Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2291: , Sword split!

I saw that the king of the sandstorm was lying quietly in the deep pit tens of meters, and his breath was long gone.

There were countless blood holes in the sandstorm king's body, and the blood flowed, dyeing his whole body red.

This difficult guy finally died.

Through the fight with the King of Sandstorm, Ye Fei also had a certain understanding of his strength.

He used the double explosion of sword intent and added "Ten Thousand Swords to the Kingdom" to kill him. This is enough to prove that he does have the strength of the Lord God, and should not be much different from the strength of the Fengshen.

In this way, the next time I meet Fengshen, I can easily kill it.

After all, he didn't even use the triple explosion of sword intent and the final killer move.

Therefore, Ye Fei also had the confidence to fight against the main **** who was in front of Fengshen.

However, for the king of the gods, Ye Fei was still not sure of winning.

The strength of the main **** is already so terrifying, and the king of the gods who leads the main **** is probably quite terrifying.

"It seems that I am still not strong enough, and I have to continue to practice..."

Ye Fei murmured, then lit a cigarette.

At this time, everyone in the distance also came over.

When they saw the sandstorm king who had been beaten up in the deep pit, they took a breath and were completely shocked.

They have seen the strength of the sandstorm king with their own eyes.

However, the king of such a powerful sandstorm was killed by Ye Fei, and looking at Ye Fei's relaxed look, this is enough to prove that Ye Fei's strength should be much stronger than the king of sandstorm.

All the temple warriors were frantic in their hearts, looking at Ye Fei as if they were looking at a god.

This is their king, their faith, the **** in their hearts!

No matter how many times he is defeated, the king can stand up again and surpass himself!

And this is also the creed of their temple, the strong are invincible!

"Long live the boss!!"

"Long live my king!!"

Alston, Barr and others, as well as all the warriors in the temple did not know how to express their excitement, and they all cheered.

Ye Fei just raised his hand, and everyone fell silent.

Immediately, Ye Fei vomited a smoke ring, turned his head and looked at the remaining six to seven hundred abilities.

Those with supernatural powers can no longer think of any resistance at this moment.

No way, their leader, the Dark Adjudicator, was easily beheaded by Ye Fei, and even the extremely powerful Sandstorm King was beheaded.

Such terrifying strength has long been beyond their reach.

With a look of horror on their faces, they trembled and looked at Ye Fei, not knowing what Ye Fei should do with them.

"Boss, what are we going to do with these guys?"

Alston looked at Ye Fei and asked.

Ye Fei thought for a while, looked at these supernatural powers, and said, "Now, your waste leader is dead, and you have also died five or six hundred people, and my anger is almost gone.

On weekdays, our temple does not have any grudges with your "country of supernatural powers". This time, the incident was completely provoked by the Dark Adjudicator.

So, this time, I can let you go... But if there is another next time, I will kill all of you in the "Nation of Ability"..."

Everyone in the kingdom of supernatural powers was stunned when they heard it.

They thought that Ye Fei would put them all to death, but they didn't know that Ye Fei not only didn't kill them, but also let them go.

In such a comparison, they felt that the Dark Adjudicator was simply not human.

For a while, the moods of all the supernaturalists present also changed.

Seeing that Ye Fei had made a decision, Allston, Barr and others didn't say much.

After all, Wang must have his own intention to do this.

Moreover, Alston and Barr also knew that the country of supernatural powers was also one of the top ten S-level organizations in the world. Although the leader died, hundreds of superpowers died, but it was not complete. Broken muscles and bones.

If all the people here are killed today, then the temple and the kingdom of supernatural powers will be completely enmity, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the future.

Nowadays, the real enemy of the temple is the Alliance of Gods, so the trouble is naturally that there can be one less.

"Purgatory King, you really don't kill us?"

At this moment, a tall, powerful and powerful person wearing armor came towards Ye Fei.

This ability person is just the second leader of the kingdom of ability, Krosel, is an ability person who has awakened the two ability attributes of thunder and fire.

"Since I said not to kill you, then naturally I won't break my promise."

Ye Fei nodded, then waved his hand and said, "Go, don't worry, no one will stop you."

When Krossell heard it, he stood there, and did not leave with the rest of the powers.

"Why, is there anything else?" Ye Fei asked.

Krossell did not reply, but waved a big hand, and then knelt on one knee.

He hugged his chest with his right hand, lowered his head, and shouted with a pious face: "Prince of Purgatory!!"

"Purgatory King!!"

After Crocell knelt down, all the supernaturalists present also knelt down and shouted in unison.

The sound shook the sky and resounded through the sky!

Seeing all the capable players kneel down, Ye Fei was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

Allston, Barr and others also looked confused.

"What are you doing?" Ye Fei asked strangely.

Crossell respectfully said: "Prince of Purgatory, I only heard that you are cruel and innocent, so you have been famous all over the world, so I have always had no good impressions of you.

But today's battle, let me know you again. Although you are decisive, you understand the truth. You are both kind and powerful, and you did not kill people indiscriminately. You are much stronger than our leader, the Dark Adjudicator.

The Dark Adjudicator just treats us as gunfolk, as cannon fodder, when in real danger, they only try to escape for their lives instead of staying and fighting with us. We don't want such a leader.

Therefore, Lord Purgatory, if you don't dislike it, I am willing to lead tens of thousands of people in the kingdom of supernatural powers to take refuge in you. I hope you can agree! ! "

"Purgatory King, I hope you can agree!!"

All the ability players present also said in unison.

Ye Fei was stunned when he heard Crocell's words.

He never thought that these people would choose to take refuge in himself.

As for Alston, Barr and others, they seemed to understand something suddenly, with a smile on their lips, winking at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was a little funny suddenly, his old brothers must be thinking too much.

They must have thought that they did this deliberately for the purpose of allowing the kingdom of supernatural powers to take refuge in the temple.

The world is a lesson, Ye Fei really just didn't want to cause too many killings, and didn't think so much.

Although it is possible for an S-level organization to take refuge in the temple, the strength of the temple will grow dozens of times, but he always feels that things are not that simple.

Ye Fei flicked the soot and said in a puzzled way: "Crossell, although your leader is dead, hundreds of people have died today, but this will not shake the status of your country of supernatural powers in the world. .

Have you really figured it out? Are you really willing to take refuge in our temple? "

"Purgatory King, we have already figured it out clearly!"

Krossell said with a firm face: "I hope you can ignore our predecessors and agree to our request!!"

"What is the reason, I hope you tell the truth." Ye Fei said seriously.

Krossell hesitated for a while, and said truthfully: "Purgatory King, I am willing to lead everyone in the kingdom of supernatural powers to join the temple. It is indeed a bit selfish.

After all, now our leader is dead. Although the kingdom of supernatural powers has not hurt, but it has also lost a legendary master.

In this way, if other organizations and forces in the underground world knew about this, they would definitely pounce on like a tiger and a wolf, and eat away at our country of supernatural powers.

Therefore, if our country of supernatural powers can take refuge in you, with your current strength and prestige, it will be enough to frighten those young people.

However, please rest assured, since we have promised to take refuge in you, we will definitely not half-hearted, and will definitely contribute our strength to the temple in the future!

Moreover, in the future confrontation between the temple and the alliance of the gods, our country of supernatural powers can also help!

The union of the two S-level organizations, even the Alliance of the Gods, will be a little jealous! "

"Hehe, listening to what you said, I don't seem to have any reason to refuse." Ye Fei smiled.

"Prince of Purgatory, what do you agreed?!" Croceel asked, suppressing his excitement.

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