Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2301: , Meet the enemy!

"Don't say more if you are thankful."

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "Old Bat, what's going on here? Why do people from the Alliance of Gods find you?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat froze for a moment and asked: "Purgatory King, do you know them?"

"Of course I know, I've dealt with their people several times, and I have already forged hatred.

If it weren't for those two guys to run fast, I would have to kill them! "

Ye Fei said cruelly, and then said: "By the way, old bat, you haven't said what it is that the people of the Alliance of Gods are looking for you?"

"Purgatory King, you have come to my kinsman as a guest from thousands of miles, and I should treat you well.

However, my castle has been destroyed and it is really not suitable for receiving guests. So, let's talk in another place. "The bloodthirsty ghost bat said helplessly.


Ye Fei nodded and agreed.

Then, the bloodthirsty ghost bat ordered the people of the blood race to stay and clean up the battlefield, take care of the funeral, and then left the castle with the four princes with Ye Fei.

After leaving the castle, Ye Fei and his group came to the back mountain of the castle.

Because this big mountain is an extinct volcano, there is no lava in the crater. Instead, the geothermal conduction from the ground makes the temperature here quite pleasant, like a paradise in the ice and snow.

A large number of green plants take root and sprout here, and flowers bloom in all seasons.

In the middle of the opening, there is a pool of hot springs, and a few wooden houses have been built beside the springs.

Ye Fei and his party came to one of the pavilions and sat down.

"Purgatory King, this is the red wine brewed by our blood, which can improve people's qi and blood, and it is good for people's health. You can taste it."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat poured a glass of red wine for Ye Fei and handed it over.

Ye Fei took the goblet, shook it, and said with a smile: "Old bat, you guys can enjoy it, soaking in the hot springs and drinking red wine, it's really good."

"Speaking of enjoyment, old bat I can't compare to you, the king of purgatory. Your lost island is like spring all year round and the scenery is pleasant. That is the real paradise on earth, and it is much better than the land of our blood."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat smiled and waved his hand, but because of an internal injury, he couldn't help but cough slightly.

"Old Bat, you all seem to have suffered internal injuries, were they beaten by those two guys?" Ye Fei asked.


The bloodthirsty ghost bat nodded and said unwillingly: "The strength of those two guys is too strong, and I and the princes are not their opponents.

You are still the King of Purgatory. When you come, those two guys are scared away..."

Ye Fei was a little funny, everyone in the Alliance of Gods was very arrogant, and it was not their style to be scared away.

It is possible that Fengshen and the woman named Death Goddess should have received some orders, so they didn't entangle themselves too much.

However, Ye Fei didn't say much, but said: "Old bat, several princes, I'd better treat you first. After the treatment is over, we will talk again."

"Purgatory King, do you know how to heal?" the bloodthirsty ghost bat asked suspiciously.

The four princes also looked at Ye Fei curiously.

"know a little."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

"Okay, Lord Purgatory, then I will bother you." The bloodthirsty ghost bat said gratefully.

In the next time, Ye Fei took out the Bianstone needle, the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes acupuncture.

When they saw Ye Fei use the "Taiyi Divine Needle", these old guys who had lived hundreds of years and thousands of years old were all amazed.

Although they have lived for so long, they still haven't seen Huaxia's "Taiyi Divine Needle".

After the treatment, the bloodthirsty ghost bat moved its body and said in a pleasant surprise: "Purgatory King, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good, I feel better."

"Purgatory Lord, thank you for your treatment!"

"Thank you Purgatory King!"

Several princes were also grateful to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei waved his hand, then looked at the bloodthirsty ghost bat, and said: "Old bat, tell me quickly, what is the matter with the people of the Alliance of Gods looking for you?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat sighed, and said: "The two people came to me for the holy water..."

"Holy water?"

Ye Fei said in astonishment, "So your kinsmen really have holy water?!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, the holy water has always been in our blood family, and we also regard it as a treasure. For so many years, it has been hidden very well and has never been publicized.

I don’t know how the two men and women knew about it, so they ran over to **** it... Besides, we don’t know anything about the identity and origin of the two men..."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "It's normal if you don't know it. I only recently learned about the power of the Alliance of Gods."

"What kind of organization is the Alliance of Gods?" the bloodthirsty ghost bat asked.

Ye Fei took a sip of the red wine, and continued: "The organization of the Alliance of Gods should be an organization focused on practicing magic.

They are powerful, deep-rooted, masters like clouds, hands and eyes open to the sky, above the top ten S-level organizations, it can be said that they are currently the most powerful organization in the world.

In the Alliance of the Gods, there are twenty **** disciples, each of which is comparable in strength to the king, even the Mosuo giant, the dark king, the holy dragon knight, and the dark judge are all **** disciples inside.

Above the top twenty **** disciples, there are twelve main gods. The strength of these main gods is above the **** disciples... the higher the ranking, the stronger the strength.

As for the man who injured you, the wind **** who is ranked twelfth in the League of Gods, and the one named Death Goddess, although I don’t know how many places she ranks, I’m sure, she must be one too. Lord God.

Moreover, the Alliance of the Gods formed an enmity with our China's Ancient Alliance hundreds of years ago, and now they reappear, preparing to make a comeback and once again go to war against the China's Ancient Alliance.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that I have an intersection with them..."

When the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes heard what Ye Fei said, their faces were full of shock.

"Old Bat, I have lived for so many years, this is the first time I have heard of the organization of the League of Gods..."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat sighed deeply and said: "It really complies with your old Chinese saying, "There are people outside the world, there are heaven outside the sky"..."

Ye Fei suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Old Bat, you said that Fengshen and Death Goddess came to **** the holy water, did they **** it?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes looked at each other and sighed heavily.

"Damn it!"

Ye Fei slammed the table and said angrily: "I knew that the holy water had been taken away, then I would go after them even if I tried my best!"

"Purgatory King, what do you mean by this?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat looked puzzled.

"Old Bat, to tell you, I came to you this time because I wanted to ask you for some holy water."

Ye Fei replied, and then looked at the bloodthirsty ghost bat with a puzzled look, and said: "Old bat, when did your blood become so weak? Even the most precious holy water was snatched away?

Where are the four old patriarchs of your blood clan who have lived for thousands of years? Are they not in the blood clan?

Their strength is so strong, how can they watch their disciples and grandchildren are almost extinct, and they still don't help? "

The bloodthirsty ghost bat sighed deeply and said: "Purgatory King, let's not tell you, the four old patriarchs of our blood clan are practicing in retreat, and no one should be disturbed in the middle.

You also know that although our kinsmen have a long lifespan, cultivation is extremely difficult because of their physique and bloodline.

To put it simply, it will take up to several decades for you to cultivate a master in the Chinese ancient martial arts world. But it takes at least several hundred years for our blood to cultivate a master.

Therefore, we dare not disturb the cultivation of the four old patriarchs, because once disturbed, the cultivation of the four patriarchs will be abandoned.

But now, we have died so many people, the two princes are also dead, even the holy water has been snatched away, this is a heavy blow to our blood!

This beam of the alliance between our blood race and the gods is forged! ! "

"Old Bat, don't be too sad. As long as your kin is still there, there is hope."

Ye Fei patted the bloodthirsty ghost bat on the shoulder, and then asked: "By the way, old bat, do you still have holy water?"

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