Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2278: , Completely fall!

"Great, that's great!"

Qin Menglan was pleasantly surprised: "Ye Fei, where are you now, is your master with you?"

"I'm in Ninghai now, and my master has something to do, so I'm temporarily separated from me." Ye Fei replied.

"Ye Fei, are you back?!"

Qin Menglan was happy, "Then why don't you come to the company? Qingcheng and I miss you so much..."

"Sister Lan, I still have something to leave Huaxia to deal with, so we can't meet for the time being." Ye Fei sighed and said.

"Something else?"

Qin Menglan froze for a moment, and said, "Is that dangerous?"

"Don't worry, there is no danger." Ye Fei replied with a smile.

"It's okay if there is no danger...Then you come back as soon as you are done, okay?" Qin Menglan said softly.

"it is good."

Ye Fei agreed, and then said: "By the way, Sister Lan, don't tell the guys in the ancient martial arts that I have recovered my strength..."


Qin Menglan was a little confused.

Ye Fei slowly said: "Since the last battle with Fengshen in the Alliance of All Gods, I also clearly know the strength of the Lord God.

They are indeed very strong, to the point of unbelievable strength...Just a Fengshen ranked twelfth is already so powerful.

It is conceivable that the top ten main gods and the king of gods, how strong should they be?

Therefore, I hope that the various schools of the ancient martial arts can learn from this incident, practice hard to improve their own strength, rather than pin all their hopes on others!

It is unceremonious to say that the Alliance of the Gods is not only higher than the Ancient Alliance in the number of masters, but the overall strength is also much higher than the Ancient Alliance!

If you want to win this battle, the Ancient Alliance just rely on a few masters is far from enough..."

"Ye Fei, I understand what you mean."

Qin Menglan sighed lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell this to other people in the ancient martial arts world."

Ye Fei said with a "hmm" and said, "Well, Menglan baby, let's do this first, and wait for me to come back."

After speaking, Ye Fei hung up the phone.

After that, Ye Fei called several other women.

Until the call was over, Ye Fei arrived at the Ninghai Military Region.

Because Ye Fei was already an old acquaintance, he was able to find the commander of the Ning Navy District without any obstacles along the way.

When it was learned that Ye Fei was going to borrow a transport helicopter, the commander of the Ning Navy District readily borrowed it without saying a word.

Arriving at the military area airport, after Ye Fei greeted him, he got on the transport helicopter.

After a while, the plane took off and left the Ninghai Navy District, heading straight to the Lost Island...


In the Pacific Ocean, there is an island that cannot be found on the world map.

This island is the lost island.

The island is like spring in all seasons, surrounded by mountains and rivers and green trees, just like a few pearls on the blue sea.

But in such a quiet and beautiful sea, at this time, there was a lot of wind and grass.

On the side of a sandy beach on the island, twenty or thirty battleships like steel fortresses are parked.

Several different banners were erected on the battleship, including the skull banner of the sea devil, the purgatory banner of the purgatory mercenary group, and the blood blade banner of the fallen angel...

Every battleship was full of people, including mercenaries, pirates, assassins, and fiend knights, ghost guards, and dark soldiers guarding the lost island. There were thousands of people.

Everyone has a solemn look, sharp eyes like a knife, and a solid murderous aura from all over his body.

On a main battleship, a star banner was erected, which is also the symbol of the temple.

At this time, Elena, Alston, Barr, Algernon, Shi Junze, Rex, and Arnold were standing on the main ship with serious expressions, looking into the distance, as if they were waiting. What is coming.

"Damn! The guys in the'Nation of Ability' are really deceiving! The boss just disappeared for a few days, and they can't wait to attack our temple! Are they really deceiving our temple?!" Ston said bitterly with a thick throat.

"These wolves and ambitious guys may have been making the idea of ​​our temple, but the boss was there before, so they are as good as their grandsons and dare not act rashly.

Now that the boss is missing, they will naturally not let go of this good opportunity..." Barr frowned and said lightly.

"FUCK!! As long as these guys dare to mess around, I will kill them directly!!" Rex yelled.

A few days ago, they all received news from Elena. When they learned that Ye Fei was deposed, his whereabouts were unknown, and that "the kingdom of supernatural powers" was about to attack the temple, they were furious and drove away without stopping. come over.

Algernon looked at Elena blankly and said, "Elena, has the boss's strength really been abolished?"

Although he already knew the result, he still couldn't believe it.

The boss is so powerful, how can it be said that if he is abolished, he will be abolished?

"Algernon, although I can't believe it, it's true."

Elena sighed softly and said: "If the Dark Adjudicator hasn't confirmed the authenticity of this matter, then he won't commit it in a big way."

Algernon frowned and asked, "Elena, is there any news from the boss these days?"


Elena shook her head, then sighed, and said, "Actually, I don't want my king to appear at this time..."

"What's the meaning?"

Shi Junze looked at Elena with a puzzled look.

Elena looked at the sea in the distance and said: "If my king returns, but his strength has not recovered, do you think those wolfish ambitions will let go of my king?"

"so it is……"

Shi Junze frowned and nodded.

"Elena, don't worry, even if I try my best, I will help the boss protect the temple!" Alston patted his chest and said loudly.

The others also nodded, having the same thoughts as Alston.

How strong the Dark Adjudicator is, they know, how can they be weak if they can become the king of this world?

However, no matter how strong the Dark Adjudicator is, they are not afraid.

Because they are ready to die.

Elena looked moved and said: "Brothers, please, please!!"

"Hehe, Elena, don't be so polite!"

Rex smiled and said: "Once, the boss has always protected us, but now, the boss is killed. If we don't come back to help, then we are simply not human!

Although I am really afraid of death, but today I also gave it up. It is worth dying for the boss! "

"Yes, the big deal is death!"

Allston patted Rex on the shoulder, and said, "If we have the next life, we will be brothers for the first time!!"

"Yes! Be a brother again!!"

Barr's eyes flushed and he nodded vigorously.

"Sister Elena, will Brother Ye Fei come back?"

Arnold looked at Elena with tears in his eyes.

Elena smiled slightly, touched Arnold's head, and said: "Don't worry, Arnold, Ye Fei will definitely be back.

However, now someone wants to invade our homeland and bully Ye Fei, what should we do? "

"I will not allow anyone to invade our home and bully Ye Fei! If they dare, I will kill them!!"

Arnold clenched his fists, his cute face was firm, and his big clear eyes were full of beast-like fierce glow.

"Arnold is so good."

Elena smiled softly and said: "Then let us fight together!"

"it is good!"

Arnold nodded vigorously.

Everyone waited for about an hour, only to see that in the distance of the sea, steel battleships appeared in everyone's field of vision like steel beasts.

There are a dozen battleships in total, and the blue and white striped flags are erected on the battleships, and they are approaching here. Each battleship is full of people, reaching thousands of people.

"They are here."

Elena said lightly.

Everyone has increased their vigilance and is ready to fight at any time.

After another half an hour, the dozen or so warships were already approaching.

I saw that a thin white old man was standing on top of a main ship.

This old man wore a white cloak, with icy blue curly hair, wrinkles on his face, and a scepter inlaid with sapphires in his hand...

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