Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2292: , Shaking the world!

"Well, I agreed."

Ye Fei nodded, then glanced at all the people in the country of powers present, and said in a shock: "From now on, your country of powers will belong to the largest organization under our temple!

Since you have agreed to join our temple, I will treat you equally in the future, everyone is brothers!

However, the premise is that you sincerely take refuge in our temple, not just talking about it, understand? "


All the supernaturalists looked excited and responded loudly.

Alston, Barr, Algernon, Shi Junze, Arnold, and all the temple warriors present laughed.

The temple has subdued the kingdom of supernatural powers, that is, the two major S-level organizations have joined forces!

If the Alliance of the Gods is removed, then the temple will be the well-deserved overlord of the world!

In this way, those young people in the world may never dare to think about the temple anymore!

This is a great thing for everyone in the temple!

Ye Fei nodded, and then said to Crocell: "Crossell, you will lead the kingdom of powers from now on, and you are the leader of the kingdom of powers!

Of course, if in the future a new powerful ability person rises in the power country, you have to abdicate to the virtuous, you know? "


Krossell nodded and said: "I am only temporarily leading the power of the country. If anyone beats me in the future, I will naturally give up my position as the leader!"

"Yes, it's a man!"

Ye Fei smiled and patted Croselle on the shoulder, and said, "Well, you go back today. Remember to bring the dead back to your country of supernatural powers, and to your own hometown for burial.

Later, I will send someone to your country of ability to discuss the merger, which will also facilitate future unified management. "

"Yes, Lord Purgatory!"

Krossell nodded, and then took the rest of the powers and carried all the dead powers to the battleship.

Seeing the tragic death of the Dark Adjudicator being carried on the battleship, everyone in the temple also sighed.

The generation of kings who once smashed the wind and shook the whole world, but ended up like this.

However, everyone has nothing to regret, after all, it was the Dark Adjudicator's own choice that harmed him.

It didn't take long for all the people in the kingdom of supernatural powers to greet Ye Fei and the others, and then they drove the battleship and left the lost island.

Looking at the ten or so warships that were gradually moving away, Barr said with emotion: "Boss, we are getting closer and closer to the goal we set at the beginning..."

Ye Fei pinched out the cigarette **** and asked with a smile, "What is the goal?"

"Let our temple become the world's largest organization!"

Barr said excitedly: "Now we have subdued the kingdom of supernatural powers. From now on, apart from the Alliance of the Gods, no other organization will be our opponent!"

Allston, Algernon and others also nodded excitedly.

Ye Fei looked at the vast sea in the distance, and said faintly: "What about becoming the number one in the world? This world is much bigger than we thought...

We see this piece of sky, is it all of this world? "

Alston, Barr and the others looked at Ye Fei suspiciously, not knowing what Ye Fei meant.

Ye Fei sighed lightly and continued: "Brothers, in the past, we thought that the top ten S-level organizations in this world were the strongest organizations, and even thought that the top ten kings of the world were the strongest existences in this world.

But what about now? This sudden emergence of the Alliance of Gods, masters like clouds, the background is even more unfathomable. Compared with the Alliance of Gods, our temple is still too weak.

Therefore, there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky... Even if one day, the alliance of the gods loses and disappears, it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be a second alliance of the gods and a third alliance of the gods.

Therefore, making the temple the number one in the world is not the end. What we have to do is to constantly make ourselves stronger, stronger, and stronger again.

Only the strong can be invincible, will not be eliminated by this world, will not be bullied by others, and will be able to better protect the people around you, do you understand? "


When Allston and others heard it, they all responded with a vibrating voice and nodded vigorously.

After today's battle, it also made them understand how vulnerable their strength is in front of the real powerhouse.

They secretly vowed in their hearts that they must make themselves stronger.

Only in this way, in the future wars, oneself and others can face with the boss, instead of becoming a drag and burden.

Seeing the brothers full of fighting spirit, Ye Fei smiled with satisfaction and said: "Brothers, if you want to become stronger, I will help you."

"Boss, do you want to teach us to practice ancient Chinese martial arts?"

Alston seemed to have guessed something.

"Yes, that's right."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Now, although your combat effectiveness is good, you all have your own fighting skills.

However, because there is no support from internal strength, it is difficult to exert great power.

Therefore, in the next few days, I will teach you to cultivate Huaxia internal strength based on your physical characteristics.

If you can practice your internal skills diligently, your strength will surely increase rapidly in the future. "

"Yes, boss!!"

Allston and others nodded excitedly.

To be stronger, they are naturally very excited.

"Now the uninjured brothers stay to clean up the battlefield, and the injured brothers go to town for treatment."

After Ye Fei gave the order, he picked up Elena and walked towards the castle.

Auston carried Rex on his back, and followed Barr, Algernon, Shi Junze and Arnold.

The sun has gone down, and the afterglow of the setting sun is shining on them, and the shadows dragged on them.

But everyone's footsteps are heavy and powerful, with toughness on their faces, full of confidence in the future.

The strong are invincible. This is the belief in their hearts and the creed of the temple.

Therefore, we must become stronger, stronger, and stronger!

After returning to the castle.

Ye Fei treated the injuries for Auston, Barr, Algernon, Shi Junze and Arnold.

Because they suffered minor injuries, they were all skin traumas, so after treatment, there was no major problem, and they would be healed in a few days.

Afterwards, Ye Fei went to the room to treat Rex.

After applying a few needles, Ye Fei waved his hand and retracted the Bianstone needle.

"Boss, is the fat man okay?"

Auston asked a little worriedly.

"The fat man suffered internal injuries, but fortunately it was not very serious. I have already had acupuncture and moxibustion with him, and it will be healed in a week at most." Ye Fei replied.

"That's good, that's good."

When Shi Junze heard this, he was relieved.

After all, Rex was injured to help him block the attack.

If Rex really had two shortcomings, he would regret blaming himself for the rest of his life.

"This fat man has a very hard life. How could he die so easily. Even if this fat man goes to hell, the people in **** won't accept it." Alston curled his lips and said with a smile.

When Ye Fei heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, there was a coughing sound from the bed.

Ye Fei quickly turned around and looked around, and they saw that Rex had opened his eyes.

When Rex woke up, when he saw Ye Fei, he was taken aback first, and then he was surprised and said: "Boss, you...are you back?!"

With that, Rex was about to sit up.

"Don't move, your body has not healed yet." Ye Fei said.

"Boss, are you okay?" Rex asked excitedly.

"Well, it's okay."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, it's okay. Boss, don't you know how deceptive the dog days in the country of supernatural powers are when you are away..."

Halfway through, Rexton said, "By the way, boss, where's the Dark Adjudicator?"

"Fat man, when you were in a coma, the Dark Adjudicator was killed by the boss."

Allston took the sentence.

"The Dark Adjudicator is dead?!"

Rex looked surprised, looked at Ye Fei with an incredible expression, and said, "Boss, could it be said that your strength has become stronger again?!"


Ye Fei nodded.

"The boss is still awesome!"

Rex smiled and gave a thumbs up, and then said, "What about those dog days in the country of power?"

"Fat man, now the kingdom of supernatural powers has taken refuge in our temple." Barr replied with a smile.

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