Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2299: , Overpowering!

"You old bats shut up! Do you want to die?!"

The goddess of death screamed at the remaining four princes.

"The female devil! Kill if you want! If we blink our brows, we won't be of the blood race!!"

"That is, we have gone through more storms, so what's the fear of death!"

Several princes yelled at the goddess of death.

"Oh, you are quite spine... Since you are not so afraid of death, then I will send you to hell!"

The goddess of death smiled coldly and stepped directly on the chest of one of the princes.


His chest was squeezed, his ribs broke, and the prince hissed in pain.

"Don't kill him! I will give you holy water!!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat yelled in a hurry, and then he looked at several princes and said: "If the blood clan is destroyed, then what use do we need this holy water for!"

"The Patriarch..."

"Don't say anything! I have decided!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat replied, then clutched his chest and coughed violently, then left the hall...


at the same time.

Under the snow-capped mountains outside the kinship territory, a transport helicopter landed slowly and stopped on a clearing.

The cabin door opened and Ye Fei jumped down from above.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Fei curled his lips and said: "It's been a long time since I've been here, it's still the same as before...I hope that old bat knows the current affairs better, otherwise, I can only grab it."

Immediately, Ye Fei rushed towards the blood clan territory.

After a while, Ye Fei approached the blood clan territory.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, the whole person was dumbfounded.

On the white snowy ground, lay the corpses of blood guards everywhere, with stumps and broken arms everywhere, blood flowing, like a purgatory on earth.

"What's the matter? Could it be that something happened to the blood clan?!"

Ye Fei's expression changed and he didn't linger any more, but hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the castle.

At this time, the castle hall.

Fengshen and the goddess of death waited for about twenty minutes, and they saw the bloodthirsty ghost bat returning holding a palm-sized dark gray primitive porcelain vase.

"The holy water you want is here."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat picked up the porcelain bottle.

With a wave of the death goddess' right hand, a burst of magical energy came out, and the porcelain bottle flew into her hand.

Seeing that the goddess of death took the holy water, the four princes and some blood guards present were heartbroken.

After all, holy water is the most precious thing of their blood, a small sip can rejuvenate and prolong life.

Although the average life expectancy of people of the blood race is long, the longer they live, the longer they want to live.

Now that the holy water has been taken away, they want to extend their lifespan and slow down aging. They have no other way except to practice slowly.

Originally due to physique and bloodline, it is very difficult for the blood clan to cultivate a master. The reason why they can make the blood clan stand on the top of the world is entirely dependent on long-term vitality.

Because, the longer the life span, the higher the chance that they can develop a master.

But now that the holy water has been taken away, in the future, what will the blood race fight with other organizations in the world?

After the goddess of death got the porcelain bottle, she opened the bottle cap and glanced at it.

I saw that the liquid inside was blood red, a bit like red wine, but it didn't have any smell.

After confirming that this is the real holy water, the goddess of death raised her eyes to look at the bloodthirsty ghost bat, and said: "Old bat, why is there only holy water, the holy grail?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat said solemnly: "The Holy Grail has fallen into the volcano many years ago, and its whereabouts are unknown..."

"You didn't lie to us?" The Death Goddess asked indifferently.

"Now that our lives are in your hands, what's the point of me lying to you?" the bloodthirsty ghost bat said angrily.

"Oh, that's what I said, I don't think you dare."

The goddess of death chuckled and said to Fengshen: "Fengshen, the holy water has been obtained, let's go."

"it is good!"

Fengshen nodded, then turned around with the goddess of death, preparing to leave.

At this moment, a fierce color flashed in the eyes of the bloodthirsty ghost bat.

The moment the wind **** and the goddess of death turned around, the bloodthirsty ghost bat raised his arms and performed the blood technique again!

"Prison Demon Chains!!"

In an instant, dozens of blood-red chains swept towards Fengshen and Death Goddess, trying to trap them!

However, Fengshen seemed to have long thought of the bloodthirsty ghost bats suddenly attacking.

He murmured faintly: "The Wall of Wind..."

Suddenly, I saw a blue wall of wind swept out, blocking himself and the goddess of death behind!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

Dozens of prisoner demon chains hit the wind's air wall, and there were bursts of rumbling and explosions!

However, what makes the bloodthirsty ghost bat desperate is that the chain of prisoner demon cast by himself has no effect at all!

"This this……"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat stared at this scene blankly, already shocked and speechless.

"Old Bat, do you think you can really kill us?"

Fengshen slowly turned around, looked at the bloodthirsty ghost bat with a playful look, and said: "Others call you the king, do you really think you are the king?

Let me tell you, old bat, your strength is simply vulnerable in front of us! "

"Old Bat, seeing that you handed over the holy water, you still wanted to spare your life... but you didn't know how to cherish it, and you even wanted to attack us..."

The goddess of death said faintly, her face becoming more and more indifferent, "Since your life is too long, then go to death for me..."

The voice fell off.

The entire hall of the castle was filled with gloomy winds, ghosts and wolves howled, and the lifeless aura covered the entire hall!

Feeling the pressure of this magical energy, everyone present felt a feeling of suffocation!

Even, hallucinations appeared in front of my eyes, there were stumps and broken arms and bones everywhere, blood flowing everywhere, extremely terrifying!

"Wrecked Bone Dragon!!"

The goddess of death waved the scepter in her hand.


Accompanied by a harsh dragon roar.

I saw that a huge, huge dragon formed of white bones flapped its wings, and slammed toward the bloodthirsty ghost bat with a grim look, and it passed like a typhoon!

The huge stone pillars erected in the hall were directly knocked down by the skull dragon!

"Obsidian Magic Light!!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat was shocked, and quickly raised his arms to perform the blood technique.

A black and red energy shock wave rushed towards this huge bone dragon!

boom! !

The harsh explosion sounded loudly, deeply irritating everyone's eardrums!

However, when the sand and dust dissipated, the skull dragon still existed. As for the obsidian magic light just now, it had no effect on the skull dragon at all!


The bloodthirsty ghost bat looked shocked, and it was too late to retreat and avoid it.

Seeing that he was about to be torn apart by this skull dragon, suddenly, a figure exuded a faint golden light, moving from the outside of the castle like an instant movement, swept in, and blocked the bloodthirsty ghost bat!

"Sword intent bursts! Ten kills in one step!!"

This figure directly swung the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and slashed it towards the bone dragon that leaped!

The golden light flashes, bringing out an extremely powerful sword intent!

boom! ! ——

This sword smashed into the bone dragon heavily, and the two energies collided, bursting with a loud explosion, and the entire castle hall shook!

With just a sword, this huge bone dragon was split in half and disappeared into the air!

"Purgatory King?!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat at the back saw the figure in front of him, and suddenly recognized it.

"Old bat, if I hadn't arrived in time, you would have become a dead bat!"

Ye Fei turned around and said something with a grin.

"Purgatory Lord, thank you very much!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat clutched his chest and said something gratefully.

"I want to thank you, I'll talk later."

Ye Fei curled his lips, then turned his head to look at the Fengshen and the Goddess of Death.

"Fengshen, it's been a long time since I saw you... the last time you almost killed my life, this hatred, I always remember..."

Ye Fei said lightly, his face sank, and the golden flames of anger in his pupils instantly burned.

"Unexpectedly, your kid is really alive, and his strength has improved..."

Fengshen also squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Fei. He was also very surprised. He didn't expect to see him in such a short period of time. This kid's strength has increased again...

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