Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2280: , Rumblings!

Just when Baal was about to continue to kill those with supernatural powers, he suddenly felt a dangerous killing intent coming from behind!

He slammed forward, only to hear a bang, and a green vine slammed on the deck!

The steel on the deck was hit by the green vines and sank directly!

As soon as Barr turned around, he saw that a man with a height of a few meters and seven meters, not a sturdy figure, and green eyes was looking at him with a smile.

And this man's hands turned into two thick green vines, which looked like vegetatives.

This person, it was Elberta who found Elena and Shi Junze with Amanda a few days ago.

"As expected to be a Middle Eastern general, he's quite agile!"

Elberta grinned and said, "However, no matter how strong you are, you must die in my hands today!"

The voice fell off.

Bang! !

Elberta directly waved two cane whips and struck Barr!

Barr quickly dodges a few times before avoiding the beating of these two cane whips!

With a crisp sound, the wooden flagpole hit by the rattan whip was directly smashed to pieces!

Seeing a miss, Elberta immediately waved two more vine whips and continued to attack Barr. The air made a "cracking" sound like an explosion of firecrackers!

Several temple warriors who were not far away were drawn by him and were beaten to the ground, some of them vomited blood and died on the spot!

Through the fight, Baal clearly knew that this guy was not an ordinary warrior, and his strength was very powerful!

"Damn! Don't come near!!"

Barr yelled at several temple warriors.

But at this moment, with a "wheeze", a vine whip came out of the air and struck Barr's chest fiercely!


Barr grunted painfully, his body flew upside down, and slammed into the mast with a "bang".

"Barr, you can't protect yourself, and you have time to control others?"

Elberta laughed, waved the vine whip again, and drew towards Baal!

After Baal dodged the attack of the vine whip, he stepped on the ground with his legs, like a sharp sword, rushing towards Elberta!

But at this moment, Elberta pulled his arms, and the two vine whips came from behind Barr like a poisonous snake!

One of the vine whips wrapped around Baal's legs, and the other vine whip wrapped around Baal's neck!

"go to hell!!"

Elberta smiled coldly and pulled her arms. When Balton lost her center of gravity, she fell to the ground with a "boom"!


As the vine whip was still gathering, Barr's face and neck were flushed, breathing was difficult, and even the blue veins burst out.


Algernon, who was fighting not far away, happened to see this scene. He yelled and wanted to rush over to help, but he was entangled by a few powerful abilities, which made him anxious.

"Hahaha... Barr, aren't you a Middle Eastern **** general? Aren't you very strong? Why are you like a dead dog now?"

Elberta laughed, waving his arms up and down, and Barr's body was like a sandbag, and then he was taken into the air and fell heavily on the deck.

After several consecutive impacts, Barr felt pain all over, and with a "poof", several mouthfuls of blood spurted out of his mouth.

After all, Elberta, as one of the ten warlords next to the Dark Adjudicator, is just as powerful as the great demon kings under Ye Fei's seat.

Moreover, because of the blessing of the supernatural attributes, these guys are still very strong even though they are not strong in body and not strong enough.

"Forget it, I won't play with you...Go to hell!!"

A murderous flash in Elberta's eyes directly spurred the ability.

I saw that one of the vine whips that wrapped around Baal's neck continued to shrink, wishing to cut Baal's neck directly!

Barr was in distress, quickly drew out a saber, and cut off the vine whip on his neck with a "swish"!


Elberta let out a painful cry, the two rattan whips were loosened, and Barr struck a carp and jumped from the deck.

Because the vine whip is part of Elberta's body, the vine whip is cut off, just like a hand being cut off, and the pain makes him cold and sweaty.

However, soon his severed vine whip grew again.


Elberta took a big breath, stared at Baal, hissed: "Baal, you hurt me, I want your life!!"

In an instant, Elberta and Barr fought together again!

not far away.

Algernon also encountered a powerful ability after beheading more than a dozen supernaturalists in a row.

This superpower was standing five meters away from him, looking at him with a grim look.

He was thin and long, like a bamboo pole, with several stab wounds on his body, and blood was flowing down.

The injuries on his body were exactly what Algernon left on him during the previous battle.

As for Algernon, he was also injured, his face was blue and purple, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Algernon wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and shouted coldly at the ability person: "Come again!"

"Hehe, Algernon, as the king of killers, I think your strength is nothing but this..."

This supernatural person joked and said: "Today, I will send you to hell, so that everyone in the world will know that the king of killers is just a trash and rubbish!!!"

After finishing speaking, the power player raised his right arm, clenched his fist, and hit Algernon directly!

boom! !

However, when he hit this punch, his arm actually grew more than ten meters, and as he approached Algernon, his fist suddenly enlarged and turned into a giant punch, the strength is not weak!

Algernon just followed this guy's way, and was injured by this guy!

The abilities of these "country of abilities" are very evil, possessing all kinds of abilities, and the ability of this guy is to make his arms and feet freely lengthen and shorten, become bigger and smaller!

So, when this superpower punched him, Algernon had already reacted and dodged!

Then, he waved the silver dagger in his hand and slashed towards this fist!

Huh! !

The cold light flashed, and only a "pouch" was heard, the fist of this ability was directly cut off by Algernon!


The person with this ability screamed painfully, and his arm was instantly shortened like a normal person.

But the place where his wrist was severed only shed a little blood, and soon he re-grown his fist!

Seeing this scene, Algernon was shocked immediately!

"Hahaha... Algernon, I am immortal, you can't kill me!"

Seeing Algernon's shocked eyes, this supernatural player burst out laughing.

"Is it immortal? Hehe... I killed you, the **** immortal!"

Algernon smiled coldly, but with a kick on his legs, he rushed towards the superpower!

"Hmph, don't do unnecessary struggles anymore, go to death!!"

Seeing Algernon rushing towards him, this ability player quickly blasted his fist and kicked his foot!

I saw that this guy's arms and legs grew more than ten meters in an instant, and when it was approaching Algernon, it directly enlarged into a giant fist and a giant foot, and slapped it frantically toward Algernon!

Algernon dodged and dodged while continuing to approach this guy!

Bang bang bang! ! ...

I only heard the sound of muffled thunder, and pits were shot out by this guy on the deck, and the flagpoles and masts on the deck were also broken and shattered by shooting!

After Algernon dodged a few consecutive times to avoid the attack, the silver dagger in his hand immediately turned out a knife, and slashed towards the giant fist and giant foot that came over!

Swish! !

I saw two silver lights flashing, and Algernon's arms and legs were severed by Algernon!


This ability person took a breath of pain, and the severed arm and leg quickly retracted, ready to grow again, and then continue to attack!

"Thousand Shadows Instant Kill!!"

At this moment, Algernon seized this opportunity and directly launched the stunt of assassination, his body was like a black lightning, rushing directly towards the superpower!

Whoosh! !

In the blink of an eye, Algernon has already come to this supernatural person!

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