Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2289: , The king of sandstorms!

"Hehe, he deserves to be a person valued by the king of gods, his strength is really good..."

The Sandstorm King curled his lips and said: "It's a pity that you are too ignorant... You chose the gang of wastes from the Ancient Alliance instead of our Alliance of Gods..."

"I, Ye Fei, never regret my choice!"

Ye Fei's eyes flashed with golden flames, his fighting spirit rose, and he shook his voice: "If you pretentious fellows dare to set foot in our China, there will only be destruction!

I, Yangyang Huaxia, the Kingdom of the Dragon, can you trample on Xiaoxiao at will? "

"Shocky Huaxia, Bullshit Shenlong Kingdom!"

The King of Sandstorm sneered and said proudly: "Hundreds of thousands of years ago, you Huaxia were indeed Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, masters are like clouds, making us jealous!

But today, you have fallen, and the current China is not so much a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, it is more appropriate to say that it is a nest of snakes and rats! ! "

"Fuck your mother shit!!"

Ye Fei was furious. He was holding a huge sword of infuriating energy, as if mad, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he rushed towards the king of the sandstorm!

At the moment when he approached the King of Sandstorm, Ye Fei swung the infuriating giant sword violently and slashed it directly!

Whether it is speed or strength, it is perfect and impeccable!

boom! !

A sword fell, the earth shook wildly, and the sand on the ground rose into the sky. The sea was affected by this crazy sword intent and rolled up like a violent tsunami!

Moreover, this sword was swung, the power was too violent to take it back, and it directly split a battleship in half!

"Jie Jie Jie...Why, I was hit by me and turned into anger from being embarrassed?"

Cold laughter sounded behind, and at some point, the king of the sandstorm appeared behind Ye Fei again.

"Shame Nima next door!"

Ye Fei quickly turned around, and the huge sword of infuriating energy flicked up, bringing out a shocking sword intent, and took the head of the king of sandstorm!

However, this time the King of Sandstorm did not turn into a pile of sand, but made a "swish", flashed to the side, and instantly moved dozens of meters away!

This sword fell through once again, smashing several large trees in the distance into debris!

However, the king of the sandstorm frowned slightly. At the moment he moved, his cheek was cut open by sword energy, and blood spilled out.

The sandstorm king stretched out his hand and touched his cheek, seeing the blood on his fingertips, his heart suddenly became furious.

I was actually injured...this is incredible...

For two hundred years, I have forgotten what an injury was.

But today, I was hurt by a small junior.

"Purgatory King, you dare to hurt me, I want your life!!"

The sandstorm king put away his provocative mind and became extra serious.

"Sandstorm Demon God!!"

The King of Sandstorm screamed and waved his arms, two bursts of khaki magical energy blasted out.

I saw that the sand and dust on this beach gathered frantically and quickly gathered together!

In just a few seconds, four demon gods of the West, who are seven or eight meters tall, are huge, clad in armor, look hideous and different, and hold huge swords, huge knives, huge axes and long spears in their hands. They are majestic and majestic. , Like a Titan!

Seeing the figures and looks of these four demon generals, Ye Fei's face sank slightly.

The prototypes of these four demon generals should be the four demon gods among the seventy-two demon gods in Western Solomon, Pal, Gusin, Sidi and Paris.

However, those are all demon gods in Western legends. If these four demon gods are real, then Ye Fei doesn't need to fight.

However, fortunately, these four demon gods are just about the same in appearance and form. They are not real demon gods, but just four puppets.

"Pal, Gusin, Sidi, Parris! I am proud of the demons, kill this kid, and water your ancient undead with his blood!"

The king of the sandstorm had a hideous look and gave orders to the four western demon gods.


After the four Western Demon Gods got the order, they let out a long and sharp howling sound.

Not far away, Barr and others were stunned and quickly covered their ears, not daring to listen.

"Ah!! My ear hurts!!"

"My head hurts!!"

