Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2277: ,panicked!

"Iren...Iren...Where are you?!"

Ye Fei muttered to himself, feeling as if his strength had been emptied, and directly sat on the ground limply.

He looked at the stone table and bench where Dugu Yiren played the guzheng a few days ago, and the shadow of Dugu Yiren appeared in his hollow eyes.


Ye Fei quickly got up, ready to run over.

However, halfway through the run, I realized that there was no one there.

Ye Fei's mouth showed a bitter smile.

Why on earth?

Why did the Dugu Yiren leave him not long after they met?

Moreover, even if he really wants to leave, that Dugu Yi Ren should say hello to himself!

Could it be said that the Dugu Yiren promised to be his own woman last night, it was all fake?


Ye Fei looked up to the sky and roared, the loud voice, like a shock wave, directly shot up into the sky, shaking down a large part of the bamboo leaves above, and even the surrounding bamboo poles fell down a large part.

At this time, Ye Fei's eyes were red, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

He walked out of the bamboo forest step by step in a daze, and returned to the bamboo building.

When Ye Fei came to the table, he saw that there was a cooked breakfast on the table, still steaming slightly.

Just now, I only looked for Dugu Yiren, but didn't find the breakfast prepared on the table.

Moreover, Ye Fei also saw that a piece of paper was being pressed under a plate.

Ye Fei quickly picked up this piece of paper, opened it and glanced at it.

It turned out that these were words left by Dugu Yiren for himself.

After reading the content on the paper, Ye Fei was relieved.

It turned out that I had misunderstood. Dugu Yiren didn't leave him, but went out to do errands.

Moreover, the woman also said that she would be back when the Ancient Alliance and the Alliance of Gods battled.

Ye Fei shook his head helplessly, and didn't think much about what the woman was doing. Anyway, as long as the woman would come back, that would be enough.

Moreover, having been away for so many days, the mobile phone was damaged during the battle with Fengshen, and the outsiders could not be contacted.

Therefore, Ye Fei decided to leave soon and go back to Ninghai first.

After all, if you have been out for so many days, if you don't go back, women will definitely have to worry to death.

So Ye Fei finished his breakfast, then closed the door of the bamboo building and left here.

After Ye Fei left this isolated place, he came to the nearest city, got on the plane, and flew to Ninghai...

At noon, the plane arrived in Ninghai.

After returning to Ninghai, Ye Fei bought a mobile phone again and renewed his card.

Turning on the phone, Ye Fei found that Elena had sent several encrypted emails to herself, probably because her phone couldn't get through, so Elena sent her emails.

Moreover, these emails were sent a few days ago.

Ye Fei's expression changed. If there was nothing particularly important, Elena would not contact herself.

Since Elena sent several emails in a row, then something must have happened.

Ye Fei quickly clicked on the email and scanned it.

After browsing a few emails, Ye Fei's face sank.

I didn't expect so many things happened these days when I left.

It seems that the Alliance of Gods already knows about his being abolished.

Otherwise, the leader of this "country of supernatural powers", the dark adjudicator would not have such courage, thinking about conquering the temple.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that I just disappeared for a few days, and these jackals and tigers and leopards pounced on..."

A cruel and cold smile crossed the corner of Ye Fei's mouth.

Since the Dark Adjudicator is so dishonest, he doesn't need to live in this world...

Ye Fei did not immediately call back to Elena and Shi Junze, but planned to go directly.

Didn't those wolfish ambitions think that they were abolished and disappeared... Then go and give them a "surprise".

Thinking of this, Ye Fei stopped a car directly and headed straight to Ning Naval District, ready to let the commander of Ning Naval District send a transport helicopter to him, and drive the plane directly by himself.

On the way, Ye Fei wanted to make the women feel more at ease, so he prepared to call the women.

The first call was to Gu Qingcheng.

As soon as the phone was connected, Gu Qingcheng's voice came.

"Ye Fei! Are you finally willing to call you back? What are you doing these days, why are you not answering when I call you? Also, when are you coming back?"

Ye Fei smiled helplessly when he heard Gu Qingcheng's continual problems, and said, "Qingcheng, a lot of things have happened these days, and it's hard to say a word. That's why I didn't answer your call... I'll tell you when I get back."

"Then where are you now, are you still in the Ancient Martial Realm?" Gu Qingcheng asked.

"No, I'm in Ninghai." Ye Fei replied.

"Ah?! In Ninghai? Since you are in Ninghai, why don't you come back?!"

Gu Qingcheng's voice suddenly increased by a few decibels, feeling inexplicable.

"Uh... I originally planned to go back to the company directly, but I just received the news that something happened in the temple, so I have to hurry over now..." Ye Fei replied with a smile.

"I really convinced you!"

Gu Qingcheng angrily said: "You just came back, so you have to leave again! I know you are a busy person, but you can't even go home!"

"Qingcheng, I also want to come back... But when things happen suddenly and urgently, I am also very helpless!"

Ye Fei shrugged and said with a smile: "Moreover, I haven't seen you for so long, I really miss you..."

"Hmph, I don't believe what you are saying. Since you miss me, why don't you call me back?"

Although Gu Qingcheng was sweet in her heart, she hummed softly.


"Okay, don't uh, let's do this first, pay attention to your own safety, and hurry back when you are finished!"

After speaking, Gu Qingcheng hung up the phone directly.

Ye Fei smiled and shook his head. He knew that Gu Qingcheng was still very worried and missed herself, but he knew the character of a woman, so he didn't want to talk about it.

It seems that after finishing this matter, I have to come back to accompany my confidantes.

Then, on the second call, Ye Fei called Qin Menglan.

After all, Qin Menglan belonged to the Qin family of Gu Wu. It is very likely that Qin Menglan already knew the news that she was severely injured and deposed.

Therefore, in order not to worry Qin Menglan, Ye Fei decided to talk to the woman.

As soon as the call passed, it was connected within a few seconds.

"Ye Fei?!"

Qin Menglan's surprised voice came over.

Ye Fei could hear the woman's voice trembling, and sure enough, the woman should know the news that she was seriously injured and dismissed.

"Menglan baby, it's me..."

Ye Fei replied softly.


As soon as the voice fell, Qin Menglan cried directly, her voice choked up, "Ye Fei...Where have you been these days, why didn't I call you...I...I'm so worried...

I heard my father were severely injured by Fengshen of the Alliance of Gods, and even the martial arts were abolished...and that you were taken away by your master...

Ye Fei, don't be sad, you must cheer up... You are so talented, even if your martial arts is really abolished, you will surely recover one day...

So, Ye Fei, I hope you don't give up hope..."

Listening to the woman's choked words, Ye Fei felt sad and his heart hurt.

It is hard to imagine how sad and worried a woman should be these days when she knows about this...

Ye Fei sighed lightly, smiled slightly, and said, "Baby Menglan, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm already well, and my martial arts, cultivation base, and internal strength have been restored..."

"What?! Has it recovered?! this true?!"

Qin Menglan exclaimed, obviously a little unbelievable.

After all, throughout the ages, it is undoubtedly difficult for a martial artist to recover after martial arts has been abolished.

After the overwhelming majority of warriors were abolished, they were completely degraded, and only a few warriors could regain their strength.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Of course it is true. I was indeed seriously injured a few days ago and my martial arts was also abolished...

However, these days, with the help of my master, my martial arts have been restored..."

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