Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2293: , Completely surrender!


Rex was shocked, "The kingdom of abilities has taken refuge in our temple? Really?!"

"of course it's true."

Allston grinned and said: "The boss shook his body, and those guys naturally surrendered."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes at Auston, and said, "What is the shock of the tiger's body, the kingdom of supernatural powers take refuge in our temple, is it their volition?"

"Yes, yes, the boss has both kindness and power, and persuades people with virtue..."

"It's all right, don't be nonsense."

Ye Fei shook his head amused, and said to Rex: "Fatty, now your body is no longer in serious trouble, and you will be healed after a few days of recuperation.

Okay, take a break first, and I will treat Elena. "

"Okay, thank you boss!" Rex replied with a smile.

"Thank you, we are brothers."

Ye Fei smiled and replied, then turned and left the room.

Allston, Barr, Algernon, Shi Junze and Arnold also left the room.

Soon, Ye Fei and his party came to Elena's room.

A maid who was helping Elena clean the blood stains saw Ye Fei's party coming, and quickly got up and said respectfully: "Wang, you are here."

"You go down first."

Ye Fei nodded and said something.


The servant nodded, and then left the room.

Ye Fei came to the bed and looked at Elena, who looked haggard, scarred, and pale, and felt regretful in his heart.

Alston, Barr and others were also uncomfortable.

If their strength can be stronger, it won't hurt Elena like this.

Ye Fei let out a sigh of air, reached out and grabbed Elena's pulse to get her pulse.

After a few minutes, Ye Fei released his hand.

"Boss, is Elena all right?" Barr asked nervously.

"Elena suffered a very serious internal injury, and her internal organs were damaged. Fortunately, Elena's body is different from ordinary people, and the blood shedding on her body is different from ours. She has the ability to repair herself.

So, as long as I give her acupuncture and moxibustion, it should be fine. "Ye Fei replied lightly.

When Allston and Barr heard that Elena was fine, they were relieved.

In the next twenty minutes, Ye Fei gave Elena acupuncture.

After the acupuncture was completed, Ye Fei retracted the Bianstone needle, and then pulsed again for Elena.

After taking the pulse, Ye Fei smiled slightly and said, "Elena's body is fine, and she will wake up tonight at most."

"Haha, that's great!"

Alston Lang laughed and said, "Boss, we won a battle today. Let's celebrate this evening!"

"Well, I agree with this suggestion!"

Barr also agreed with a smile.

The others also nodded.

After all, today not only won the battle, but also conquered the kingdom of supernatural powers. More importantly, neither Elena nor Rex was in any serious trouble. This is indeed something to be celebrated.

When night came, the castle was full of jubilation, and everyone looked forward to it.

Until about ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Fei was still a little worried, so he came to Elena's room again.

However, Elena was still lying on the bed quietly, and did not wake up, as if she was asleep.

Ye Fei felt something was wrong, so he got Alina's pulse.

However, Elena's pulse is very stable, just like a normal person.

"Boss, is our sister awake?"

Drinking a flushed face, Alston hiccuped and walked in.

Barr and Algernon also followed in.

"Boss, didn't you say that Elena will wake up tonight at most, but why is Elena still not awake?" Barr asked suspiciously.

Ye Fei frowned slightly, and said: "Elena's body is no longer a major problem. Logically speaking, she will wake up tonight. As for the fact that she hasn't woken up yet, she may be too tired."

"If this is the case, the boss, go to rest. By tomorrow, Elena will definitely wake up." Alston said with a smile.

"Yes, boss, you go and rest." Barr also said.

"Forget it, I'm a martial artist, even if I don't sleep for more than a week, it's fine. Besides, I'm not tired. I'll be here to accompany Elena tonight. Go to sleep." Ye Fei replied. .

Alston didn't dare to refute anything, so they greeted them and left the room.

After Alston and others left, the room became quiet again.

Ye Fei moved a chair, sat down by the bed, turned on the bedside lamp, and looked at Elena quietly.

Looking at Elena's long amber hair and that delicate face like an angel, Ye Fei's eyes were full of tenderness.

He held Elena's hand tightly, and whispered softly: "Elena, you must wake up quickly, don't have anything to do..."

With that, Ye Fei kissed Elena's hand, then gently put Elena's hand in the quilt, and covered the quilt for the woman.

In the middle of the night, Ye Fei looked at Elena so quietly, talking to herself.

In the second half of the night, Ye Fei thought of asking Alston and the others to practice internal gong, so based on their respective physical conditions and combat skills, he began to write the inner gong mental method for them...


It was late at night, and a crescent moon hung high in the sky, pouring cold light.

A corner of the Pacific Ocean, the island of death, where the alliance of the gods is located.

In a simple European-style study room in the palace.

A man wearing retro glasses and a dark gray tuxedo was standing respectfully in the study, seeming to be waiting for someone.

This man is exactly the second main god, wisdom god, and Skyer in the alliance of all gods.

Zhishen looked out the window and waited quietly, without any impatient or unhappy expression on his face.

Just waited a few minutes.

Suddenly, there was a sharp fluctuation in the air in the room.

I saw that the air seemed to be ripped apart by a person high.

Immediately, I saw a figure wearing a black gold robe and a black hood, with an invisible face coming out of it.

Soon, the torn hole in the space healed and recovered.

"The king of the gods!"

Seeing this figure, Zhishen bowed down respectfully.

The king of the gods said "um", then walked to the desk and sat down.

"The action failed?"

The king of the gods was sitting on a chair, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table, his voice was calm, and he could not hear any joy or sorrow.


Zhishen responded, respectfully and honestly: "Unexpectedly, the purgatory king not only regained his strength, but also became stronger than before.

The King of Sandstorm and the Dark Adjudicator died in his hands, and even the kingdom of supernatural powers took refuge in the temple. "

"Well, I have already calculated these."

The king of the gods said lightly, and then said: "Since the purgatory king is a variable, he will definitely not fall down so easily. I also know that he will stand up one day, but I didn't expect it to be so fast... Well, maybe this is the variable..."

Zhishen frowned slightly, and said, "The king of gods, today, there are too many people in our alliance of gods who have died in the hands of the purgatory king.

The King of Sandstorm, Dark Judge, Thunder Beast, Water Monster, Ghost Face Monk, Burning Sky, Devil Bow, all died in his hands.

In addition, the Shadow Demon and the Cold King who died in the hands of the old beggar...Nine of us died before the battle started.

If this continues, I am worried that in the future war with the Ancient Alliance, we will be at a disadvantage..."

"It's okay."

The king of the gods waved his hand and did not take this matter to his heart at all. Instead, he asked indifferently: "Zhishen, how is the preparation for that plan?"

"Return to the King of Gods, that plan is only missing the last item."

Zhishen bent down slightly and said: "As long as you can get the holy water in the Holy Grail, you can awaken the three main gods, the earth god, the eagle god, and the **** of worship..."


The king of the gods nodded and said: "It has been more than two hundred years, it is time for them to wake up...With them three, even if it is the variable of the purgatory king, we don't have to worry about it..."

"King of the gods, do you want to start this plan?"

Zhishen's expression was a bit agitated.

"Yes, it's time to start this plan."

The king of the gods nodded and said: "Zhishen, we must find the holy water and retrieve it as soon as possible these days, do you understand?"

"Yes, the king of gods!"

Zhishen nodded and agreed.

The king of the gods said "um", and then stood up.

The space fluctuated violently again, and a hole was torn open.

The king of the gods stepped in, and soon the space crack disappeared, and the king of the gods disappeared in the study.

And Zhishen didn't say much, and respectfully withdrew from the study...

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