Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2281: , Swear to die!


This supernatural person's heart was suddenly shocked, and his eyes were about to stare out. He obviously did not expect that Algernon's speed would become so fast in an instant, so fast that he could not even catch the afterimage!


A cold voice resounded, and the dagger in Algernon's hand struck a silver line in the air instantly!

Because the speed was too fast, it was so fast that this guy didn't know where Algernon was going to attack him, and there was no time to retreat!

Next second.

He only heard a "pouch", this guy's head was directly separated from his body, and he flew up, splashing a cloud of blood mist, and smashing it to the ground!

At the moment when the head was separated, this guy could no longer recover. With a "plop", he fell to the ground and shrank completely, completely dead!

Algernon let out a foul breath and said indifferently: "If you are a person, you will have weaknesses, and there is no immortal body..."

After that, Algernon stepped directly over the headless corpse of this guy, and continued to attack and kill the next target!

The fierce battle continues, shouts of killing, screams, shouts, shaking the earth, resounding through the entire beach of the Lost Island!

On the deck, on the beach, a corpse fell down, and there were also corpses floating in the sea. There were temple warriors as well as the supernatural powers of the "land of supernatural powers"!

The red blood flowed, dyed the deck, the silver beach, and the sea!

Seeing the brothers who used to live and die with him fell in front of him, the soldiers of the temple were flushed with bloodshot eyes, and they were deeply irritated!

The warriors of the temple are called demons because they are not good people!

Because they are restless killers, pirates, mercenaries...

Moreover, once, under the leadership of Ye Fei, they washed the world in blood, and countless people died in their hands!

However, in these years, under Ye Fei's orders, everyone has converged a lot and became safe!

But now, when they watched their partners die in front of them, and watched the beasts of the "country of supernatural powers" invade their homes, they were also completely enraged!

"Brothers and sisters, kill these gangsters!!"

"Kill them!!"


All the warriors of the temple roared loudly, and once again launched a crazy attack against these ability players in the "country of supernatural powers"!

Because of the frenzied rage of the temple warriors, these ability players with ability blessings were squeezed and beaten for a while, unable to advance to the island!

This **** fierce battle has entered a white-hot stage and is still going on!

at this time.

Rex, who has always been greedy for life and fear of death, also went out, fighting a **** battle with the abilities of the "country of abilities"!

There were many more wounds on his body, and blood was flowing on his face, but fortunately, his skin was thick and thick, but he did not hurt him fatally!

Rex resisted the pain, but with a slight charge in one hand, while roaring, he swept wildly at these superpowers!

"FUCK!!! FUCK!!! You dogs, let me **** die!!"

Da da da! ! ...

A shuttle bullet is like a gust of wind and rain, blasting towards the densest place of supernatural powers!

Puff puff! ! ...

Accompanied by the sound of bullets entering the flesh, soon, a large number of supernaturalists fell!

"Hahaha!!...Come on! You guys are awesome!!"

Rex laughed wildly, really like a demon.

But at this moment, a purple violent thunder fell from the sky and slashed directly towards Rex!

However, because Rex was in a state of excitement, he didn't react at all!

"Fatty be careful!!"

At this time, the nearest Shi Junze rushed over with a "swish" and slammed into Rex's body, knocking him aside!

However, just when Shi Junze was about to evade quickly, this purple violent thunder had already smashed down!


Shi Junze screamed in pain, and this violent thunder cut a 20-centimeter hole directly behind his back. The skin was open and fleshy, blood was flowing down, and his back was dyed red.


Rex also reacted and rushed up to support Shi Junze, " are you, are you okay?!"

Shi Junze's face turned pale, he shook his head, and said with a smile: "It's okay...I can't die..."

"You idiot! What are you rushing over for?!"

Rex's eyes were red, and he knew that if Shi Junze wasn't trying to save him, it would be impossible for him to be injured by this violent thunder.

Shi Junze grinned and said, "Fatty, we are brothers! If you want to live, we will live together, if we die, we will die together!!"

"With the total death!!"

Rex burst into tears in his eyes and roared loudly.

"Yes! Live and die together!!"

Shi Junze also nodded vigorously.

"Jayne, let's brothers, kill these bastards!!"

"it is good!!"

Shi Junze and Rex teamed up to kill these people with supernatural powers together.

Because Shi Junze knew that among the brothers, Rex had the weakest combat effectiveness, so he wanted to fight with Rex so that he could take care of him.

However, just after Shi Junze and Rex teamed up to kill more than a dozen supernaturalists, suddenly, a shell made of condensed air was shot out from a short distance, and the target was directed at the injured Shi Jun. Ze! !

But at this time, Shi Junze had been restrained by several other ability players, so he did not discover this sneak attack!

"Jean be careful!!"

Seeing this, Rex kicked off a supernatural player, not afraid of death, and directly blocked Shi Junze with his huge body!

"Don't be fat!!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Junze exclaimed.

boom! !

Accompanied by a muffled noise, Rex's chest was hit hard by this air cannonball, and his huge body flew upside down ten meters away, with a bang, and fell to the edge of the deck!


At the moment of landing, Rex directly spouted a few mouthfuls of blood.


Shi Junze exclaimed, rushed over and helped Rex up.

Seeing Rex's appearance, Shi Junze's heart seemed to be bleeding.

"What the **** can you do! Who told you to stop me!!" Shi Junze roared with red eyes.

"Hey...hey...I am happy to..."

Rex said in a weak voice: "Jayne...just now you blocked an attack for I don't owe you anymore..."

"We are brothers, what do we owe or not?!" Shi Junze said with grief in his heart.

Rex grinned, and vomited another mouthful of blood, "I know... among the brothers... I am the weakest... I can't help everyone..."

"Fool! You **** shut up for me!!"

Shi Junze roared and pointed to a large corpse that fell in front of him, and said: "You have helped us a lot! Didn't you see, you killed all those dogs!!"

" seems that I am not...not a trash..."

After saying this, Rex vomited blood again, and then closed his eyes.


Shi Junze was shocked, and quickly sniffed Rex.

Shi Junze breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Rex was still breathing.

Although Rex's breathing was very weak, but luckily he just passed out, and now he can't die.

However, the battle must be ended as soon as possible, otherwise, Rex would really be hopeless.

Thinking of this, Shi Junze lifted a palm and slapped Rex on the back, transporting a burst of true energy in, temporarily protecting Rex's internal organs, and slowing the bleeding of his internal organs.

Then, Shi Junze turned his head and shouted at the warriors in the temple: "You guys, hurry up and carry the fat man to the beach! You must protect him, understand?!"


Several temple warriors responded, and quickly lifted Rex, jumped off the deck, and left the battle zone.

After setting up Rex, Shi Junze stood up with fire in his eyes, and stared at the supernatural person who was walking towards him.

Just now, it was this guy who injured Rex.

"Dog stuff, you hurt my brother, I want your life!!"

Shi Junze was completely mad, and rushed directly towards this superpower!

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