"Blood, blood, my ears are bleeding!!"

As for those who did not have time to cover their ears, they were shocked so that their eardrums were perforated and blood was shed.

Some people who were closer were even more shattered by the impact of this sound wave, vomiting blood, and died in the end.

Allston, Barr and others looked at the fallen corpses in front of them, shocked in their hearts.

After being so far apart by this sound wave, how strong should the sound wave impact that boss bear?

It's unimaginable!

After the long roar, these four majestic demon **** puppets rushed towards Ye Fei not far away.

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Every time they took a step, the earth shook, as if the earth shook the mountain!

There were deep footprints on the ground, shocking!

When the first demon **** holding a big knife was approaching Ye Fei, he slammed the big knife in his hand and slashed towards Ye Fei below!

Huh! !

A knife slashed, the wind was violent, and the air made a whimper!

Ye Fei's expression changed, and he quickly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand to block it!

Cang! !

The huge sword of infuriating energy in Ye Fei's hand collided with the huge knife formed of sand and stone in the hands of this demon god, making a crisp sound!

At this moment, Ye Fei compared these demon **** puppets with a huge difference in body size, but Ye Fei relied on his arrogant and violent power to resist this blow abruptly!

"Get out of here!!"

Ye Fei gave a burst, and his arms shook suddenly.

Klang Klang! !

This demon **** with a giant knife could not withstand the power of Ye Fei, and was directly shocked and took a few steps back!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei chased up and slammed his right foot on the ground. His body was like a mad dragon, rising to the sky and leaping to an altitude of twenty or thirty meters!

"Sword Intent Double Explosion! Destroy!!"

Ye Fei screamed, holding swords in both arms, and while falling, he slammed a sword towards the demon god!

The sword intent skyrocketed wildly, with a sharp sense of destruction, as if to kill this demon **** puppet with a sword!

This demon **** puppet seemed to be psychic, raising the giant sandstone knife in his hand to block it!

Cang! !

When the crisp sound of impact fell, immediately afterwards, a burst of "click" sound also sounded!

I saw that under the sword of Ye Fei, the huge in the hands of this demon **** puppet broke directly and turned into a pile of sand!

Moreover, Ye Fei kept his sword intent with this sword, and continued to press it downward, pointing directly at the head of this demon **** puppet!

"Paal, get out of the way!!"

The king of the sandstorm was shocked and shouted.

However, it is too late!

boom! ! ——

Ye Fei's sword finally hit the head of this demon **** puppet!


Ye Fei roared, his body shone with a faint golden light, the muscles up and down his body swelled and veins appeared!

The crazy power skyrocketed, and bursts of power ripples!

Ye Fei went directly to the top, and this sword directly split the demon **** puppet in half!


Accompanied by a painful wailing, this demon **** puppet shattered directly, turned into a large pile of sand and dust, and fell on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the sandstorm king in the distance gritted his teeth and was almost mad!

He didn't expect that the demon **** puppet he was so proud of would be wiped out by this kid in an instant!

Is this kid still a human? !

At this moment, when Ye Fei destroyed this demon **** puppet, the attacks of the other three demon **** puppets had already come!

The giant sword, the giant axe and the long spear are moving towards Ye Fei, from top to bottom, attacking!

Ye Fei's eyes sank, and he quickly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand to block it!

Boom boom boom! !

Three surging forces pressed down, and although Ye Fei blocked it, his feet sank half a meter deep, and half of his legs sank into the soil!

Moreover, these three demon **** puppets continue to press down, and they can't wait to crush Ye Fei directly into the soil!

Fortunately, Ye Fei had forged his body in the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm, so his body was also arrogant enough to resist these three devastating coercion!

The fierce battle between Gu Wu and magic shocked the faces of everyone not far away, but felt that their hearts were about to jump out!

"Get me started!!"

A minute later, Ye Fei's whole body's strength suddenly broke out, and his arms shook up suddenly!

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