Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2267: , Yangtian laughed wildly!

"Remote points to the stars!!"

"Chasing the cloud and chasing the moon!!"

"All beings punish!"

"One sword hides the air!!"


One sword after another, the power of each sword increased layer by layer, and the entire cold cave was constantly shaking, and the huge sword in Ye Fei's hands had cut deep cracks in all directions of the cold cave!

Because Ye Fei's cultivation has returned to its peak, and his body's endurance has greatly increased, the severe cold in the cold cave can no longer affect him!

After swinging several swords in a row, Ye Fei slammed on the ground!

Boom! !

There was a bang!

The ice on the ground shattered, and Ye Fei's body jumped to a height of thirty or forty meters!

Immediately, Ye Fei clenched the infuriating giant sword with both hands and let out a shocking shout in his mouth!

"The sword dominates the world!!"

boom! !

The Great Sword of True Qi fell from the air like a missile, directly breaking the ice on the ground, and punching a deep pit up to 30 to 40 meters deep and 20 meters in diameter! !

Bang! !

As soon as Ye Fei landed, holding the sword in one hand, he struck a sword forward again!

"Ten thousand swords are coming!!"

Huh! !

With a sword, the entire cold cave shook!

In an instant, countless golden sword shadows hovered in the air and shot out towards the ice wall in front! !

Boom boom boom boom! ! ...

Accompanied by a violent impact, the entire ice wall was punched out of dense pits, like a hornet's nest!

On the ground, there was a gap of fifty to sixty meters long!

After the sword fell, Ye Fei quickly raised the infuriating giant sword again and pointed it upward!

"Ancient Sword Dragon!!"


The sound of the dragon chant resounded!

A stegosaurus made up of countless golden sword shadows roared out, tossing and dancing in the cold cave, knocking out huge pits on the ice wall on all sides of the cold cave!

And the whole cold cave shook violently and shook for a long time!

It lasted for a few minutes, and when the ancient sword dragon disappeared, the cold cave stopped shaking and shaking!


All the sword moves of the ancient swordsmanship were used in succession, and the physical strength and true energy consumed were not ordinary, and Ye Fei gasped violently.

However, not only did Ye Fei not feel tired, but on the contrary, he became more excited and excited!

Because, he clearly felt that his body and strength had been significantly improved, and even the power of ancient swordsmanship had also greatly increased!

Now, cultivating above the cold cave, Ye Fei is no longer satisfied!

He slowly turned around and looked at the clear but unseeable cold pool!

"I'll go there to practice later..."

Ye Fei let out a deep breath and sat down to rest for a while.

After he recovered his physical strength, Ye Fei used the "Turtle Breath Technique" to release all the qi of Vientiane, forming a defense, and then with a "plop", he jumped directly into this cold pool!

This cold pool is more than 100 meters deep, and the more you go down, the greater the pressure!

The limit of a normal person is to dive to a depth of more than 20 meters. Therefore, the pressure of a depth of 100 meters is not something normal humans can resist!

Coupled with the temperature of this cold pool, it is as low as a limit!

Entering the cold lake, it will not only face the water pressure, but also face the icy cold!

Although Ye Fei's current martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength have returned to the peak, when he reached the deepest part of the cold lake, Ye Fei still felt very painful!

It was as if several hundreds of tons of mountains were pressing on him, and he felt as if the whole person was about to be crushed, and the cold cold air pierced his body like a sword!

Ye Fei released all the strength of the physical body and the power of true energy to resist the oppression and cold!

In this extremely cold and cold pond, Ye Fei constantly exercised his body, constantly wielding the great sword of infuriating energy in his hand, and performing ancient swordsmanship!

In the cold cave, the environment is already quite harsh compared to the outside, and the difficulty of cultivation has increased dozens of times!

Now that he enters the cold lake, the difficulty of cultivation has increased hundreds of times!

At this moment, Ye Fei is experiencing the extreme test of his body!

Every time he swings his sword, it is extremely difficult!

Every time the sword was swung, it was like turning over the river and the sea, and the water in the entire cold pool was tumbling violently!

