Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2268: , Wanton catharsis!

"How could this could this be..."

Elena seemed to have been struck by lightning, and her whole person was dumbfounded, her face changed drastically, she shook her head again and again, her face was full of incredible expression.

She knew that Shi Junze would not lie to her, she just couldn't believe it.

With such a powerful king, how could he be easily severely injured and degenerated into a useless person?

Shi Junze looked at Elena with a sad expression, and said: "Elena, calm down, the boss has something wrong, and everyone feels uncomfortable.

However, the more difficult it is now, the more we need to stay awake. The boss was seriously injured, and the news that his strength was abolished would certainly not be kept for long before it would be known to the people in the underground world.

When the boss was there, those guys dared to besiege our temple...If they knew that the boss was gone and was abandoned, I'm afraid those guys would pounce on like a wolf..."

"Jayne, who really killed the king?!" Elena asked hers with her pink fist tightly.

"The one who almost killed the boss was the twelfth main **** in the Alliance of Gods, the wind **** Kukulkan..." Shi Junze replied indifferently.

"Alliance of the Gods!!"

Elena gave a low cry, a **** murderous intent appeared in her eyes.

In an instant, because of anger and hatred, Elena was directly transformed into a fighting form!

Her long amber hair turned into a silver hair, her pupils exuded a coquettish blood red, and even the nails of her hands became black and long, like fallen angels in purgatory!

"I want to avenge the king! I want to kill Fengshen!!"

With that said, Elena turned around and was about to leave the hall.

"Elena, don't be impulsive!!"

Shi Junze was shocked, and quickly stopped in front of Elena, and said in a deep voice: "The strength of the Alliance of Gods is unfathomable, and Fengshen is even more powerful! Even the boss can't beat him, you go there. Undoubtedly looking for death!!

The boss is not dead, but martial arts has been abolished! If the boss comes back and learns that you died in order to avenge him, the boss may go crazy! ! "

"Then what should I do?!"

Elena stared at Shi Junze, hissed: "Aren't we going to repay this hatred?!"

"Elena, do you think I feel good? Do you think I don't want to avenge the boss?!"

Shi Junze said with red eyes: "However, with our current strength, we can't avenge revenge at all! It's just death!

The wind god, ranked twelfth in the Alliance of Gods, is already so powerful, aren't the main gods in the front row even stronger? "

"Since the two of us can't get revenge, then I will call Barr and Alston all back!"

Elena has been dazzled by anger, "If Baal and the others learn this news, they will definitely be like me, desperate to avenge the king!!"

"Because of this, I didn't tell Barr about it!"

Shi Junze yelled and said, "Elena, because you are so smart and calm when things happen, I will tell you this!

Unexpectedly, you were dazzled by hatred and become unlike yourself! If I knew this, I shouldn't have told you about it! ! "

"Jayne... I'm really sad, really angry... Wang has always been arrogant. Now that his martial arts are gone, he has become a useless man, so how painful and sad the king should be..."

Elena murmured, tears streaming down unconsciously.

Shi Junze stared at Elena's eyes tightly and hissed: "Elena, can you calm down? You must cheer up!

You are the eldest woman, or the master of the temple, you are super wise, if you even fall, what should the temple do?

Do you really want to watch the temple being divided up by those wolf ambitions? "

"Then... what should I do now?" Elena asked, crying.

"The most important thing for us now is to help the boss protect the temple!"

Shi Junze replied, and then vibrated: "The boss was born extraordinary, he was born a dragon, he is a dragon, so he will not be willing to sink under people, one day he will fly above the nine heavens again!

Therefore, we should believe in the boss, and believe that one day he will definitely return! ! "

"Yes... I want to cheer up... I want to help my king protect the temple..."

Elena seemed to wake up, her fighting form retreated, and she returned to her previous appearance.

Just now she was just dazzled by anger, and now after hearing what Shi Junze said, she knew that she was indeed too impulsive.

Although she was very angry and wanted to avenge Ye Fei, she couldn't take the lives of all the brothers and sisters in the temple because of the revenge.

"Elena, it wouldn't be better if you could think like this..."

Shi Junze smiled slightly, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

However, as soon as Shi Junze finished speaking, a purgatory knight rushed in.

"Your Excellency Elena, Your Excellency Jayne, you have something to report!"

"What's the matter, say!"

Elena wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and regained her former composure and domineering.

"Your Excellency Elena, the people of the'Nation of Ability' are asking for a meeting, shall we invite them in?" the purgatory knight asked respectfully.

"Huh? People from'Nation of Ability'?"

Elena frowned slightly, and said, "Our temple has never had anything to do with the ‘country of supernatural powers’. What’s the matter if they come to see us today?"

"Your Excellency Elena, I don't know what's going on with them this time. However, they said, the leader of the ‘Nation of Ability’, the Dark Adjudicator, asked them to come over." The Purgatory Knight replied.

"Dark Adjudicator?"

Elena squinted her eyes and said, "The status and status of the Dark Adjudicator in the world is equal to that of my king. Since he has sent someone over, we can’t shut them out... Cahill, you take They come in."


The fierce knight nodded, and then left the hall.

As soon as Cahill left, Elena looked at Shi Junze and said, "Jayne, what do you think the Dark Adjudicator sent over this time?"


Shi Junze snorted coldly and said, "I think there must be nothing good!"

"Why do you say that?"

Elena was a little puzzled.

"Elena, the Dark Adjudicator is a **** disciple in the Alliance of Gods... Not long after Fengshen of the Alliance of Gods wounded the boss, he sent someone over...

I think the Dark Adjudicator must have two purposes when he came here this time, one is to inquire about the truth of the boss, and the other is to rush to our temple..." Shi Junze said solemnly.

"The idea of ​​hitting the temple is just a delusion!!"

When Elena heard it, her face suddenly became cold.

"Elena, don't rush to get angry. When the people from the'Nation of Ability' arrive, we will ask them what is the matter." Shi Junze said.


Elena nodded.

After a while, the purgatory knight named Cahill walked in with two people.

The two of them, one of them wearing white tailored suits, are only a few meters tall, they are also very thin, with brown curly hair and brown eyes.

The other person was wearing a light gray suit, tall and mighty, with a rough face, and a beard. His eyes were green, which was very strange.

Because these two people come from the country of supernatural powers, and the people in the country of supernatural powers gather together with supernatural powers in this world.

Some are the same as ordinary people and can't see much, but some are different from ordinary people, so Elena and Shi Junze are not surprised.

"His Excellency Elena, Your Excellency Jayne, how are you. Please allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Elberta from the ‘Nation of Ability’ and this is Amanda."

After the man in a white suit named Elberta came in, he smiled and introduced himself and the man beside him.

"My Excellency, hello!"

Amanda stroking her chest with her right hand, bends slightly.

Elena nodded, pointed to the sofa, and said blankly, "Sit down, please."

"Thank you Elena."

Elberta smiled, and then sat on the sofa with Amanda.

Elena ordered someone to pour two glasses of water for the two of them, and then said: "Our temple and your "country of supernatural powers" have always been well watered and have nothing to do with river water.

I don't know what happened to the two who have travelled here this time? "

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