Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2295: , The plan!

"Yes, yes, don't you need to be so surprised?"

"Is that a boy or a girl?"

Ye Fei swallowed his throat, suppressing the excitement and complexity, and asked.

"Are you a pig? It's only a month, how can I know the **** of the baby? If you want to know the sex, you have to wait at least three months later." Minova said.

"No... Minova, since you are all pregnant, why don't you come back?"

Ye Fei suddenly became helpless.

"Didn't I let Elena tell you that I will give birth to the child by myself and raise it by myself."

Don't worry, you and I have such strong genes, and the child will be very healthy.

Moreover, I will teach him all the knowledge I know...

In the future, our children will become the smartest people in the world..." Minova said with a smile.

"Minova, this is also my child anyway, you are silently giving birth to the child, and you don't want me to see each other, are you a mother like this?"

Ye Fei was really speechless.

"Don't worry, I will send you a photo after the baby is born."

Minova replied, and then said: "Okay, don't talk about the child, let's go, what is the matter if you call me?"

Ye Fei sighed helplessly. Knowing that it was not the time to talk about this, he told Minova about what happened from yesterday to today.

After listening to Ye Fei's words, the other end of the phone became quiet.

Ye Fei did not disturb Minova, but waited quietly.

A few minutes later, Minova said, "Ye Fei, according to what you said, I thought of a possibility..."

"What's possible?" Ye Fei asked quickly.

"Elena is now in a state of suspended animation, which is a semi-vegetative state." Minova replied.

"Fake death? Semi-vegetative?"

Ye Fei was stunned, and said, "What do you mean?"

"In fact, I learned a long time ago that Elena is not an ordinary person, her body and blood are different from our ordinary people. In short, Elena is not a person of our plane at all. .

To put it more simply, each plane is equivalent to a world, and our earth is also in one of these planes.

Moreover, after my research and understanding, the creatures on our plane may be the lowest compared to creatures on other planes.

However, as for which plane Elena is from, I still don't know..." Minova said lightly.

Ye Fei said with some headaches: "Minova, it seems that it is not the time to talk about this, I want to ask you, how can I wake up Elena?"

"Don't worry, I'm about to talk about it!"

Minova replied, and then said: "The reason why Elena is unconscious now may be because of her physical characteristics.

When encountering a strong danger, Elena's physical characteristics will enable her to automatically activate the defense state and put herself in a state of suspended animation to ensure that the body's functions are not damaged.

In fact, this characteristic is somewhat similar to the old bats of the blood race. These old bats can sleep for hundreds of thousands of years, not only to ensure that the body is not damaged, but also to maintain good physical functions..."

"Could it be that if you want Elena to wake up, you need to ask the blood clan for help?" Ye Fei asked quickly.


Minova responded and continued: "If you want to wake Elena, you have to activate her bloodline.

So, you have to go to the blood clan to find the Holy Grail and holy water... As long as Elena drinks a little, her blood will be activated and wake up. "

"Holy Grail?!"

Ye Fei was startled and said, "Minova, are you kidding, there is really a Holy Grail in the world?!"

Ye Fei had learned about various cultures and histories abroad before. The Holy Grail is also called the Holy Grail of Jesus.

According to Western rumors, the Holy Grail is the cup that **** once used.

Jesus once took up this cup and ordered his disciples to drink the red wine that symbolizes his blood in it, thereby creating a memorial ceremony for the crucifixion.

Later, some people thought that this cup had some magical ability because of this special occasion.

Many legends believe that if you can find this holy grail and drink the holy water in it, you can rejuvenate, resurrect, and even prolong your life.

However, Ye Fei had never believed in this ancient legend. He felt that it was just a rumor, just like those myths and legends of China.

"Ye Fei, the holy grail really exists. However, whether the holy grail remaining in the world is the cup used by Jesus, then I don't know.

Before, I also read it in an ancient book in the West. It is said that the Holy Grail finally spread to the blood race and was hidden by them.

I thought about it, the Holy Grail is in the blood race, it may be true. Because, over the years, I have also studied blood people.

The reason why people of the blood race live longer than ordinary people is actually one reason is that their bodies and blood are different from our ordinary people.

However, through research, I found that although the blood people live a long life, the longest one can only live for a thousand years.

But why, in the blood clan, those patriarchs and princes can live for thousands of years without dying...

I guess that it is possible that the patriarchs and princes drank the holy water, so their life span would be extended..." Minova said slowly.

"Minova, according to you, it is possible that the Holy Grail and the Holy Water are really in the blood clan..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "It seems that I really have to go to the blood clan and find a bloodthirsty ghost bat to ask for some holy water..."

"Ye Fei, holy water is an extremely precious thing, do you think those old bats will give it to you?" Minova said.

"If they don't give it, then I will fight until they give it!" Ye Fei said coldly.

"Hey, he is indeed the man I like, he is really domineering."

Minova smiled and said, "By the way, my dear, if you can get the holy water, you can do more. When I come back, I want to do some research on the holy water."

"Minova, then you should come back quickly! What's more, you already have a child, how can you still run around outside?" Ye Fei said.

"Hmph, I won't come back until I have enough fun. You don't have to worry about the child. I will raise him up."

Minova replied proudly, and then said: "Also, don't want to use the'super eye' to position me. You have to know that the'super eye' was invented by me. I can naturally invent the anti-super eye. Eye' system.

So, you never want to find me. Okay, if nothing happens, then I'll hang up, I'm still waiting for the checkup. "

After speaking, Minova hung up the phone.


Ye Fei gave a few feeds, and there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

Ye Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This woman actually had a child of her own. The point is that it has been a month, and she only knows now.

However, Ye Fei completely believed Minova's words this time.

Although their body and genes are very powerful, it is very difficult for ordinary women to conceive their own children.

But Minova was different. This woman changed her genes early and strengthened her own genes, so she only did it with herself once and became pregnant.

However, Ye Fei felt painful when he thought of it, knowing that he was a father, but couldn't see the child.

"Boss, what were you talking about with Minova just now, for so long?" Auston asked curiously.

Barr and Algernon also came over.

"Uh... I talked a lot with her, and it's hard to say anything." Ye Fei sighed and said.

"By the way, Boss, how did I hear about being a father, a child, what's going on?" Barr asked strangely.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and said, "Minova is pregnant with my child..."



"Isn't it? Then am I going to be an uncle in the future?!!!"

As soon as Ye Fei's voice fell, Alston, Barr and others became excited, more happier than having a baby.

"Boss, is it a boy or a girl? Where is Minova now and when will she be born?" Alston asked excitedly.

"Okay, it seems to excite you, as if you have children."

Ye Fei shook his head amusedly, and said: "By the way, let's not mention this for now, brothers, I am going to go to the blood clan later and find a bloodthirsty ghost bat..."

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