Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2297: , The Holy Grail of Jesus!

Below the throne, standing on both sides are the princes of the six blood races, and they are also the high level of the blood races.

"Asmodeus, Celeos... Several princes, do you have anything else to reflect?" the bloodthirsty bat asked faintly.

"Patriarch, I have one more thing to reflect."

An old man wearing a dark purple robe with gray hair and a short stature walked out.

"Fogaluo, just tell me if you have anything." The bloodthirsty ghost bat said with a smile.

"The patriarch, according to reliable sources, it is said that the leader of the kingdom of powers died in the hands of the purgatory king, and the kingdom of powers has also taken refuge in the temple..." Fogalo said.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several princes present were shocked.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat looked slightly stunned, looked at Fogalo, and said in a puzzled way: "Isn't it said that the purgatory king has become a useless person? Did he recover his strength so quickly?"

Fogalo replied respectfully: "Patriarch, I don't know why the Purgatory King regained his strength so quickly. However, yesterday, it was the Purgatory King who killed the Dark Adjudicator.

Moreover, the Dark Adjudicator also found a very powerful helper, but in the end he also died in the hands of the Purgatory King. "

The bloodthirsty ghost bat squinted his eyes, and said: "That kid of the Purgatory King is really not easy. After becoming a useless person, he can recover his strength in such a short time...

Moreover, since the Purgatory King can kill the Dark Adjudicator, it can prove that the current strength of the Purgatory King is probably improved again..."

"The patriarch, the temple and the kingdom of supernatural powers are all S-level organizations... Now that the two major S-level organizations join forces, which organization in the world can match it?

Because of the expansion of the temple, the underground world will be shuffled again...If the temple continues to expand, will our kinsman become the next goal of the temple? "An old man in a black-gray robe was worried and authentic.

The faces of the other princes also showed worry.

After all, before this, there were ten big S-level organizations in the world. Although everyone would have a little dispute from time to time, because their respective strengths were not much different, they would not really fight.

Because once the two major S-level organizations fight, it will definitely make the entire underground world turbulent, blood flowed into rivers, bones become mountains, and both sides will lose out. The leader of any S-level organization will not want to see this scene.

However, now that the kingdom of supernatural powers has relied on the temple, the strength of the temple has been unprecedentedly strengthened. If the temple wants to continue to expand, who can stop the expansion of the temple?

The bloodthirsty ghost bat frowned slightly, and said: "Princes, don't worry about it. I am friends with the Purgatory King, and I understand what the Purgatory King is like.

He has never taken the initiative to expand and provoke other forces and organizations... The death of the Dark Adjudicator is entirely due to his too ambitious and self-defeating.

If the Dark Adjudicator did not attack the temple, how would the Purgatory King kill him? How can the kingdom of supernatural power be subdued by the temple?

Therefore, if our blood family wants to be stable, we should not provoke the temple, provoke the purgatory king...

Moreover, when necessary, we need to have a good relationship with the temple, which will help our blood race in the future..."


Fogallo was still a little worried.

"Well, that's all for today's meeting, so please withdraw."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat didn't want to say any more, and waved his hand.

"Yes, patriarch."

The six princes nodded and said nothing more.

Just as the six of them were about to turn around and leave, a panicked voice came in.

"Patriarch! Report something to report!!"

Hearing the sound, the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the six princes looked up and saw a guard of the blood race hurried in.

"What's so flustered, say!" The bloodthirsty ghost bat flicked his sleeves, unhappy.

This blood race guard swallowed his throat and said, "Patriarch, a pair of strange men and women broke into our territory. They were very powerful and killed many of our tribesmen!!!"


When the bloodthirsty ghost bat heard it, he was furious, "Who is that man and woman?!"

"Who is it, brave enough to break into our blood family territory?!" Fogalo said angrily.

The other princes were also angry.

"Report to the patriarch, Prince Fogalo, that the man and woman said we don't deserve to know their names!" The blood guard quickly replied.

"Too arrogant!!"

Prince Asmode, wearing a black-gray robe, suddenly flew into a rage, "No matter who the man and woman are, today they don't want to leave alive!"

"Gluck...Who is so loud? How dare you say such a big thing?"

A joking female voice came in from outside the hall.

Hearing the sound, the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the six princes quickly looked up and saw a pair of young men and women walking in from outside the door.

This pair of men and women are the gods of wind and goddess of death.

As for the guards of the blood race at the door, they all fell to the ground, some were killed, others were abolished, and they huddled on the ground, wailing and screaming.

"Clan... Patriarch, these two people!" The blood clan guard trembling all over, said with a look of horror.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat stared at the Fengshen and the goddess of death, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are these two people, why should they break into the territory of my blood family and kill my people?"

"Bloodthirsty ghost bats, we didn't want to kill people... The main reason is that your people are too ignorant of current affairs and dare to block our way. So, sorry, we can only kill them all..." Fengshen smiled. To say.

"Who are you guys anyway?!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat has a gloomy face, since this pair of men and women can kill all the way to the castle, obviously their strength is certainly not weak.

Therefore, he did not act rashly, but wanted to clarify the origins of the men and women.

"Bloodthirsty ghost bat, please allow us to introduce ourselves... We are from the alliance of the gods, my name is Kukulkan, and the code name is ‘Aeolus’.

This is my partner, named Ischer, code-named "Goddess of Death"..." Fengshen introduced with a smile.

"Alliance of the Gods?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat froze for a moment, and said: "What kind of organization is this, why have I never heard of it?"

The six princes present were also puzzled, and they didn't understand what organization the Alliance of Gods was.

"After that, you don't understand. In short, you only need to know that the Alliance of the Gods is the strongest power above this world. You don't need to ask more about the others..."

Fengshen squinted his eyes and said: "Bloodthirsty ghost bat, today, we are here to find you for some holy water..."

"Holy water?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat was shocked, but there was no expression on his face, and he said in a shock: "Holy water is something in myths and legends, how could we have it!"


Fengshen sighed lightly and said: "Originally, I wanted to solve the problem in a civilized way. Since you refuse to give it, then we can only use it..."

The voice fell off.

Fengshen raised his arms, and the blue storm magic was immediately displayed!

"Death Storm!!"

Accompanied by a soft drink.

Shattering! !

The airflow in the entire castle hall began to flow frantically, and soon, a violent storm formed, which swept everything in the castle hall into the air, and then crushed it into slag!

Those steel utensils were also torn apart by this "death storm", and some were broken into iron slag!

"What a powerful magical energy! Everyone, pay attention to defense!!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat changed his face and shouted, "Blood technique, Scarlet Fortress!!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat has both arms, and a huge semi-circular shield with scarlet light shone over him!

The other six princes also used the "Scarlet Fortress" to form a protective shield to resist!

However, the blood guard was not strong enough to stop this "death storm" at all, so the body was rolled into the air and burst into a cloud of blood!


Seeing this scene, the bloodthirsty ghost bat was shocked, cold sweat involuntarily shed.

For a while, the "Death Storm" cast by Fengshen slammed the shield crazily. After a while, cracks appeared on the shield they cast, like a spider web!

"Little blood technique, dare to contend with my magic...I can't help it!"

Fengshen's face became cold, and his arms waved again, and the magical energy of "Death Storm" increased dozens of times!

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