Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2296: , Am I a father?

"Go to the blood?"

Allston was taken aback, and asked: "Boss, why are you going to the blood clan?"

Barr and others also looked at Ye Fei strangely.

Ye Fei sighed slightly and said: "On the phone just now, Minova told me that if you want to wake Elena, you must go to the blood clan to ask for the holy water in the Holy Grail."

"Holy Grail?"

Barr squinted his eyes and said, "Is there really a Holy Grail in this world?!"

"Isn't that a Western myth and legend? How could there really be such a thing?"

Shi Junze also agreed, his face full of doubts.

"Since Minova said that the holy grail and holy water belong to the blood race, that should not be wrong."

Ye Fei glanced at Elena on the bed, frowning and said: "What's more, now Elena has been in a coma, and I have no better way to wake her up.

So, whether it is true or not, I have to rush to the blood clan. "

"If the holy grail and holy water are really in the blood clan, then the blood clan must be regarded as treasures, I am afraid it will not be so good."

Allston's face sank and said, "Boss, let me go with you. If those old bats don't give it, then we will fight until they give it!"

"Boss, I'll go too!"

Barr also stood up.

"And I!"

"Brother Ye Fei, I want to go too!"

Algernon, Shi Junze and Arnold all stood up and wanted to go with Ye Fei.

"No, this time, I can go alone."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "You stay on the island and take good care of Elena and Rex. If there is an emergency, you can also deal with it in time.

Moreover, I also wrote a copy of the inner strength mental method for you all, with detailed annotations on it. In these two days, you can take a good look.

After I came back, I awakened Elena, and I will teach you to practice internal strength. "

With that said, Ye Fei handed the internal skills written on the table to Alston and the others.

"Boss, let me go with you so I can take care of it."

Allston wanted to fight again.

Ye Fei smiled and patted Auston on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, the sea monster, that's all it's done.

Old Bat and I are also friends. If I explain why, he shouldn't embarrass me too much.

So, I can go there by myself. "

Seeing that Ye Fei insisted on going alone, several people in Alston couldn't say anything more.

In the following time, Ye Fei and Alston simply had lunch, and then they came to the airport on the island.

"Brothers, all go back. After I get the holy water, I will rush back as soon as possible."

Ye Fei smiled and waved his hand, then got on a transport helicopter that had already prepared enough dyes, took off, and left the Lost Island.

After Alston had been watching Ye Fei leave, they turned and left the airport.


Time flies quickly, and it's the next day in a blink of an eye.

Iceland, an island country in northwestern Europe, is close to the Arctic Circle. The annual average temperature is about 4 degrees Celsius, and it is extremely cold.

In addition, there are more than 30 active volcanoes here, so there are relatively few people living here, only about 300,000 people.

In the early morning, the sun shines on an isolated, off-travel place in Iceland.

The snow-capped mountains here are undulating, and even the sunlight reveals the cold.

And in this vast expanse of snow-capped mountains, there are European retro-style buildings erected.

In the center of these buildings, there is a magnificent castle erected.

Looking at the walls of this old castle, it reveals the traces of the years, not to mention that it has a history of several thousand years.

And here, it is the territory of the blood race.

Around this snow-capped mountain, guards of the blood race are scattered everywhere.

These guards are wearing black armor, holding knives, swords, or spears in their hands, and are patrolling vigilantly around them, not allowing any unrelated personnel to approach them.

But at this moment, a couple of men and women walked by about a kilometer away from the territory of the blood race.

The man, dressed in a blue tuxedo, matched with a white shirt and leather shoes, had blue curly hair, was tall, handsome, and very extravagant.

The woman was wearing a long black dress studded with diamonds, with flax-yellow curly hair, and a swan-like white slender neck with a ruby ​​necklace.

She has a graceful figure, fair skin and exquisite features, and she holds a gold scepter inlaid with rubies in her hand. She has a transcendent temperament, just like the queen of the European royal family.

Although the men and women were wearing thin clothes, they didn't seem to feel any cold.

These two people are the twelfth-ranked wind **** Kukulkan and the eleventh goddess of death Ischer in the League of Gods.

"Aeolus, are you sure that the blood clan territory is in this ghost place?"

The goddess of death frowned and asked Fengshen.

"Of course I am sure."

Fengshen smiled slightly and said: "The blood family has been here for more than six thousand years. How could I make a mistake?"

"Since you are sure you are here, then quickly take the holy water and leave."

The death goddess' face was a little displeased, and said: "I don't want to stay too long for this kind of ghost place."

"Okay, don't be angry, let's take the holy water and leave, and we will not wait any longer."

Fengshen smiled, and said: "Let's go, it's almost a thousand meters away."


The Death Goddess snorted, then waved the scepter in her hand.

A red magical energy flickered, and her figure suddenly disappeared in place.

"This woman is really arrogant, and doing tasks with her is really a headache."

Fengshen curled his mouth and waved his right hand, releasing an icy blue magical energy, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When the wind **** and the goddess of death reappeared, they had already approached the blood clan territory.

"Who are you?"


"Don't come near!"

When the two dozen kinship guards saw the sudden appearance of the goddess of wind and the goddess of death, they increased their vigilance and surrounded them.

"You don't deserve to know who we are."

Fengshen said with a proud face: "We are here just to find something bloodthirsty ghost bats."


A guard of the blood race who took the lead shouted, his face turned cold, and said: "You two are sneaky, from unknown origin. You still want to see our patriarch, don't think about it!!"

"Fengshen, why are you talking about them? If they don't let go, they will kill them directly." The Death Goddess said coldly.

Fengshen sighed lightly, looked at these blood race guards, and said: "Are you sure you won't let go? If you don't let go, you might really die..."

"Dare to speak arrogantly! Everyone obeys the order and take these two people down!!"

The kinship guard who took the lead yelled, and directly led more than two dozen kinship guards, rushing towards the **** of wind and the goddess of death.

"Blood Blade Sword!!"

The death goddess's face became cold, and the scepter in her hand waved.

A burst of red magical energy was released, instantly condensing more than twenty **** sharp swords, falling from the air!

Shoo! ! ...

The bloodblade sword carries powerful magical energy, piercing the air, like lightning flashing, directly piercing the body of these two dozen blood race guards from the top of the head!

Next second.

These two dozen blood race guards stared with horrified eyes, and fell directly to the ground, losing their breath.

The blood is flowing in the white snow, red and dazzling.

"Tsk tusk tusk, you said it would be fine if you just let go, why do you want to provoke this horrible woman?"

Fengshen glanced at the blood guard who fell in the snow, and said something.

"what are you saying?"

The goddess of death turned her head and stared at Fengshen coldly.

"Uh...I didn't say anything, huh, huh..." Fengshen replied with a dry smile.

"Okay, don't waste time, let's go!"

The goddess of death stared at Fengshen, then stepped away from her slender legs and walked towards the castle.

"Hey, it seems that many people are going to die today..."

Fengshen shook his head, and then quickly followed.

At this time, in the castle hall.

On a throne made of pure gold, there is an old white man sitting.

This old man, wearing a black and red robe, was thin, with gray hair, and a wrinkled face, without a trace of blood, just like the vampire in the movie.

This old man is exactly the bloodthirsty ghost bat, one of the top ten legendary kings in the world, Mograss, is also the patriarch of the blood clan today, and is recognized as the number one powerhouse.

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