Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2273: ,Beyond the limits!

The violent thunder continued to explode, and a gully with a depth of 100 meters and a length of hundreds of meters appeared directly on the ground!

The boulder is flying, the magma is rolling!

This time, Ye Fei really cut a canyon on the ground, not just staying on the image!

Ye Fei's excited hands trembled, and he surpassed once again. The cultivation base was raised from the realm of Lichen Xiaocheng to the realm of Lichen Dacheng!

Now his cultivation level has been promoted to the realm of Lichen Dacheng, and his body's tyrannical degree and sword intent have also been raised to an incredible level...

If you use your current state to display the "Wild Ancient Sword Dragon", how powerful is it?

After all, in the last battle with Fengshen, even if he tried his best to use the "Ancient Sword Dragon", he still failed to kill Fengshen!

This is also enough to show that although the "Wild Ancient Sword Dragon" is his strongest killer right now, his power has not been upgraded to the strongest!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei took a deep breath. In his eyes, the golden flames were burning, and it was extremely flaming, as if to swallow everything in this flame cave!

"Ancient Sword Dragon!!"

Ye Fei burst into the air and threw the infuriating giant sword in his hand into the air!

Because of Ye Fei's cultivation base and the surge in strength, the power of the sword intent is more than usual, and the speed of urging the sword intent has also become much faster!

Only in an instant, those thousands of golden sword shadows quickly gathered and combined into a golden stegosaurus, entrenched in the sky!

Moreover, this time, the size of this barren ancient stegosaurus was more than twice as large as before, reaching hundreds of meters in length, and the golden light on its body became more dazzling, just like a real dragon soaring in the sky!


Ye Fei said lightly.


This huge and incomparable ancient sword dragon roared, seeming to have heard the call of the master, soaring in the air!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Every time the wild ancient sword dragon turns over, wags its tail, dances its claws, the entire Yan cave, and even the entire Xuanhuang Secret Realm will violently shake and shake, making a thunder-like roar!

The water in the cold pool and the magma in the Yantan pool were shaken and rolled, like a big river rushing and the sea flooded!

Moreover, every time the ancient sword dragon collided, the solid wall seemed to be hit by a meteorite from outside the sky, directly shattering and collapsing!

The wall separating the cold cave and the flame cave was also knocked down by the ancient sword dragon!

After this blocking wall was knocked down, the ancient sword dragon seemed to have completely broken free from the shackles, carrying on a terrifying collision and destruction in the cold cave!

Rumble! ! ——

The boulder ice rolls and collapses, as if the end is coming!

Before, when Ye Fei performed the ultimate move of "Wild Ancient Sword Dragon", it lasted only a few minutes, but now it lasted more than half an hour!

It wasn't until the desolate ancient sword dragon disappeared that the entire mysterious yellow realm stopped.

When Ye Fei looked around again, he realized that this mysterious and yellow secret realm had already become a mess.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Fei was completely stunned!

"It turns out... The'Wild Ancient Sword Dragon' trick has such a terrifying destructive power... It seems that I still underestimated the lethality and destructive power of this trick...

If the power of this trick was so terrifying at the time, then Fengshen would definitely die..."

Ye Fei muttered to himself, his heart was already ecstatic, and his eyes couldn't help but become red.

Originally, Ye Fei thought that his martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength had been lost.

Unexpectedly, now I not only recovered my strength, but also achieved transcendence!

I did it... I really did it!

I control my own life!

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I, Ye Fei, can break this day!

Ye Fei calmed down his mood slowly, his eyes were firm, his fighting spirit was high, and another bold thought came up!

So now, can I try to increase my muscle strength and sword intent to quadruple burst?

If it succeeds, then one's own cultivation is likely to step into the realm of heaven and human in one fell swoop!

Heaven and Human Realm... Looking at the entire Huaxia, who has achieved the Heaven and Human Realm in cultivation?

Even the old guys in the ancient martial world who have lived for hundreds of years have failed to reach the realm of heaven and human...

If one's own cultivation is really promoted to the realm of heaven and human, coupled with one's super combat power, who is one of his opponents in this world?

Thought of this.

Ye Fei suppressed the excitement and released all the power of Lichen Dacheng Realm and the power of the triple explosion of muscles!

"Muscle power transmission! Quadruple burst!!!"

Ye Fei shouted wildly, but when a wave of power like a tide poured into his body, Ye Fei suddenly felt a strong tingling sensation in his body!

Every tendon on his face, neck, and body was violently agitated, hideous and terrifying!

This kind of pain is different from the previous pain of breaking through from Vientiane to Lichen, but it is a thousand times more painful than this pain!

Moreover, he clearly felt that his muscles and internal organs were damaged, and he began to bleed heavily!

However, in order to pursue higher and stronger, Ye Fei intends to fight!

He clenched his teeth tightly, clenched his fists, and the surging power still poured into his body!

But at this moment, Ye Fei felt that this force was getting stronger and stronger, and his body seemed to be unable to withstand this force at all, as if the balloon was inflated to its limit, it would explode at any time!

not good! !

Ye Fei was shocked and was about to stop, but he felt like his body was turned upside down, and he uttered a "poof", and he spouted a mouthful of blood!

Cang! !

Ye Fei inserted the great sword of infuriating energy on the ground to support his body, but he still felt painful, his head was dizzy and his body was shaking...

His body began to bleed heavily inside and out, like a "blood man", making him feel extremely painful!

Could it be that his body is not enough to withstand the strength of the Quadruple Explosion and the cultivation of the Heaven and Human Realm? !

Yes, it must be so!

Damn, I was careless!

Before Ye Fei had time to think more, he felt that his eyes were dark, and with a "boom", he fell heavily on the side of Yantan and passed out...

I don't know how long time has passed, Ye Fei only feels like he has had a long, long dream.

He dreamed that he seemed to be fighting, fighting with a super strong man who couldn't see his face and his figure...

But in the end, I was actually beaten into the endless abyss, and I couldn't stand up anymore...

"Do not!!--"

With a shout, Ye Fei suddenly opened his eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the sight in front of him.

"It turns out that I was having a nightmare... It seems that during this period of cultivation, it is indeed exhausted to the limit..."

Ye Fei smiled, and then sat up slowly.

The blood in his body had solidified, and every muscle, bone, and vein that had been torn and burst all over his body had been automatically repaired.

Now, except for feeling exhausted, Ye Fei didn't feel any uncomfortable feeling.

However, it is a pity that his cultivation level has not broken through to the heaven and human realm.

Ye Fei sat up, and couldn't figure out something, so he fell into deep thought.

He remembered what the master had said to him before.

Master has always said that he is a ‘body of the **** of war’, different from ordinary people, with unlimited potential and able to surpass the limits of the body.

Although Ye Fei had already felt it very early, and felt that he was different from others.

His talent is much higher than that of ordinary people, and his body has always been different from ordinary people. He can withstand strong attacks and is also very destructive...

And every time my body suffers a serious injury, it can recover in a short period of time...

But now, his feelings are even more profound...

My body is not afraid of the extreme cold and extreme heat, and it can recover even when the body is almost completely destroyed...

What exactly is going on?

Although my mother comes from the ancient Wu Ji family, half of her body is flowing with the blood of the Suzaku family... But if it is really related to the Ji family bloodline, then how can the other members of the Ji family be different from yourself?

If the Ji family's bloodline is really so strong, then why has it been overwhelmed by the Xuanyuan Qinglong Family for so many years?

Could it be... his own "body of the **** of war" was given by his father who had never met before? !

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