Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2300: , Distraught!

"What a purgatory king, he deserves to be the one whom the king of gods fancy, his strength is really good, and he killed my bone dragon with a single sword..."

The Death Goddess squinted her eyes and was shocked, but there was no expression on her face.

"This eldest sister, are you a **** disciple or the main god? What is the number one in the alliance of the gods?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

"What do you call me?!"

The pretty face of the goddess of death suddenly became hideous.

"Elder sister, aren't you all old monsters who have lived a few hundred years older, do you praise your eldest sister when you call you?" Ye Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"you wanna die!!"

The goddess of death was furious, she raised her scepter and directly cast death magic.

"Blood Blade Sword!!"

Wow! !

The air trembled, and hundreds of blood-red giant swords hovered in the air, carrying an incomparable death-killing intent, and in an instant, they shot directly at Ye Fei!

Cough cough! ! ...

Seeing hundreds of **** sharp swords shot, the bloodthirsty ghost bat behind hurriedly reminded loudly: "Be careful, the purgatory king, this woman has very strong magic power!"

"Is it that strong?"

Ye Fei smiled disdainfully, "I don't think it is necessarily..."

The voice fell off.

"Sword intent double burst!!"

Ye Fei shouted and stepped out, the earth shook wildly, and then it shattered every inch!

The frantic power ripples rushed towards the four directions, smashing the walls of the four directions!

Immediately, Ye Fei didn't have any extra actions. He lifted the right hand holding the sword, and slashed directly at the blood-red sharp sword that came from flying!

Huh! !

This sword slashed out, as if a mountain was under pressure, with a force of ruining the world, and it was bound to destroy everything!

Boom! !

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the hundreds of bloodblade swords were all defeated by this sword and disappeared into the air!

"Nether Bat!!"

Seeing that Ye Fei broke through her bloodblade sword, the goddess of death was shocked at the same time, she immediately used her magical power again!

In an instant, the entire hall seemed to darken and become lifeless!

When everyone looked up, they saw that the whole body was black, the eyes were red, and the monsters that looked like bats, brandishing sharp claws like blades, were rushing towards Ye Fei below!


Ye Fei let out a cold snort, kicked his legs, and his body instantly jumped up to thirty or forty meters. When he was stuck in the air, he swung a sword at those bat-like monsters!

Huh! !

The golden sword light flashed in the sky, like a meteorite!

But the power of this sword is extremely powerful, like a giant whale cutting waves!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

There was a burst of explosions in the sky, and the monsters were completely cut in half by Ye Fei's sword, and then they whimpered and wailed and disappeared into the air!

After destroying these monsters, Ye Fei tumbling in the air, made a heavy fall, and landed steadily on the ground!


Seeing this scene, the goddess of death was immediately stunned!

Unexpectedly, the two killer moves he used in a row were defeated by this kid!

What kind of monster is this kid? !

Not only the goddess of death, even the Fengshen on the side was shocked!

It has only been more than half a month, this kid's strength has improved again, and it has also improved a lot!

As for the bloodthirsty ghost bat and all the people of the blood race who just reminded me, they were shocked!

Worthy of being a strong man who can kill the Dark Adjudicator, his strength is really strong enough!

Ye Fei carried the huge sword of infuriating energy on his shoulders, looked at the goddess of death, and said with a smile: "I just called you big sister, you are so angry, are you menopause?

But that's not right, you have lived for so many years, you should have passed the menopause early! ! "

"Smelly boy! Shut up for me!!"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the pretty face of the goddess of death couldn't help but twitch.

She waved the scepter again, and when she was about to perform a more powerful killer move, Fengshen quickly stepped forward and shouted in a low voice, "Goddess of death, Wisdom God has orders. Our task today is to get holy water. Don’t make trouble. ,go!"

"Want to go, it's not so easy!!"

When Ye Fei heard that the two of them were about to leave, he instantly released the coercion of Lichen Dacheng, then raised a sword and drew a semi-circular arc of light in the air, another sword, directly towards the goddess of wind and the goddess of death. Past!

