Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2288: , Sudden changes!

Ye Fei didn't care about the death of the Dark Adjudicator at all.

Long ago, this guy should have died.

As for keeping him all the time, it is entirely to elicit the king of the sandstorm.

Now that the king of the sandstorm has appeared, he has long been worthless, and he will die if he dies.

At this time, everyone present was completely sluggish.

They watched the messy scene in front of them, swallowing wildly, no longer knowing how to describe what they had just seen.

A dignified generation of kings, such a powerful Dark Adjudicator, turned out to be just a victim of Ye Fei's battle with the King of Sandstorm.

The people present only realized at this time that the strength of the Dark Adjudicator and Ye Fei and the King of Sandstorm are not at the same level at all.

"Hey, Lord Purgatory, I didn't expect you to hide your strength just now...

But it doesn’t matter, even if you are a little stronger than I thought, it doesn’t matter...

Because you can't kill me at all..."

A faint voice rang behind Ye Fei.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that, at some point, the king of the sandstorm had already appeared on the beach.

"Ugly monsters! Go to death for me!!"

Ye Fei held the infuriating giant sword in his hand, didn't even aim, suddenly turned around, with a sword in his backhand, and slashed towards the king of sandstorm on the beach!

Huh! !

The sword light flashed, as if it brought out a golden galaxy, under the heavy pressure, the power was extremely violent!

Now, because Ye Fei's cultivation base has been improved, his sword intent has been enhanced, his combat effectiveness and destructive power have been enhanced, so the sword he casually swings is extremely powerful!


The King of Sandstorm snorted coldly, and when Ye Fei's sword fell, his body turned into a pile of sand again.

Boom! !

With a loud noise, the king of the sandstorm avoided Ye Fei's sword, but the steel battleship behind him wailed and was directly split in half by Ye Fei's sword intent!

The surrounding sea water was shaken to splash, and then fell, like artificial rain!

Cang-dang-dang-dang! ! ...

Seeing this scene, the supernaturalists on other battleships were shocked and their weapons all fell on the deck!

"The Purgatory King is simply not a human..."

A power person swallowed his saliva and murmured something.

The other abilities only nodded, but were so scared that they couldn't say a word.

"The boss is too powerful...a sword split a's incredible..."

Allston said in a daze, and his whole body shuddered unconsciously.

Barr looked at Ye Fei with admiration, and said indifferently: "Now, the strength of the boss has surpassed us too much...We want to catch up again, I am afraid it will be impossible..."

Algernon and the others also nodded, looking at Ye Fei's eyes, full of incomparable piety and fanaticism.

"Tsk tusk tusk, such a good warship was slashed by you with a single sword. It's really a shame..."

Accompanied by a joking voice, the figure of the sandstorm king reappeared.

Only this time, he appeared in front of Alston, Barr and others.

"Damn! Die to me!!"

Ye Fei wanted to swing a sword again, but when he saw Alston and the others behind the King of Sandstorm, he gave up this plan!

Now, his sword intent is too powerful, if this sword is swung, I am afraid it will hurt Allston and the others!

So Ye Fei kicked his legs to the ground with a "bang" sound. Two deep pits were exploded on the ground, and he jumped directly over forty to fifty meters. The king of the sandstorm stabbed over!

"I said it's useless, why bother to do useless work?"

The sandstorm king sneered, and said lightly, his body once again turned into a pile of sand and disappeared in front of his eyes.

boom! !

But Ye Fei's sword pierced directly into the sand, like a drill, punching the ground into a pit of more than 20 meters!

However, as the king of the sandstorm said, this sword still did useless work!

"Alston, Barr, Algernon... you leave here as soon as possible, the farther you run, the better!!"

Ye Fei yelled at Auston and the others, in order to prevent them from accidentally injuring them, he could only keep them away from this battlefield.

After all, the current contest is no longer a normal contest. Every move and every style is too powerful. With the addition of Auston, they have already been injured, so if they stay here again, I'm afraid they will be affected!

