Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2271: , Longyou Shoal!

Now, Ye Fei knew that even if his cultivation base did not break through, his combat power and destructive power had been rapidly improved!

Next, let alone Fengshen, even if he meets other main gods, he is not afraid!


Ye Fei directly twisted his punch and slammed it on the wall of the Yandong!

boom! !

Accompanied by a burst of sound, the indestructible wall directly clicked, and a crack appeared!

When the wall was smashed, the blazing flame came out directly from the crack!

This flame is nothing to Ye Fei. If the flame burns on Ye Fei's body, it is all right!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

Ye Fei ignored the heat in the cave, but kept blasting towards the wall!

The indestructible wall finally couldn't stand the violent power, and it shattered directly!

The stones flew up and fell to the ground, and some fell into the magma, melting directly!

After dozens of punches, Ye Fei stopped.

Later, Ye Fei urged Vientiane to become infuriating again, condensing a huge sword of infuriating energy.

"Ancient swordsmanship! Sword intent transmission! A heavy explosion!!"

Ye Fei swung the infuriating giant sword and slashed it forward!

The sword light flashed, and the sword intent was crushed heavily towards the ground!


There was a bang!

Although the power of this sword is great, the ground has only been chopped with a hundred-meter-long mark, but it has not been cracked!

Before, Ye Fei swung his sword in the cold cave, and a sword could cut the ground of the cold cave into a "canyon" that was 100 meters long and tens of meters deep!

But in the Yan cave, Ye Fei's strength seemed to "weak".

In fact, it was not that Ye Fei's strength had weakened, but because the walls of Yandong were not made of ordinary stones.

Ye Fei never wanted to understand, what stone on earth would be so hard, harder than diamond?

However, Ye Fei is now focused on cultivating, so he didn't think about other things.

Then, Ye Fei maintained the state of the first level of sword intent and practiced swordsmanship for a while.

Feeling that the timing was almost the same, Ye Fei's right arm holding the infuriating giant sword shook suddenly, and a fierce power ripple surged out!

"Sword Intent Conduction! Double Explosion!!"

boom! !

The whole Yandong shook a bit!

The infuriating giant sword in Ye Fei's hand has doubled again, and the golden sword aura on the sword's body has also become much brighter, becoming particularly dazzling!


Ye Fei screamed, his arms clenched the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and he slashed towards the front!

Boom! !

Accompanied by a shocking sound, a crack of 20 to 30 meters long and several meters deep appeared on the ground!

When the ground cracked, a stream of hot lava flowed out of it, burning the rocks!

After that, Ye Fei maintained the state of double burst of sword intent, and swung more than a dozen swords in the Yan Cave!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The sharp sword intent was swung out, and the walls of Yandong were cut into criss-cross cracks!


Ye Fei exhaled, wiped the sweat from his face, and carried the infuriating giant sword on his shoulders.

Now, I can control muscle strength and sword intent double burst power very well. Since both muscle strength and sword intent can be transmitted twice, can it be conducted three times to get a triple burst?

The power of the double explosion is quite terrifying. If you can cultivate to the triple explosion, then there is no doubt that one of your own punches can crush the mountain, and a sword can really split the mountain...

Thinking of this, Ye Fei's heartbeat thumped faster, and his heart couldn't help but get excited.

Why don't you give it a try?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief, and then squeezed his fists, lifting up all his physical strength and true energy!

When the two forces were released at the same time, like a rolling river, the entire Yandong cave was shaken!

"Muscle mass conduction! Triple explosion!!"

Ye Fei's loud voice resounded!

As soon as the sound fell, the golden flames in Ye Fei's eyes blazed with a "boom", which was more dazzling and blazing than before!

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented surging force like the rolling sea, injected into every muscle, every bone, every tendon, every drop of blood, and even every cell in his body!

Because the power was too fierce, Ye Fei's burning golden pupils were directly congested, bloodshot!

And he was suffering from bursting pain all over his body. This kind of pain was the limit Ye Fei had to bear in his lifetime!

With this unexplainable power pouring in madly, Ye Fei's body actually emitted a faint golden light!

Moreover, this force has been continuing, and there is no intention to stop at all, so Ye Fei gritted his teeth and continued to bear it!

Happiness! ! ...

However, after only a short minute, the blood vessels in Ye Fei's body burst open because they couldn't bear the force!

The blood flowed out, directly staining his whole body red with blood, as if he had been fished out of a pool of blood!


This kind of extreme pain is unbearable for ordinary people, and even a tough guy like Ye Fei roars with pain.

However, Ye Fei did not give up, but continued to try triple explosion!

At this moment, Ye Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that with the continuous influx of this force, the burst blood vessels in his body quickly recovered!

However, the surprise was short-lived, and the newly recovered blood vessel burst again!


Ye Fei clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and snorted in pain, but didn't let himself scream out.

Time passed slowly, and the burst-like pain continued.

The blood vessels on Ye Fei's body burst, recovered, and burst again after recovery, and so on.

At the back, even Ye Fei’s muscles and bones were torn, but soon he recovered, and the cycle continued...

At this moment, to Ye Fei, every minute is as long as a century.

He had thought of giving up several times, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.

If you want to become stronger, you must endure such extreme pain!

Strike a horse, fight it! !

The big deal is death! !

In order to pursue higher and stronger, Ye Fei has already set aside his life and death! !

This is the real "suicidal" cultivation method, and Ye Fei at this time seems to be crazy!

No madness, no devil!

Time is still passing, a full half an hour has passed.


With Ye Fei's last cry, the pain just now has disappeared without a trace, replaced by the incomparable joy of the whole body.

At this moment, Ye Fei felt that his whole body was full of power. The explosive limit power made the corners of his mouth rise and he laughed wildly.


The laughter reverberated throughout the cave, deafening.

People who didn't know thought that Ye Fei was really crazy.

But Ye Fei knew the changes in his body best.

Now, he clearly felt that every muscle, every bone, every tendon, every cell, and even every drop of blood in his body had been super strengthened.

Now, not to mention his body is invulnerable, even if the missile blasted over, Ye Fei felt that his body could resist.

Moreover, his whole body was exuding golden light, really as if the gods were alive!

"Lichen Realm... So this is Lichen... Only by reshaping the flesh can we transcend Vientiane and step into Lichen... The original opportunity lies here..."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and the excitement in his heart couldn't be suppressed.

If I couldn't bear it just now, if I gave up halfway just now, I'm afraid, it will be quite difficult to break through to Li Chen.

"I can't help my fate! Ye Fei, I'm going to go against the sky!!!"

Ye Fei shouted loudly, and then slammed his foot on the ground.

A violent ripple of power centered on Ye Fei, rushing out in all directions, and lifted the solid stone slabs on the ground!

At his feet, cracks tens of meters deep were exploded, and they continued in all directions until they were more than a hundred meters away before they stopped!

Rumble! Rumble! ! ...

Ye Fei just stepped on the foot, and the whole Yan cave shook, and it didn't stop for a long time!

A stream of magma emerged from the crack and flowed to the soles of Ye Fei's feet, but except for a little sting, Ye Fei had no damage at all!

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