At first, Ye Fei could only stay in the cold pool for a few minutes and couldn't hold on anymore. He had to go back to the top and rest for a while.

But after practicing, the time that Ye Fei could persist in the cold pool was extended from a few minutes to ten minutes, to half an hour, and even to an hour in the end!

After cultivating in the cold pool for several hours, Ye Fei thought of going to an interview to try ancient swordsmanship!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei kicked his feet to the ground!

boom! !

Accompanied by a low muffled sound, Ye Fei directly broke through the water in the cold pool and rose rapidly, rising into the sky!

When he jumped out of the cold pool and reached more than 30 meters above the cold cave, Ye Fei held a sword with both arms, and he swung his sword heavily toward the ground ahead!

boom! ! ——

A hundred-meter-long sword intent was like a broken bamboo, swayed out, and then fell heavily to the ground!

This sword is like a giant swinging a sword. Ye Fei was taken aback when he saw a ravine that was 100 meters long and tens of meters deep in front of him, as if he had cut out a canyon. !

"I'll go... this... is this the sword I wield?"

Ye Fei fell on the ground and swallowed his throat, feeling a little weird.

I only practiced in the cold pool for a few hours, and the power of ancient swordsmanship is so great... Then if I practice for a few more hours, wouldn't it be against the sky? !

There is no doubt that Ye Fei even felt that even if his cultivation base hadn't broken through to Lichen now, he could defeat Fengshen with swordsmanship alone!

Ye Fei took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and continued to practice in the cold pool for a few hours, and then took a Nine Turns Nourishing God Pill. After regaining his strength, he turned his head and looked at the flame cave in the distance!

Given his current physical condition, he should be able to practice in the Yan Cave.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei carried the infuriating giant sword on his shoulders, and then strode towards the Yandong...

at this time.

Outside of Xuan Huang Mi.

The huge mountain that is over a hundred meters high has closed once again, concealing the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm.

At this time, it was the evening, and the sun was setting, and the sky was full of clouds.

With waterfalls flowing, breeze blowing, and birds singing, everything is so natural and harmonious.

Dugu Yiren was standing there quietly, her eyebrows frowned, her face full of worry.

Since leaving the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, Dugu Yiren will come here every day.

"Three days have passed, and I don't know how Feier is now..."

Dugu Yiren pursed her red lips lightly, wanting to open the big formation and enter the mysterious yellow realm to take a look.

But, soon, Dugu Yiren dispelled this idea.

It has only been three days, if Feier can't hold it for three days, then his strength will not recover.

After seven days, let's start the battle again.

On the seventh day, whether Feier came out or not, he had to go in and take a look.

Dugu Yiren sighed softly and murmured: "Feier, you were not an ordinary person by birth. You must survive this difficulty..."


In the Pacific Ocean, an island is suspended in a forgotten corner.

The main island is crescent-shaped, and there are many small islands around it, as if stars envelop the moon.

This island is the Lost Island, and is affectionately called the "Forgotten Kingdom" by those who know it.

At this time, in a huge castle on the island.

In the hall.

"Jayne, what you said is true? You didn't kid me?!"

Elena, wearing a light blue dress, was very excited and stood up directly from the sofa.

Shi Junze spit out a long puff of cigarette with a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Elena, do you think I will be kidding you about this kind of thing?"

" are absolutely lying! You are lying, right?!"

Elena stared at Shi Junze closely, and said: "Wang is so powerful, how could he be degenerated into a useless person?! Jayne, this kind of joke is not funny!"

Shi Junze looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot.

In the past few days, ever since he learned that Ye Fei had become a useless person and left, he hadn't had a good night's sleep.

The news that the boss has become a useless person will not be concealed for long. Once other organizations and forces in the underground world learn about this, the temple will be in danger.

Therefore, despite the opposition of the Dragon Lord, he rushed to the Lost Island directly, wanting to discuss the countermeasures with Elena, what should be done in the days when Ye Fei is away.

Shi Junze greeted Elena’s gaze, sighed, and said seriously: "Elena, what I said is true... Although the boss has recovered his life, his martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength have already All gone..."

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