Sword intent, like thunder, unparalleled!

"Sword intent triple explosion!!"

In order to keep Fengshen and Death Goddess, Ye Fei directly used the triple explosion of sword intent!

He finally ran into Fengshen, how could he let him escape!

Huh! !

The bright golden light flashed away!

The vigorous and violent sword intent, like a golden dragon over a hundred meters long, burst out with rage, and directly crushed the floor of the hall into a deep gully!

Feeling the ferocity of this sword intent, the faces of Fengshen and the Goddess of Death changed drastically!

Because Ye Fei's sword was too fast and the sword intent was too fierce, they could only give up and leave for the time being, and block the attack first!

"Wall of Wind!!"

"Bone Aegis!!"

The wind **** and the goddess of death both released defensive magic energy at the same time.

I saw that a wind wall formed by a hurricane and a bone shield emitting red light appeared in the sky!

Boom! ! ! ——

Thunder-like explosions resounded throughout the hall!

The bloodthirsty ghost bats and people from other blood races felt that the sword that Ye Fei had made was like a golden dragon that broke through a few huge stone pillars like a lightning bolt, turning everything they went through into dust!

This sword also smashed heavily on the wind wall and bone shield formed by the wind **** and the goddess of death!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

The entire castle shook, and the huge stones on the ceiling fell one by one, and the guards of the blood race were frightened to flee outside!

The bloodthirsty ghost bat and the remaining four princes also felt the surging of Ye Fei's sword intent, and they evacuated dozens of meters away!

In the center of the hall, the boulders that fell down before they even touched Ye Fei, Fengshen, and the Goddess of Death, they shattered into powder!

It took a few minutes.

Suddenly, I only heard the sound of "Kacha Kacha"!

I saw that all the wind wall and bone shield had cracks!

The cracks gradually spread, and they will be completely shattered by sight!

"Don't pester him! Let's go!!"

Fengshen frowned, and shouted at the goddess of death on the side.

"Okay, let's go!!"

The goddess of death was angry and wanted to fight Ye Fei, but when she thought of the order given by Zhishen, she had to give up the idea.

"Death Storm!!"

Fengshen blasted a death storm towards Ye Fei, and then together with the goddess of death, his figure flashed, like two rushing lightning, rushing out towards the outside of the hall.

In the eyes of others, these two people seemed to disappear in an instant.


Ye Fei's backhand was another sword, smashing the death storm, and then suddenly jumped out several tens of meters, and quickly chased it out.

However, when Ye Fei chased outside, he had disappeared from Fengshen and the goddess of death.

"Damn! Let them run away!"

Ye Fei roared, feeling very depressed.

I originally thought that Fengshen could get revenge today, but I didn't know that the two of them didn't even want to fight with them, so they just ran away.

It seems that we can only wait for the next time.

I came to the blood clan territory today, but the purpose is to get the holy water to wake up Elena.

Ye Fei let out a sigh of turbid air, and then dissipated all the coercion and the power of true energy, and the huge sword of true energy in his hand also disappeared.

Immediately, Ye Fei turned around and walked towards the old castle.

However, when Ye Fei walked into the old castle, he saw that everyone in the blood race was staring at the sixty to seventy meters long and ten meters deep gully on the ground in a daze, shaking all over.

And this ravine was just cut out by Ye Fei with a sword.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat and the remaining four princes were shocked. They looked up at Ye Fei who walked in, their eyes full of awe.

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and said, "Old bat, I'm sorry, I just confiscated my strength and accidentally destroyed your castle like this..."

"Purgatory King, this is fine."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat waved his hand and said, "If you hadn't arrived in time just now, I'm afraid that my people and I would all be killed by those two guys...So, I have to thank you."

"Yeah, thank you Lord Purgatory for your help!"

"The purgatory king is invincible, thank you, thank you!"

Several princes also bent over and thanked them.

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