Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2265: , Gen Huang Unexplored Area!

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Dugu Yiren turned around, thinking that Ye Fei regretted it.

However, she hoped that Ye Fei would regret it.

Because it may be the last time we met.

After all, practicing here is equivalent to suicide.

I think I almost died when I was cultivating here when I was able to cultivate. What's more, Ye Fei, who is now a useless person?

Ye Fei grinned and said, "Master, do you remember the original agreement? We agreed that as long as I grow up, I will marry you as a wife. Master, you shouldn't forget it?"

Dugu Yiren's pretty face blushed slightly, and said, "I haven't forgotten."

"Master, since you haven't forgotten, then you have to abide by this agreement!" Ye Fei said with a smile.

Dugu Yiren chuckled softly and said softly: "Feier, as long as you can come out alive, I will abide by this agreement."

"Okay! It's a deal!"

Seeing that Dugu Yiren agreed, Ye Fei smiled brighter, forgetting the severe cold for a while.

"Well, it's a deal!"

Dugu Yiren responded seriously, and then turned and walked out of the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm.

After going out, Dugu Yiren turned around and pressed the mechanism.

Rumble! !

I saw a thick stone gate slowly descending from above.

Ye Fei was standing inside, and Dugu Yiren was standing outside, the two of them faced each other, and their eyes were full of tenderness.

Both of them understood that maybe this was the last time they met.

After a while, Shimen still fell down and closed tightly.

A stone gate separates the two.

Looking at this closed stone gate, Dugu Yiren finally shed tears like pearls in her eyes. She murmured softly: "Feier, you must come out alive..."

After speaking, Dugu Yiren turned around and left the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

At this moment, Ye Fei was standing at the door of the cold cave.

He looked at the closed stone door, took a deep breath, clenched his fists, his muddy eyes became extremely sharp and firm, and said in a vigorous voice: "Master, don't worry, Feier will definitely know how Go out alive!!"

After that, Ye Fei calmed down and didn't think about it anymore, but found a clearing and sat down cross-legged.

Look for the sense of breath and reshape the dantian!

Ye Fei closed his eyes and began to look for breath.

However, now Ye Fei's body is too weak. When he was just about to concentrate and look for the sense of breath, he felt a wave of cold air through his clothes, flesh and blood, directly into the bone marrow!

This also directly affected Ye Fei's attention!

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is so cold

Ye Fei opened his eyes and exhaled as he rubbed his hands.

However, the little heat coming out of this ha has no effect at all.

Ye Fei's face was pale, shivering with cold.

Moreover, this cold air even penetrated into his internal organs, making him feel that his heart was chilling.

Ye Fei's eyes became dull and numb. He looked at the white space around him and said: "This is just the beginning. If you can't bear it now, let alone the later cultivation...

No, you can't continue like this. If you continue like this, not only will you not be able to recover your strength, you will probably be frozen to death first..."

Thinking of this, Ye Fei focused again and began to look for a sense of breath.

However, Ye Fei was disturbed by this cold air time and time again, making him unable to practice normally at all.

Time and time again, the attempts were accompanied by failures.

After trying dozens of times in a row, the temperature of Ye Fei's whole body dropped rapidly, his nose and tears flowed out from the cold, and he was very embarrassed.

Moreover, Ye Fei felt his head groggy, top-heavy, and his body was burning like a fire, becoming hot.

Ye Fei knew that he had a cold and a fever.

I used to have a tyrannical body and deep internal strength, so I didn't even know what a cold was.

But now, I actually caught a cold, and this bit of pain was infinitely magnified in such a cruel environment, which made Ye Fei suffer deeply.

However, Ye Fei did not give up, but dragged his weak body, trying to find a sense of breath again and again.

After the 81st failure, Ye Fei couldn't bear a muffled sound of "bang", and his body skewed and fell directly to the ground.

Ye Fei curled up, the scene in front of him scattered for a while, and overlapped for a while, and a lot of phantoms appeared.

After a while, Ye Fei slowly closed his eyes and passed out into a coma...

I don't know how long he has been in a coma, Ye Fei's body suddenly hit a spirit, twitched, and then he was suddenly awakened from the cold.

Ye Fei patted his forehead, sat up slowly, and looked at the white space around him. He didn't know when it was or how long he had been in a coma.

However, Ye Fei knew that now was not the time to care about time, he had to quickly find the sense of breath, reshape his dantian, and start practicing.

Only when you start to cultivate and have True Qi flowing in your body can you withstand the severe cold.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei began to concentrate again, looking for a sense of breath.

However, whenever Ye Fei focused, he would be disturbed by the bone-chilling chill.

After several times, Ye Fei was directly angry.

"Malgobi's! Fight it!!"

Ye Fei roared and bit the tip of his tongue directly, and then slammed his fists violently against the thick ice on the ground!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

After smashing more than a dozen punches, Ye Fei's hands were smashed and become bloody.

The pain in his hands and the **** smell in his mouth stimulated Ye Fei's brain, refreshing him and forgetting the cold for a while.

And Ye Fei quickly took advantage of this opportunity to concentrate and look for a sense of breath.

However, although this method can prolong the time of concentration, it will not be prolonged for too long, and it will be disturbed by the cold.

However, Ye Fei was like going crazy, constantly swinging his fists and hitting the ice.

The ground was already full of blood, and Ye Fei's hands were already covered in flesh, and they were even paralyzed, and he didn't feel any pain.

Under such conditions of physical and mental suffering, Ye Fei kept trying.

Time passed slowly, after trying thousands of times, when Ye Fei felt an air current flowing slowly in his body, his heart suddenly became excited!

found it!

Find the breath!

Ye Fei was surprised, and continued to strike while the iron was hot, and began to operate the "Enchanting Techniques", trying to absorb the aura in this cold cave!

As Dugu Yiren said, the aura in this cold cave is very abundant. When the "Sudden Good Fortune Art" mental method started to work, Ye Fei felt like a sponge, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the cold cave wildly!

Then, Ye Fei transformed the abundant aura of heaven and earth into zhenqi, and drove it to the pubic area, and began to repair the broken pubic area!

The rich infuriating energy enveloped the damaged dantian, and began to repair it!

However, because the dantian was too badly damaged, Ye Fei exhausted the zhenqi absorbed into his body and only repaired one percent!

However, Ye Fei did not stop running his mind, but constantly absorbed the spiritual energy in the cold cave, transformed it into true energy, and performed complex and precise repairs!

Time passed, and I don't know how long it has passed.

When the dantian repaired one-fifth, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his body seemed to be exhausted, and his physical strength was directly exhausted!


Ye Fei let out a deep breath, took out the porcelain bottle from his pocket, and poured a "Nine Turns Nourishing God Pill" to take it.

When the Nine Turns Yangshen Pill entered Ye Fei's body, it immediately melted away, as if the car was filled with oil, allowing Ye Fei's body to regain its strength!

"Very good! Go on!!"

Ye Fei roared and continued to repair his dantian.

In this space, it is always like daylight, without knowing the time.

But now Ye Fei didn't care about time or time to rest. Instead, he used every minute to repair his dantian.

Ye Fei's dantian was completely repaired after taking three pills of Nine Transformation Nourishing God Pills!

"Hahaha!!...I didn't expect that I, who was reduced to a waste of life, would be able to reshape my pubic area again and change my life against the sky...Good! Very good!!"

Ye Fei was so excited that he couldn't help but laughed wildly up to the sky.

The pubic area is repaired, which shows that he has taken a big step on the road to restore his strength!

Ye Fei's eyes became bright again...

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