Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2270: ,uninvited guest!

Qin Menglan knew that if Gu Qingcheng and the others knew, they would definitely be the same as themselves.

This will only increase grief, but it will not help.

She stared out the window in a daze, and muttered in pain: "Ye Fei, where are you?"

Ye Fei, are you really not coming back?

If you don't come back, what should the sisters do?

Thinking of the gentleness of the man, thinking of the man's voice and smile, Qin Menglan shed two lines of tears unconsciously.

Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

Qin Menglan quickly wiped away her tears and said, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a slender figure walked in.


Qin Menglan was taken aback, and the person who came was surprisingly Gu Qingcheng.

"Sister Lan, why are you still not off work?"

Gu Qingcheng smiled slightly and walked over.

"Uh, I still have something to deal with, and I will leave work when finished." Qin Menglan replied with a smile.


Gu Qingcheng nodded.

"What's wrong, Qingcheng, did you ask me for anything?" Qin Menglan asked.

"Uh...nothing, I just want to ask if you have any news about Ye Fei."

Gu Qingcheng pouted, pretending not to care, and said: "This guy told me before that he is going to the ancient martial arts world to do something.

However, so many days have passed, but he hasn't returned yet. I called him, but he didn't answer it. It was really annoying! "

Hearing the words "Ye Fei", Qin Menglan felt a little pain in her heart, and her eyes were somewhat dodging: "Qingcheng, maybe Ye Fei is busy now, so I didn't answer your call..."

"Busy? Is he so busy?"

Gu Qingcheng akimbo his hips and angrily said: "I know that he is a famous purgatory king. He is also very capable and can understand if he is busy, but he doesn't even answer my phone, which is too annoying!

I look at him, he must have been messing around with flowers outside again, so he didn't have time to deal with us! "

Qin Menglan smiled and shook her head, and said, "Don't worry, he will be back when Ye Fei is finished."

"This guy is really true. It's like this every time. I went out for ten and a half months without any news! I must teach him a lesson this time!" Gu Qingcheng waved his small fist and said.

"Can he come back..."

Qin Menglan's expression darkened, and could not help but murmur softly.


Gu Qingcheng was taken aback, and said, "Sister Lan, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, hehe, nothing said."

Qin Menglan shook her head.

"By the way, Sister Lan, why are your eyes red, are you crying?"

Gu Qingcheng felt a little strange seeing Qin Menglan's red eyes.

"Hehe, I didn't cry, but my eyes were a little uncomfortable." Qin Menglan replied with a smile.

"Oh I got it."

Gu Qingcheng didn't think too much, but said: "Sister Lan, you are too tired recently, or I will give you a vacation, you go on a trip, relax?"

"No, Allure Entertainment has just started, and there are many things I need to deal with."

Qin Menglan refused with a smile.

Gu Qingcheng stepped forward, hugged Qin Menglan, and said with a grin: "Sister Lan is the best, but it's like Ye Fei, so unreliable!"

"Well, you are the president of Allure International. How come you are like a child. If you are seen by employees, it will be bad."

Qin Menglan smiled and patted Gu Qingcheng's hip.

"Oh, sister Lan, you hate it, why are you hitting me? Look at my dragon claw hand!"

Gu Qingcheng chuckled with Qin Menglan with a grin.

After the two of them played and played for a while, Gu Qingcheng left.

When the door was closed, the smile on Qin Menglan's mouth disappeared.

She looked out the window again, sighed lightly, and whispered: "Ye Fei, no matter what you become, you are the man we love, come back soon, everyone misses you..."


Time flickered, and three more days passed.

China, the southwest, isolated from the world.

Xuan Huang Mi outside the surface.

The sun is shining and the breeze is slowly.

Dugu Yiren was sitting cross-legged on a huge rock, the guzheng was placed on his legs, stretched out the slender hands like catkins, and slowly stroked the thin strings.

