Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2276: , The rest of my life!


Dugu Yiren gave a soft drink, turned around, his face changed slightly, "Feier?!"

Seeing the graceful and charming shadow in front of him, Ye Fei's eyes were straight.

Dugu Yiren had just come out of the shower, with intoxicating flushes on her face, and a soft straight hair hanging on her chest, suddenly making her delicate facial features appear so agile and attractive.

The woman is wearing a white tulle nightdress, and her curvaceous figure is looming.

Although her upper circumference is not as proud as that of Western women, it has the subtlety and exquisiteness of Xiaojiabiyu. She has big hips and long legs. Perhaps it is the result of years of practice. The ratio of the thickness of the women's legs is amazing.

The key is that the woman's temperament is super dusty, the hibiscus comes out of the water, and the natural carving is done, so that Ye Fei can't look away at all.

"Feier, what do you want me to do?"

Seeing Ye Fei staring at him, Dugu Yiren felt mixed, shy, flustered, and a little bit happy.

It seems that Ye Fei likes herself, not between masters and apprentices, but between men and women.

Because what she saw in Ye Fei's eyes was infinite tenderness...

Ye Fei swallowed his throat, closed the door cheeky, moved his eyes away, and said, "Master, Fei'er hasn't slept with you for a long time...Or, tonight, let's sleep together, just like before?"

"What? Let's... sleep together?!"

Dugu Yiren's face was ruddy, and her heart became more nervous.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Ye Fei said solemnly.

"No... before you were young, so you can sleep with the master... but now..."

Dugu Yiren was very embarrassed, she obviously did not expect that Ye Fei would actually make such a request.

"Is it because Fei'er grew up, Master doesn't like me?" Ye Fei pretended to be sad.

"No... It's just..."

Dugu Yiren didn't know how to explain, she sighed lightly, and said: "Okay, let's sleep together... But don't move your hands, understand?"

"What do you do?"

Ye Fei smiled badly and said, "Master, don't you want to be crooked? I just said to sleep, but I didn't think about doing other things..."


A blush appeared on Dugu Yiren's face, and Ye Fei gave it a white look and said, "If you want to sleep, go to sleep. If you don't sleep, go back to your room quickly."

After speaking, Dugu Yiren went to bed, turned her back to Ye Fei and fell asleep.

Seeing the black-haired stunner in front of him, the irritating figure curve, Ye Fei's heart was hot, he turned off the light and jumped into bed.

When Ye Fei fell asleep next to him, his hand accidentally touched the smooth and delicate body of Dugu Yiren, and he clearly felt the woman's body tremble slightly.

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then turned around gently, grabbing Dugu Yiren's soft waist from behind, and his chest was close to her back.

"what are you doing?!"

Dugu Yiren's body tightened and exclaimed, "Isn't it just sleeping, you..."

Ye Fei leaned close to Dugu Yiren’s ear and whispered, “I’m sleeping. It’s not too much just to hug you to sleep, right? When I was a child, I often hugged you to sleep, didn’t I?”

Ye Fei thought that Dugu Yiren would struggle and resist, but after hearing these words, Dugu Yiren's body relaxed a little and did not resist any more.

The room quickly became quiet, and only the sound of each other's breathing could be heard.

Ye Fei also knew that the woman must have not slept, but it was really embarrassing to be like this now. If he could fall asleep, then hell.

Originally, when Ye Fei proposed to sleep with Dugu Yiren, he did not expect to do anything else.

However, when holding the woman's smooth, delicate and soft body, the flame in Ye Fei's heart still burned, and a right hand pretending to be casually moved from the woman's abdomen, gradually moving upward...

But Dugu Yiren stretched out her hand and grabbed Ye Fei's hand, her voice trembling softly: "Feier...Do you really like me? Do you really want me to be your wife?"

Ye Fei sighed lightly and said: "Yi Ren, since I am sensible, I secretly swear in my heart, as long as I grow up, I will marry you as my wife.

Yiren, do you remember when we watched the stars together on Yuqiong Peak? "


Dugu Yiren replied softly.

"That night, I made a promise to you. As long as I grow up, I will marry you... That's my promise... A lifetime promise..."

A touch of nostalgia appeared in Ye Fei's eyes, and said, "Now, I have finally grown up, so I want to honor this promise.

Yiren, do you know? I have been looking for you and thinking about you during the years of separation, but you seem to have disappeared. No matter how I look for it, I can’t find you...

I don’t want to endure the suffering of lovesickness anymore, so I want Yiren you to be my woman... Then we can be together forever and never be separated again..."

Hearing the gentle and hoarse voice of the man, Dugu Yiren felt the man's deep love and deep yearning for herself.

This also made Dugu Yiren very distressed, very sad.

I left by myself, just wanting a man to grow up quickly.

However, I did not expect to make men so sad and sad...

Dugu Yiren sighed lightly, and then slowly turned around.

For a time, the two of them faced each other with affection, full of infinite tenderness and love.

At this moment, the two are no longer mentors and apprentices, but simply a pair of young men and women in love.

Ye Fei slowly stretched out his hand and stroked the woman's face, moving very softly, saying: "Yi Ren, promise me, will you be my woman?"

Seeing Ye Fei's sincere and tender gaze, Dugu Yiren knew that she was really moved and fell completely.

For the rest of my life, I can't live without this little man anymore...

With tears in the eyes of Dugu Yiren, she also stretched out her hand, stroked Ye Fei's face, and said softly: "From now on, you will call me Yiren, and you are my Ye Fei..."

Ye Fei lifted up his spirits and said with joy, "Yi Ren, you... are you agreeing?"

Dugu Yiren smiled slightly and said, "Ye Fei, from the moment we met, I actually knew that this fate is inevitable..."

Without waiting for Dugu Yiren to finish speaking, Ye Fei directly kissed Dugu Yiren’s delicate red lips...


Hearing the woman's soft nasal sound, Ye Fei's whole body was burning like a flame, he began to get fever, and his right hand moved up slowly.

Although I knew that Dugu Yiren's figure was good, Ye Fei knew that the figure of a woman was really predictable after personally touching it.

As Dugu Yiren turned passive into active, Ye Fei's courage gradually grew, and gradually faded away from the woman's clothes...

On this quiet night, the moon shines into this bamboo building, insects and birds scream outside, and in the room, two figures turn upside down, and the way is endless...


Lingering all night, it was dawn in a blink of an eye.

When sunlight came in through the window, Ye Fei opened his eyes.

Thinking of the scenes last night, Ye Fei's mouth raised, revealing a knowing smile.


Ye Fei yelled, then turned around, only to find that there was no one beside him.

what happened?


Ye Fei quickly sat up, rolled over and got out of bed, put on his clothes, and quickly ran out of the room.

"Yiren! Yiren!"

Ye Fei was worried and frightened.

After so many years of separation, he was really afraid that Dugu Yiren would leave him again.

Loss and gains, gains and losses, really makes Ye Fei collapse.

After he ran downstairs, he was searching everywhere while shouting the name of Dugu Yiren.

However, I have searched every room, but I still haven't found the Dugu Yiren.

"Iren...Iren, where are you?!"

Ye Fei's expression became even more flustered.

He hurried out of the bamboo building and rushed into the bamboo forest.

However, after running into the bamboo forest, Ye Fei still did not see the figure of Dugu Yiren.

"Yiren! Yiren!!!..."

Ye Fei stood in the bamboo forest, yelling loudly over and over again.

The thick voice has a strong penetrating power, spreading in all directions, startling the birds in the forest and flying around.

However, apart from the echo from the distant mountains, there was no response from Dugu Yiren...

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