restored."

"Well, just know it."

Dugu Yiren nodded and said, "Go, I'll take you in and have a look."

"Go in... Go in?!"

Ye Fei swallowed his throat and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Why, don't you dare to go in?" Dugu Yiren asked with a smile.

"Dare! What's not to dare! It's not going up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire!"

Ye Fei curled his mouth, gritted his teeth, and walked in directly.

When I walked into the Yan cave, a heat wave hit my face directly, and the severe cold just now was directly replaced by the scorching heat.

Ye Fei was already sweating profusely just when he came in, and his clothes were all wet with sweat.

Ye Fei felt his whole body burning like fire, his face was red and his ears were red, and the breath he exhaled was hot.

Moreover, the air in this inflammation cave is very thin, the heat waves are rolling, the air is hot, and it hurts to breathe into the lungs.

It hadn't been a minute, the shoes on Ye Fei's feet had been burned out of two holes, and the flesh was stuck to the ground, making a "sizzling" sound like a barbecue, and it was smoking!

The blood on the feet ran to the ground, but it was quickly dried by the temperature of the ground!


Ye Fei snorted, bloodshot in his eyes, and gritted his teeth, holding back the pain of burning flesh.

However, when Dugu Yiren came in, he had already activated his infuriating defense, so he was not affected.

However, when he saw Ye Fei's painful appearance, Dugu Yiren felt like needles and felt very distressed.

"Feier, your current body can't stay here for a long time, let's go out."

Dugu Yiren took Ye Fei's hand and quickly walked out of the Yan cave.

As soon as he walked out of the Yandong, Ye Fei instantly seemed to be saved, gasping for breath.

In just ten seconds, the sweat on Ye Fei's body dried up.

However, after a while, the heat on Ye Fei's body dissipated, and he felt the biting cold again, and his whole body trembled again.

Dugu Yiren sighed, took Ye Fei, and performed his light work again. After passing hundreds of meters, he returned to the doorway of entering the Profound Yellow Secret Realm.

"Feier, I'll ask you again, do you really want to cultivate here?"

Dugu Yiren looked straight into Ye Fei's eyes and asked.


Ye Fei tremblingly replied.

"Feier, once this stone door is closed, it cannot be opened unless you regain your strength and break it open forcibly.

In other words, if your strength is not restored, you will not be able to come out, you can only die here.

Even so, are you willing to practice here again? "Dugu Yiren asked again.


Ye Fei replied with a trembling, his eyes were extremely firm.

"Well, now that you have decided, then I won't bother you anymore..."

Dugu Yiren sighed lightly, then took out a small porcelain bottle from her arms and handed it to Ye Fei, saying: "Feier, this is the'Nine-Ranking God Pill' I refined, which can be used to restore your physical strength. .

There are only seven capsules in it. When you feel that your body's strength is about to be exhausted, take one capsule. "

"Thank you, Master."

Ye Fei took the porcelain bottle.

Dugu Yiren looked at Ye Fei tenderly and said, "Feier, although the environment here is very harsh, but the aura is very abundant, dozens or hundreds of times more abundant than outside.

Because the aura here is the aura of the heavens and the earth that came up to accumulate, and the inner gong mental method of the ‘sudden good fortune formula’ you have cultivated is a gong method that goes against the sky, so it’s very suitable to practice here.

Nowadays, the reason why you can't feel the existence of dantian is because your dantian has been completely damaged...

Therefore, the first thing you have to do is to re-search for the sense of breath, to operate the mental method, and to reshape the dantian. After the Dantian reshaping is completed, you can start practicing...

Here, whether it is forging your body or practicing your swordsmanship, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and it can also stimulate your body's potential and the greatest power of swordsmanship..."

Ye Fei endured the cold and listened attentively to every word that Duguyi said to him, and kept it in his heart.

A few minutes later.

Dugu Yiren stretched out her hand and gently stroked Ye Fei's face, and said softly: "Okay, Fei'er, that's all Master wants to tell you.

In the later cultivation, you have to rely on yourself, do you understand? "

"Feier understands."

Ye Fei nodded.

Dugu Yiren let out an "um", then turned and walked outside.

However, when Dugu Yiren walked to the door, Ye Fei hurriedly stopped her.

"Master, wait!"

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