Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2287: , Completely crushed!

Just when Shi Junze was about to answer, a sharp and strange laugh suddenly sounded.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Everyone hurriedly sought fame.

I saw that in front of the Dark Adjudicator, a pile of sand suddenly turned into a human form.

Soon, this figure gradually became clear...

A tall and lanky man wearing an khaki robe appeared in front of everyone.

The man's skin and hair were khaki-yellow, and his face was thin and chapped, covered with wrinkles, like withered tree bark.

He stood there, his whole person seemed to merge with the sand on the beach.

This person seemed to appear out of thin air, shocking everyone present.

"Sure enough, it's him..."

Seeing this person, Shi Junze's face completely sank.

"Shunze, who is this guy?"

Ye Fei glanced at Shi Junze and asked.

Allston, Barr and others also looked at Shi Junze.

"Boss, the Dragon Lord told me before that among the top twenty gods in the Alliance of Gods, there is a guy who looks ugly, his whole body is brown, and he is called the King of Sandstorms.

The King of Sandstorm ranks fifth among the top twenty gods, and seventeenth in the entire alliance of gods, his strength is unfathomable.

Moreover, the Dragon Lord said that among the top twenty **** disciples, the top five **** disciples can already rival the main **** in strength.

It's just that because these five **** disciples don't pursue any rankings, they have always been **** disciples..." Shi Junze said slowly.

"Is this guy the king of the sandstorm?" Ye Fei asked, squinting.

"He is the king of the sandstorm, he can't be wrong."

Shi Junze replied, and then said: "Boss, the strength of the sandstorm king is not weaker than Fengshen, you have to be careful!"

"Haha, it's interesting..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, looked at the King of Sandstorm, and said indifferently: "Since this guy has the power of the Lord God, that is exactly what I wanted.

I want to see how long it will take to kill the Lord God with my current strength..."

"Jie Jie Jie... Lord of Purgatory, you don't need to whisper in front of me... I have heard everything you say..."

The sandstorm king Xiexie smiled and said, "Since you already know who I am, then I don't need to introduce myself...

Yes, that's right, I am the king of the sandstorm... What I pursue is absolutely powerful strength. As for ranking or something, I don't care..."

"Dear Lord of the Sandstorm, thank you for your life-saving grace!" The Dark Adjudicator reverently thanked him.

The King of Sandstorm glanced at the Dark Adjudicator with disgust, and said, "Master Zhishen knows that nothing can be done with your waste, so I specially sent me to come and have a look.

Sure enough, as the Lord Zhishen expected, I didn't expect that your trash would even be cut off by someone, which really lost the face of our Alliance of Gods! "

The Dark Adjudicator opened his mouth, but did not dare to refute it.

Ye Fei smiled and looked at the King of Sandstorms, and said, "The King of Sandstorms, I'm very curious. Since you've been hiding in this category, why don't you show up earlier?

If you show up early and help out, this old guy's hands and feet may not be broken..."


The King of Sandstorm chuckled and said, "I don't bother to care about the life and death of this rubbish... The reason why I didn't show up, I just wanted to see to what extent your strength has recovered.

Lord Purgatory, although your strength has recovered, it has also become much stronger... However, it is impossible for you to defeat me with your current strength..."

"Is it?"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and said with a faint smile: "Then try it..."

The Sandstorm King shook his head and sighed: "If you could join my alliance of the gods when the King of Gods recruited you before, that would be's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

Ye Fei asked with interest, he thought this king of sandstorms would really be pretending.

Does he really think he has only this strength?

"It's a pity that a generation of legendary kings will fall today..." The Sandstorm King said vowedly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Fight if you want to fight!!"

Ye Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense with this pretender, and directly swung the infuriating sword in his hand, traversed a brilliant half-moon arc, and slashed hard towards the king of sandstorm not far away!

boom! !

With a sword, the mighty sword intent cut a ravine tens of meters long on the ground, and the sand on the ground lifted more than ten meters high from both sides of the ravine!

