Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2274: , Higher and stronger!

Ye Fei suddenly thought of this possibility.

Although, when he was very young, Master had been using various poisonous insects and weeds to soak himself in the bath, and also allowed himself to practice exercises in various difficult environments.

However, if one's own body is not tyrannical, then it simply can't bear it.

In other words, the master has just been helping himself to stimulate the potential of the body.

Where does the potential of one's body come from?

After thinking about it, there is only one explanation, that is, his own body was given by his father.

However, my mother once told herself that she was the father she met in the secular world, and when she met her, her father was no different from ordinary people, and was even weaker than ordinary people.

If this is the case, is this extremely powerful body really given to him by his father?

Who is his father, and who is he?

For a moment, Ye Fei felt very suspicious, and he felt very mysterious to this father who had never been masked.

Ye Fei scratched his head and muttered: "Since the master knows that her body is the body of the God of War, then she must know who her father is, and she should know the answer when asked."

So Ye Fei didn't think about it any more, but took the last "Nine-Ranked God Pill", recovered his physical strength, and then stood up.

Ye Fei swept through the eye inflammation hole and the cold hole, his face changed drastically, and he went stupid!

Before he fell into a coma, the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm had already become a mess, but how could it be restored to its original state now? Isn't this amazing? !

Ye Fei sighed with emotion. The ancient power who was able to create the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm probably already possessed extraordinary abilities, which he could not imagine...

After all, there are people outside of humans, and there are heaven outside of heaven...the realm of heaven and human is not the end...

Ye Fei looked around, didn't think about it any more, but was about to leave the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

My own cultivation base and strength have reached the current limit, if I continue to cultivate here, there will be no much help.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei was just a few flying jumps, leaping several hundred meters, and came to the door of the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm.

Looking at the heavy stone gate in front of him, Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth, then twisted his fist and blasted it casually.

boom! !

Accompanied by a shock, the entire Xuanhuang Secret Realm shook for a while!

This extremely sturdy stone gate just shattered directly!

Immediately, Ye Fei walked out directly.

When Ye Fei walked out of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, he only heard the sound of "rumbling", and a brand new stone gate descended from above, and the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was closed again.

"This mechanism is also well designed."

Ye Fei curled his lips, didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, and walked into the tunnel leading to the outside...

at this time.

Outside of Xuan Huang Mi.

It is already in the afternoon, and the sun is slowly setting.

Standing on a boulder, Dugu Yiren quietly looked at the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the worry on her face became thicker.

"Today is already the seventh day. There is still no movement in the Profound Yellow Secret Realm, and I don't know what happened to Feier... I can't wait any longer, or open the big formation, go in and take a look..."

Dugu Yiren said lightly, and then lightly stepped on the boulder with his right foot!

Snapped! !

The boulder shattered, and the light and agile figure of Dugu Yiren floated into the air!

Until I jumped to an altitude of more than 30 meters!

"Ancient swordsmanship!!"

With a soft drink, Dugu Yiren threw the long sword of Shengxue in his hand to the sky!

When this long sword of Katsuyuki flew into the air, a white sword of true Qi turned out, and it turned into three hundred and sixty-five handles before it stopped!

Three hundred and sixty-five swords of true Qi were suspended in the air, shining with white light, like stars in the sky!

"Zhoutian star formation! Start the formation!!"

Dugu Yiren did not pause, and waved his arms!

Cough cough! ! ...

I saw that these three hundred and sixty-five white long swords pierced downward, corresponding to the position of each star in the "Zhou Tian Star Array"!

When the three hundred and sixty-five swords of true energy fell at the same time, the terrifying sword energy spread in all directions, directly smashing all the surrounding flowers, trees, and boulders to smash!

Just when all the swords pierced the ground, the sound of "Rumble" rang!

The ground shook, and the mountain that was over a hundred meters away moved away from both sides, and soon the mountain inside was exposed!

However, after Dugu Yiren fell on the ground, he took down a set of men's clothes from the tree beside him, and then prepared to enter the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm.

But at this moment.

Boom boom boom! ! ——

I only heard waves of earth-shaking sounds like a volcanic eruption, and the whole earth was shaking, as if a strong earthquake had occurred!

Even the lake in front was affected, and the waves were flying, rising up into the sky like a water dragon!

Moreover, far away, Dugu Yiren could feel a terrifying force sweeping toward him!

If it weren't for her high level of cultivation, I'm afraid this terrifying coercion alone would be enough to make her whole body tremble!

"This... what's going on?"

Dugu Yiren was shocked and raised his eyes to look at the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Because, she clearly felt that that power came out of the mysterious realm of Xuanhuang!

"Is it Feier?!"

Dugu Yiren couldn't help exclaiming, her beautiful eyes lit up a bit.

Could it be that Feier is not dead? !

Thinking of this, Dugu Yiren's mood became excited!

boom! ! !

Then, another explosion sounded!

I saw that the huge stone gate shattered directly, the stones fluttered, and the dust was full!

"Woohoo! It's finally time to see the sun again! Happy!! Hahaha..."

Accompanied by this wild laughter, a figure came out from inside.

This figure was completely naked, showing a perfect muscle line.


Seeing this man, Dugu Yiren yelled in surprise, because she was so excited that she didn't consciously shed tears.

These days, she has been worried about Ye Fei, afraid that Ye Fei will not be able to survive this difficulty, and even thought that Ye Fei would die in it.

But now when she saw Ye Fei walk out intact, the stone in her heart finally let go.

He survived, he is still alive.

"Master! I'm here!!"

Ye Fei yelled happily, and then slammed his legs on the ground, and his body jumped high.

Click! Click! ! ...

The slate outside couldn't withstand Ye Fei's strength at all, and it collapsed directly!

Ye Fei swept over the lake more than fifty meters away in the blink of an eye!

Ye Fei thought that he would be able to jump more than 50 meters at most with such a jump, but he didn't know that this jump was so powerful that he couldn't stop it at all, and flew directly from the top of Dugu Yiren!


Ye Fei couldn't help but explode.

After he continued to swept forward for more than fifty meters, his legs suddenly stepped on the rock wall of a big mountain!

With a "bang", the rock wall shattered. With the help of recoil, Ye Fei drew a parabola in the air, and then steadily landed in front of Dugu Yiren!

Ye Fei scratched his head and said with a smile: "Master, I'm sorry, it seems like I used a lot of force just now."

However, Dugu Yiren just stared at Ye Fei closely, with mist in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, like the most beautiful epiphany blooming, revealing a heart-warming smile.

She felt that Ye Fei's temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes, and she felt a heart-palpitating power in Ye Fei's body.

Not only has his strength recovered, but he has also become stronger than before!

Then my worries and expectations are also worth it.

"Master, why are you crying?"

Seeing the tears in the corner of Dugu Yiren's eyes, Ye Fei felt a pain in his heart.

He knew that Dugu Yiren must have been worried for him.

Although he experienced physical torment in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, what Dugu Yiren experienced was psychological torment.

Seeing this woman who has been caring for and protecting herself since she was a child, she shed tears for herself, Ye Fei couldn't bear it...

He secretly swears in his heart that for the rest of his life, he must protect this woman, take care of this woman, love this woman, and will not let her cry for himself again...

"Feier, Master didn't cry, Master was just happy..."

Dugu Yiren smiled and shook his head.

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