Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2269: ,you are lying!

Elberta put down the cup and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Elena, this is the case. I heard that the purgatory king seems to be injured.

Therefore, our leader, the Dark Adjudicator, specially asked us to express our condolences, and want to see if the Purgatory King is in any serious trouble..."

Hearing this, Elena and Shi Junze both frowned and their faces sank.

Elena looked at Elberta and asked in a deep voice, "Who did you hear?"

"Naturally we listened to what our leader said..."

Elberta smiled and said: "Moreover, now this news has spread, almost everyone in the entire underground world knows it, but everyone is just a little uncertain now..."

Snapped! !

Elena slammed the table and said angrily: "It's nonsense! My king is very good, how can I be injured!!"

"Is it really not hurt?"

Elberta smiled and said: "Since the Purgatory King is not injured, where is the Purgatory King now?"

"My king is busy with his own affairs in China!" Elena replied with a shock.

"Isn't that necessary?"

Elberta curled his lips and said: "Our leader told us that the purgatory king seemed to have been seriously injured in a great battle, and even his martial arts had been abolished. Now even people have disappeared..."

"I repeat it again! My king was not injured, nor did his martial arts be abolished as you said!

If you are here to say this, please go back, our temple does not welcome you! "

Elena was furious. Although the matter was true, she couldn't admit it at this time.

Shi Junze's face also became cold, and it seemed that these two guys were indeed unkind.

"Hey, Sir Elena, don't worry, we haven't finished our words yet!" Elberta said with a smile.

"What else, hurry up! When you're done, get out!" Shi Junze clenched his fists and said coldly.

Elberta smiled, and said: "Since both of you have issued the eviction order, then I will make a long story short.

Now that the purgatory king was injured and abolished, it has become a fact. It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. In short, we all know it well.

Our leader said that the purgatory king has now become a useless person and no longer has the power to protect the temple.

Without the temple of the purgatory king, the deterrent power has been greatly reduced, and it is no longer enough to deter other organizations and forces in the underground world.

Therefore, our leader said that we are willing to give your temple a chance to take refuge in our ‘land of supernatural power’.

As long as you take refuge in our "country of supernatural powers" and have the shelter of our leader, your temple will be safe and sound, and will not be eroded by other organizations and strength..."

"shut up!!"

Elena roared and said: "Our temple will not take refuge in anyone! Even if my king is seriously injured as you said, and is still a useless person, our temple is still not that easy to be destroyed!

If those younger generations dared to attack our temple, all the brothers and sisters in our temple would destroy them even if they tried their best! ! "

"Hehe, can your temple really stop other organizations and forces from encircling and suppressing it now?"

Elberta sneered and said disdainfully: "As far as I know, before the Delta Force led a dozen organizations to encircle and suppress the temple, in the end it was the Purgatory King that won the final victory!

Yes, the strength of your great demon kings is indeed pretty good, if you only deal with a few organizations and forces, it's okay.

However, if those organizations and forces unite to encircle your temple as before, how can your temple resist it? "

"It won't bother you, the Dark Adjudicator!"

Elena looked cold and said: "Go back and tell the Dark Adjudicator to let him put away his sinister thoughts! Our temple will never take refuge in him!"

"You really don't think about it anymore?" Elberta asked with a light smile.

"Cahill, see off!"

Elena didn't want to talk to this guy any more, and directly gave the order to the purgatory knight on the side.

"Two, please leave!" Cahill said coldly.

"You don't need to rush, we will leave naturally after talking."

Elberta glanced at Cahill with contempt, then looked at Elena and Shi Junze, and said: "Two, I still advise you to think about it.

Our leader said that he wants to have a friend with the purgatory king, and is unwilling to use force to solve the problem, so he wants to give you five days to think about it.

After five days, if you still haven't answered, then our "country of supernatural powers" will only consider using force to subdue your temple.

If the blood ran into rivers and the bones became mountains at that time, it would be bad..."

Shi Junze opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and shook his voice: "Go back and tell the Dark Adjudicator that if he wants to fight, we will fight!!"

"Your Excellency Jain, don't say it too early, you still have five days to think about to choose, you should think about it, hahaha..."

With that, Alberta stood up with a laugh and waved, "Amanda, let's go!"

Afterwards, Elberta and Amanda left the temple.

After Elberta and Amanda left the castle, Cahill returned and said, "Your Excellency Elena, Your Excellency Jayne, should we send brothers to kill them?"

"What's the use of killing them? They are just two people who spread the word...Killing them will only speed up the battle between our temple and the'land of supernatural powers'..." Elena said indifferently.

"But, those two guys are too presumptuous! If my king is here, they will definitely break their necks directly!" Cahill said bitterly.

"This is different from the past. The whereabouts of my king is unknown, and the life and death are uncertain. We can't act rashly."

Elena shook her head, and then said: "Cahill, you have gathered all your brothers overseas these days to strengthen your defense against the Lost Island!

Then let people release the news as soon as possible, saying that my king was not injured, and he would return to the temple in a few days! "


Cahill nodded, and then hurriedly left the castle.

As soon as Cahill left, Shi Junze said, "Elena, the reason why you released the news that the boss was not injured is to confuse the people, so that those who are about to move can't understand the truth, right?"


Elena nodded and said: "After all, the prestige of our temple and the deterrence of our king are still there, and those guys are now watching.

I will release the news so that we can delay for a while...Let us have time to figure out how to fight the ‘Nation of Ability’..."

"Well, now the'Nation of Ability' is our enemy..."

Shi Junze sighed and said: "It's really a shrimp show in the Longyou Shoal...Before, our temple had been pressing the'country of supernatural powers'. The people in the'country of super powers' were very respectful when they saw us. How arrogant as it is today..."

"Jayne, no matter what, we must protect our king's foundation!"

Elena's face became cold, and said: "I will contact Alston and Barr these days, so that they can come back quickly and meet the enemy together!"

"it is good!"

Shi Junze nodded.

Although he didn't want to tell Alston and Barr about Ye Fei's disuse, but now, the situation is urgent and he can only tell the truth.

He knew that this underground world would be surging again!

And this day, it has to change...


China, Ninghai City.

At this time, it was more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Allure Entertainment Building, President's Office.

Wearing a black OL suit and black silk high heels, Qin Menglan, who is full of body and amorous, is sitting at the desk with a mobile phone in her hand, looking out the window in a daze.

The woman's face is full of sadness and worry, which makes this beautiful face less energy and vitality.

A few days ago, she received a call from her father, so she also knew about Ye Fei's serious injury, his martial arts abolished, his life and death uncertain, and his whereabouts unknown.

These days, she made countless calls to Ye Fei, but none of them could get through, and Ye Fei seemed to have evaporated in the world.

It has been more than a week now, but there is still no news from Ye Fei.

This worry she was alone and painful, she had to bear it alone, and did not tell Gu Qingcheng to them.

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