"Devil prison sand wall!!"

The king of the sandstorm gave a soft sigh, his hands released two strong ochre magical energies!

Rumble! !

Suddenly, the whole earth shook, and the dust on the beach was dragged by this energy, swept up, and began to condense upward from the ground!

In a blink of an eye, at a glance, a thick sand wall like a city wall was 20 meters high and blocked in front of the king of sandstorms!

Seeing this scene, the temple warriors and supernaturalists present were completely stunned!

Cang! !

In an instant, Ye Fei's sword slashed heavily on this sand wall, hitting a crisp sound!

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect this sand wall to be so strong that he would actually block his own sword!

"Hahaha...Purgatory King, although your swordsmanship is very strong, it is impossible for you to break through my defenses!"

The king of the sandstorm laughed loudly.

The dark adjudicator lying on the ground behind saw that the King of Sandstorm blocked Ye Fei's attack, and he was suddenly relieved.

Fortunately, there is the King of Sandstorms, otherwise I would really die today.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "It seems that I really have to fight you seriously..."

"What do you mean?"

The King of Sandstorm frowned, feeling something wrong.

Ye Fei did not respond to the words of the King of the Sandstorm, but his right arm shook, and a loud shout was made in his mouth!

"Sword intent exploded!!"

boom! !

Ye Fei held a sword with both arms, and immediately slashed towards this heavy sand wall again!


The King of Sandstorm was shocked, he obviously felt that the sword intent that Ye Fei wielded was ten times stronger than just now!

However, just ten times the sword intent is nothing to him!

"Devil prison sand wall! Reinforcement!!!"

The sandstorm king once again used magical energy.

Shattering! ! ...

Suddenly, the sand and rocks on the entire beach continued to converge towards this tall sand wall, and then continued to condense!

In just a few seconds, this sand wall has been raised more than ten meters, and its thickness has increased by a few meters!

Moreover, this huge sand wall is different from ordinary walls, because the sand wall is enveloped by the magical energy of ocher and becomes indestructible!

boom! ! ——

The violent and unparalleled sword intent smashed on the sand wall, making a loud bang!

A large piece of sand on the sand wall was shaken to the ground, but it did not completely collapse!

"Hahaha!!...I have said it, it's useless, it's useless!!"

The King of Sandstorm laughed wildly.

At this moment, Ye Fei was also shocked.

As Shi Junze said, although this guy is just a **** disciple, his strength is so powerful, just defense makes people so tricky!

It is possible that the strength of this guy can really match the Lord God!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei also put away his playful thoughts, but directly released the power of true energy in the realm of Li Chen Dacheng!

Boom! ! ——

I saw that the entire ground under Ye Fei's feet shook, and the ground under his feet also cracked!

Wow! !

The sea not far away was also caused, the waves swept, roaring violently!

"Sword intent double burst!!"

Ye Fei held a sword in both hands and slashed out with one sword. The power of the sword intent suddenly skyrocketed dozens or hundreds of times, becoming even sharper and unmatched!

boom! !

This sword slammed once again on the tall sand wall!

The sandstorm king wanted to continue to resist, but because Ye Fei's sword was too fast, he had no time to continue to condense at all, so he could only give up!

Immediately afterwards, only a loud "bang" was heard, and this thick and tall sand wall broke directly, scattered in all directions, and turned into a large pile of sand!

Moreover, after the power of Ye Fei's sword broke this sand wall, he continued to vent down, and it was bound to kill the king of the sandstorm!

However, at the moment when the overwhelming sword intent fell, the King of Sandstorm suddenly disappeared, leaving only a pile of sand on the spot!

"Do not!!--"

Seeing the sandstorm king leave, the dark adjudicator behind him opened his eyes wide and let out a scream.

boom! !

This sword smashed down, and a gully of seven or eight meters long appeared on the ground. Several big trees not far from the beach also collapsed and collapsed!

As for the dark adjudicator on the ground, he had already been split in half, with blood flowing out of his internal organs, he was already dead and could no longer die...

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