"Yes, boss!!"

Alston responded loudly, knowing that Ye Fei could not be dragged down, so he took all the people from the temple and quickly evacuated towards the distance.

As for those with supernatural powers, for fear of being affected, they also ran far away.

"Tsk tusk tusk...Purgatory King, you have distracted everyone, are you planning to fight me hard?"

At this time, the king of the sandstorm appeared again tens of meters away from Ye Fei.

"Have a fight? Heh...Are you worthy?!"

Ye Fei sneered and replied.

"Whether you are worthy or not, it's not you who have the final say... Forget it, I won't play with you, let's solve this battle as soon as possible..."

The King of Sandstorm squinted his eyes, then raised his arms, his aura suddenly soared dozens or hundreds of times.

A burst of earth-yellow magical energy was released from his body, and I saw that within a hundred meters of a radius, the dust on the ground was dragged by magical power and slowly floated into the air.

Moreover, as more and more dust drifted into the air, the dust in the sky gradually became thick and solid.

Seeing the weird changes that happened suddenly around him, Ye Fei's face sank, raising his vigilance.

"The Devil's Prison Sandstorm!!!"

The king of the sandstorm gave a soft cry and waved his arms violently.

Shattering! !

Suddenly, all the dust on the beach was drawn by magical power at the same time!

The sky is dark, flying sand and rocks, the wind roars, and the sky is full of yellow sand and sand and rocks dancing in the sky!

It's like a few yellow dragons flying up into the sky, raging wildly in this space within a hundred meters!

Click! Click! ! ...

There were crackling sounds, and the big trees in the dense forest not far away were directly uprooted, rolled up into the sky, and gathered in this sandstorm!

At this time, everyone who had run several hundred meters away saw this scene, shocked in their hearts!

Even if they are far away, they can feel the powerful destructive power!

Moreover, because the sky was full of sand and dust, everyone couldn't see Ye Fei and the King of Sandstorms at all!

"Boss, you must come on!"

Alston clenched his fists and roared.

Barr and others also looked at the earth-shaking battlefield, cheering for Ye Fei in their hearts.

At this moment, Ye Fei squinted his eyes slightly and stepped on the ground with his feet firmly on the ground like the roots of an old tree. Under the madness of this sandstorm, his body was like a rock, motionless!

"Purgatory King...Go to hell!"

The king of the sandstorm screamed.

In an instant, several frantically sweeping sandstorms smashed directly towards Ye Fei, and deep ravines appeared on the ground wherever they passed!

Seeing several sandstorms like a yellow dragon swept toward him, Ye Fei directly swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand, bringing out a huge golden light blade, and then slashed upward!

"One sword hides the air!!"

Huh! !

The golden sword light flashed suddenly!

I saw that several sandstorms resembling yellow dragons were directly cut in half, and then shattered to the ground and turned into ordinary sandstones!

However, although the Huanglong formed by two sandstorms was defeated, the other yellow dragons still rushed towards Ye Fei, as if they were about to destroy Ye Fei directly!

Ye Fei's eyes sank, his legs kicked to the ground, and he jumped into the sky tens of meters!

Seeing Huanglong approaching him gradually, Ye Fei held the sword in both hands and slammed it forward!

"All beings punish!"

Huh! !

With a sword cut, the golden sword light brought out a magnificent sword intent like a broken bamboo, which rolled up a gust of wind!

boom! !

The bombing sounded and the earth shook, and these Huanglong dragons were directly defeated by Ye Fei with a sword!

A deep ditch with a length of over a hundred meters appeared on the ground, which continued to the seaside!

Immediately, Ye Fei stayed in the air and swung a few more swords to smash all the dust storms!

When the yellow sand landed, Ye Fei also landed steadily on the ground, looking at the king of sandstorms opposite.

"Lord of the Sandstorm, it seems that you want to kill me, it doesn't seem that easy..." Ye Fei said with a smile.

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