Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2286: , The strength gap!

I saw that Ye Fei looked at the two or three hundred supernatural beings who rushed over, just standing there quietly, without any fluctuations in the expression on his face!

It's like a high king, overlooking these tiny ants!


Ye Fei faintly uttered a word, and then suddenly swayed a magnificent sword intent toward the two or three hundred supernaturalists who rushed over!

Huh! !

The light golden sword intent light formed a huge light blade, as if it was about to split the air directly, bringing up a violent wind! !

This huge light blade slashed out and lifted all the sand on the ground, which was more than ten meters high!

These two or three hundred people with supernatural powers saw this domineering sword coming across, and they were shocked, and they quickly released their superpowers, wanting to block this sword!

However, what made them desperate was that their defense was useless at all, and as soon as they touched this magnificent sword intent, they were directly suppressed!


Suddenly, bursts of screams resounded.

But soon, the screams stopped.

When the dust dissipated, there was a scene of horror like purgatory!

Aston and others, the warriors of the temple, and the remaining 600 or so supernatural beings who had not had time to rush up, seeing this scene, their pupils dilated, their whole body trembled, and they were terrified!

I saw that 20 or 30 meters in front of Ye Fei, blood had already flowed into a river!

All the two or three hundred powers were cut off and fell to the ground!

These dead abilities have their eyes wide open, with an expression of uncontrollable horror on their faces!

Therefore, at the moment, Ye Fei killed two or three hundred people in an instant with a single sword!

All the people present are warriors who have been wandering the underground world all the year round, killing countless people and having their hands stained with blood!

However, seeing this scene of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood, everyone still felt the fear from the depths of the soul!

What is the real strong?

This is the real powerhouse!

Kill hundreds of people with a single sword. Who can do it now?

"Purgatory King!!"

All the temple warriors didn't know how to express their awe of Ye Fei, and they knelt on one knee without hesitation.

"Boss, that old thing wants to run!"

At this moment, Auston, who had recovered from the shock, yelled.

As soon as Ye Fei turned his head, he saw that the Dark Adjudicator was driving a white lifeboat, madly rushing towards the distance!

Seeing this scene, the remaining supernaturalists felt desperate and heartbroken!

The leader they trusted so much used them as cannon fodder. Regardless of their life or death, he ran away just now in the chaos!

"Boss, I'm going to chase this old guy!!"

Barr said angrily, dragging his injured body and preparing to get up.

"No, Barr, he can't run away..."

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and replied.

Can't run away?

Alston, Barr and others all looked confused, and said to their hearts, this old guy is almost running away, if he doesn't chase, he will definitely run away!

Is there any way for the boss to catch this old thing?

When everyone was puzzled, Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and kicked his feet to the ground!

Bang! !

The powerful explosive force directly exploded two deep pits on the ground!

Whoosh! !

In an instant, Ye Fei's body was just as shocking as a dragon, rising directly into the sky!

After leaping to an altitude of forty or fifty meters, Ye Fei slammed a sword at the dark adjudicator who was madly fleeing for his life!

boom! ! ——

A huge light blade with a length of over a hundred meters, with the momentum of looking at the world, Shen Shen fell down!

Suddenly, the sea raised huge waves like a tsunami!

The sea was cut into a deep ravine, and the sea rolled up tens of meters high toward both sides!

The incomparable sharp sword intent, with the momentum of destroying the dryness, went straight to the Dark Judge!

At this time, the Dark Adjudicator, who drove a lifeboat more than two hundred meters away, looked back and was shocked!

"This...what is this?!"

The Dark Adjudicator exclaimed.

He felt the crazy destructive power of Ye Fei's sword, so he didn't dare to stay on the lifeboat. He quickly displayed the attributes of the wind and jumped out of the lifeboat!

However, as soon as he jumped down, he only heard a loud "bang"!

The lifeboat was directly split in half by this sword intent and exploded!

Flames and thick smoke spread over the sea!


The Dark Adjudicator let out a scream.

He thought he had escaped, but was still affected by this sword, his right arm was directly cut off, and blood was cut out from his body by the sword qi!

At this time, everyone on the shore was shocked!

They didn't expect Ye Fei's attack power to reach hundreds of meters!


It's horrible!

This is simply not something human can do! !

At this time, the lifeboat was destroyed, and the Dark Adjudicator could no longer escape. He could only take the wind under his feet, and a few dodges swept ashore from a few hundred meters of the sea!

After returning to the shore, the Dark Adjudicator did not stop and ran towards a dense forest!

He knew that he was not Ye Fei's opponent at all, so at this moment there was only one thought in his mind, that is, run!

As long as you can survive, you can ask for help!

After Ye Fei landed steadily from a height of several tens of meters, seeing the dark arbiter's desire to survive so tenacious, he jokingly smiled, with another cross-cut on his backhand, and swung a sword intent toward the dark arbiter's leg!


The Dark Adjudicator screamed in pain, his left leg was cut off directly, and with a "plop", he fell on the beach.

At this time, he had broken one arm and one leg, and the blood could not stop flowing.

However, the Dark Adjudicator still wanted to escape, slowly crawling towards the dense forest with both hands.

There was a sigh of sorrow in the hearts of everyone present, that a generation of kings, unexpectedly, had such a time of embarrassment.

Moreover, those with the remaining abilities at the scene knew in their hearts that the purgatory king was playing with their leader.

Today's Purgatory King is unbelievably strong. If the Purgatory King was about to kill their leader, the Dark Adjudicator would have died just now.

Ye Fei looked indifferently at the Dark Adjudicator who was slowly crawling ahead, and said indifferently: "Old thing, my anger has almost disappeared...Now, I will send you to hell..."

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the Dark Adjudicator quickly turned around, crying and begged for mercy: "Purgatory King, I was wrong, I was really wrong!

I shouldn't have come to attack the temple, shouldn't kill your people, please, for the sake of our meeting, please spare my life! "

Ye Fei's eyes were extremely cold, and he said coldly: "Old thing, if I didn't come back, would you let my brother and woman go again?"


The Dark Adjudicator opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"Go to **** and confess for my dead brother..."

Ye Fei replied coldly, and then directly swung a sword towards the dark adjudicator.

Huh! !

"Do not!!--"

Seeing the sword slashing towards him, the dark adjudicator's face turned pale, and a heart-piercing scream was uttered in his mouth.

He never thought he would die!

He just came here to subdue the temple, how could he know he would die!

But at this moment, I saw that not far in front of the Dark Adjudicator, the sand suddenly swept up, condensing a sand wall that was ten meters tall and five or six meters thick!

Immediately afterwards, only a loud "boom" was heard!

Ye Fei's sword smashed heavily on this sand wall!

The sand wall shattered, and the power of Ye Fei's sword was also blocked!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked, wondering what was going on?

Why suddenly a wall of sand appears? !

"Could it be..."

Upon seeing this, the Dark Adjudicator was overjoyed and suddenly guessed something.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, looked at the area where the Dark Adjudicator was, and said as if talking to himself: "Come out, if you don't come out again, your companion is about to die..."

"Come out? What come out? Who is the boss talking to?" Alston scratched his head.

"I don't know, there seems to be no one else here!"

Barr also looked puzzled.

The other people present were even more confused, not knowing why.

"Could it be that guy..."

Only Shi Junze's face sank, and he thought of something.

"What that guy? Jayne, what are you talking about?" Alston asked.

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