Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2279: , Jackal Tiger Leopard!

Although his figure is not tall, but the king's aura he exudes is particularly amazing.

This old man is the leader of the "Nation of Ability", the Dark Adjudicator.

The Dark Adjudicator glanced proudly at Elena, Alston and others, and said with a smile: "Elena, Alston, Barr... today is the fifth day, have you made a decision? "

"Dark Adjudicator, five days ago, I already told your men that it is impossible to make our temple surrender and surrender to you!" Elena said loudly.

"Dark Adjudicator, fortunately, you are still a generation king, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless!

My boss has just disappeared for a few days, you can't wait to run over, still want to occupy our temple?

I bother! Since you are so capable, why can't you come when my boss is here? "Rex said mockingly.

"Shut up!"

The Dark Adjudicator turned his head to look at Rex, and groaned coldly.

"Shut up?"

Rex smiled coldly and said: "I just didn't shut up! Old stuff, you **** listen to me! If you have the ability, you will kill us all! If you want us to surrender to you, there is no way..."


Before Rex finished speaking, the Dark Adjudicator directly waved the scepter in his hand and let out a cold drink.

Boom! !

A loud noise!

I saw that a purple thunderbolt fell from the air and struck down directly at Rex!


Algernon reacted the fastest and quickly reminded him.

Rex also noticed the danger, was shocked, and quickly took a step back.

I only heard a thunderous sound, and saw that the place where he stood just now was directly cut out by this thunder.

Rex glanced, shocked in his heart.

The deck of the battleship was made of steel, but it was penetrated by the thunder released by the Dark Adjudicator!

It is conceivable that if I hadn't been hiding fast just now, I'm afraid I would have been hacked to death!

Thinking of this, a cold sweat broke out on Rex's forehead, and he dared not speak any more.

He was afraid of death. If he died in battle, it would be better to say something.

It would be no fun if he was killed by thunder inexplicably.

Elena stared at the Dark Adjudicator and said coldly: "Dark Adjudicator, what do you mean? Do you want to go to war?!"

Allston, Barr and the others also glared at him, this old thing simply wanted to give them a slap in the face.

"Go to war? No, no, no, our'country of supernatural powers' is a civilized country. If we are not a last resort, we will naturally not use force..."

The Dark Adjudicator smiled and said: "Elena, as long as you are willing to surrender and surrender to me, I promise you will not use force..."

The other abilities on the battleship looked at Elena and the others contemptuously, with an ironic smile on their lips.

"Dark Adjudicator, I have just said that our temple will not surrender, and will not surrender to you!" Elena said with a calm face.

"Elena, don't speak too early!"

The Dark Adjudicator smiled faintly, and said: "Now that the purgatory king has become a waste, the organizations and forces of the underground world are already known.

The reason why these large and small organizations and forces have not yet laid hands on your gods is because they are still on the sidelines, not daring to determine the authenticity of this matter.

If once these organizations and forces confirm the truth of the matter, do you think your temple will still be so comfortable?

Therefore, I am willing to give you a chance to take refuge in our "country of supernatural powers"... As long as your temple is willing to take refuge in us, then I promise that no organization or strength will dare to hurt you...

So, please think about it again..."

"Old thing! I tell you, it is impossible to make us surrender and surrender to you!!"

Allston stepped out and said in a shocking voice: "Even if our temple is the last one to fight for, we will never surrender to you! If you want to fight, we will accompany you!!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

All the people in the temple raised their arms and shouted, and their fighting spirit was high in their hearts.

The killing sound shook the sky, resounding over the entire sea.

The abilities of these "country of abilities" were taken aback by surprise.

The Dark Adjudicator narrowed his eyes, obviously he didn't expect these guys to be so stubborn.

If it hadn't been for the order of the king of gods, he really wouldn't want to run to provoke these demons.

However, now that it has come, it will naturally have to complete the task assigned by the King of the Gods.

Even if the bones become mountains and the blood flows into rivers, the temple must be completely surrendered!

"Elena, I will ask you one last time, do you really not surrender?!"

The dark adjudicator's face sank and he had lost his patience.

"Swear to the death!!"

Elena yelled softly.

"Swear to the death!!"

"Swear to the death!!"

"Swear to the death!!"

All the temple warriors responded with a shock, and there was not a single one.

"Okay! Very good! This is what you forced me!!"

The Dark Adjudicator laughed in anger, then raised the scepter in his hand and said loudly: "The warriors of the kingdom of supernatural powers obey the order! Since these demons refuse to surrender, then kill me!!"


Elena also gave the order.

Soon, all the warriors of the temple fought with the abilities of the "Nation of Ability"!

"I'm paralyzed! I can't wait long ago!"

With a loud shout, Allston jumped directly onto the opposite battleship, waved his fist, and smashed the head of a supernatural player!

Afterwards, Auston's expression became savage, and he rushed forward, and knocked out several abilities who were performing their abilities!

These flying out supernaturalists hit the metal railing, vomiting blood, and were killed on the spot!

However, just as Alston was about to continue his rush, I saw a strong figure, one meter and ninety meters in length, and brown eyes blocking the front of Alston.

"Alston, I am one of the warriors of the'Nation of Ability', Amanda! I have heard that the sea emperor has extraordinary combat power, and I would like to see it today!" Amanda said loudly.

"Get away!!"

Alston shouted angrily, rushed up wildly, twisted a punch directly, and blasted towards Amanda!

"Aptune Kaishan Fist!!"

boom! !

A punch, fierce, mixed with the power of the sea, fierce and surging!

Amanda quickly raised a punch and greeted her!

boom! !

Accompanied by the sound of a terrifying explosion, Amanda's huge body was directly retreated!

"Hehe, just want to compete with me with this strength?" Alston sneered.

"The strength of the sea emperor is indeed well-deserved. It seems that I have to be serious!"

Amanda stabilized her body.


Amanda squeezed her fists and yelled to the sky!

Allston increased his vigilance and made a defense, thinking that this guy was about to release some power.

However, in the next second, Alston was extremely shocked that Amanda's body was abruptly pulled up by more than one meter, and her muscles swelled several times, directly turning into a small body more than three meters high. giant!

Auston is nine meters tall and has a strong body. Compared with this guy, he has become so "small" at this time!

He was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect this guy's ability to make his body stronger!

Everyone in this "country of supernatural powers" is indeed not a normal person!

"Hahaha! Alston, come on!!!"

Amanda laughed wildly, stretched out her big hand, and hooked her finger towards Alston.


Alston yelled, not timid, like a bull, rushing towards Amanda!

As soon as Allston rushed over, Amanda directly shook a large fist and smashed it towards Allston's head!

Huh! !

With a punch, the air burst out!

It is conceivable that Amanda has not only increased her body height, her body has become stronger, but her strength has also increased several times!

In the face of this punch, Auston didn't dare to support it, so he directly raised his arms and moved up to a block!

boom! !

Amanda's punch hit Alston's arms hard!


Alston snorted, feeling that his arms were hit by a hammer, and his body was directly retreated.

"The big sea monster, are you **** okay?"

Barr kicked a supernatural player away and asked.

"I'm fine!"

Allston responded and rushed towards Amanda again.

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