The beautiful notes popped out one by one, playing a classical rhyme. The sound of the piano is very beautiful, like the ding-dong of the spring water of a small stream, but also sad, like the orchids of the valley, and a lot of that spirit, like a A heroic hero, high ambition...

It is said that by listening to the sound of the piano, you can hear the mood of the person playing the piano.

But now, Dugu Yiren's mood is very complicated, she has worries and distress for Ye Fei, and she also has unlimited expectations for Ye Fei...

At this moment, Dugu Yiren's graceful figure like a fairy companion, and the melodious sound of the piano played, seemed to blend with the landscape, like a picture scroll.

After playing a piece of music, Dugu Yiren stopped.

She quietly looked at the direction of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, and whispered softly: "Today is the sixth day, and I don't know how Feier is now...

Has his strength recovered? Still, he has already..."

Having said that, she did not dare to go on.

She shook her head and said, "He is that person's child, and his blood and physique are different from those of ordinary people. He will definitely survive this difficulty..."

Thinking of this, Dugu Yiren stood up holding the guzheng, looked at the direction of the mysterious Xuanhuang realm, and said: "It's only one day, so let's open the mysterious yellow realm tomorrow..."

Afterwards, Dugu Yiren jumped down from this huge rock, stepped lightly on his feet, and left here.

at this time.

Xuanhuang Secret Realm, in the Yan Cave.

boom! !

Bang bang! !

Bang bang bang! !

A violent roar sounded in the entire flame cave!

With this sound, the entire Yandong also shook violently!

The heat wave rolled, and the magma in the Yantan was also shaken to splashes, and it fell on the ground with a "sizzling" burning sound!

"Muscle power transmission! One burst!!"

Ye Fei yelled, and his fists were like violent storms, slamming towards the wall of the Yandong cave!

Click, click, click! ! ...

A burst of cracking sounds resounded!

I saw that this thick wall was only smashed into shallow fist marks by Ye Fei's fist!

After a few days of advancing to practice, Ye Fei found that the walls in this flame cave were a little weird, it seemed to be harder than steel than diamond!

A few days ago, no matter how much Ye Fei exerted to smash the wall, the wall was undamaged, not even a trace of it was left!

But with the crazy practice these days, Ye Fei's strength has skyrocketed again, so he smashed this indestructible wall!

After hitting hundreds of punches in a row, Ye Fei stopped!

His whole body was burnt red by the Yandong, sweating, and burned in many places on his body, and layer after layer of skin had faded. It was very scary!

As for the clothes he wore, they had already been burned torn and unclothed!

However, cultivating in such a difficult environment made Ye Fei's body stronger and stronger, and his body's ability to recover was greatly enhanced!

If Ye Fei's recovery ability and True Qi defense ability were not enhanced, he would have been burned to death in this flame cave of several hundred degrees!

However, the recovery ability and defensive ability increased, Ye Fei already felt the severe pain of being burned by the fire!

But Ye Fei still endured it!

To endure what ordinary people can't bear, and practice against the sky, can one's strength skyrocket!

Ye Fei gasped violently, rested for a while, then clenched his fists again, and let out a burst of shouts in his mouth!

"Muscle power transmission! Double explosion!!"

The voice fell.

Ye Fei's muscles and veins are all swelling and swelling, and the power of muscles, bones, veins and blood is continuously transporting power, which is dozens of times more surging than the force of muscle power to conduct a heavy explosion!

This is what Ye Fei realized when he was practicing here.

Since the transmission of muscle power can double one's strength, can it be conducted again on top of the transmission?

At first, Ye Fei had been trying double conduction, but it has been failing.

However, after Ye Fei tried thousands of times, he finally succeeded.

It is precisely because of the dual conduction of muscle strength that Ye Fei's strength has increased again, and his destructive power has also greatly increased!

Moreover, Ye Fei later tried double conduction on sword intent!

After the sword intent has undergone a double transmission, its power has also increased sharply. With a sword swing, I am afraid that even a mountain can be split!

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