Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2302: , Brave and invincible!

The bloodthirsty ghost bat said bitterly: "Purgatory King, you saved the lives of all our blood races. Logically speaking, if I still have holy water, I will definitely give you a bit.

However, the only bottle of holy water left by our blood clan has been snatched away by those two..."

"Could it be...really gone?"

Ye Fei trembled and asked, as if the whole person had been struck by lightning.

If it is really gone, what should Elena do?

Is there any way to wake Elena?

The bloodthirsty ghost bat frowned and said: "Purgatory King, tell me first, what do you want holy water for?"

"Of course it is to save people!"

Ye Fei replied, and then told the bloodthirsty ghost bat that Elena was unconscious.

After listening, the bloodthirsty ghost bat thought for a while, and said: "Purgatory King, listen to what you say, Elena's body and blood are indeed somewhat similar to those of our blood family, but they are not completely similar..."

"Old bat, it's not the time to talk about this now. I ask you, is there any holy water?" Ye Fei asked closely, staring into the eyes of the bloodthirsty ghost bat.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat thought for a while, and then looked at the four princes.

The four princes also knew what the bloodthirsty ghost bat meant, so they nodded.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat sighed heavily and said: "Purgatory King, you saved all of our blood clan, and I won't lie to you anymore.

In fact, the two robbed only holy water, not the Holy Grail.

And in the Holy Grail, half of the holy water still remains, it's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

Ye Fei felt excited when he heard that there was still holy water.

As long as there is holy water, there is hope to wake Elena.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat said helplessly: "Unfortunately, as early as many years ago, our people fought a battle in order to grab the Holy Grail and occupy the holy water in the Holy Grail.

It was also during the war that the Holy Grail fell into an active volcano accidentally.

That active volcano often erupts lava, and the temperature of the magma inside reaches thousands of degrees. Therefore, even if we know that the Holy Grail is inside, we dare not salvage..."

Ye Fei laughed immediately when he heard it, "Old Bat, why didn't you tell me earlier, which volcano has the Holy Grail fallen into? Walk around, hurry up and take me to get it!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat twitched his mouth and said: "Purgatory King, you may not have heard clearly, I said, the Holy Grail has fallen into an active volcano..."

"I know!"

Ye Fei smiled and nodded straight.

"Since you know, how do you get it?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat said silently: "For so many years, we have been trying to get into the volcano to get the Holy Grail, but let alone go into the volcano, even if it is just close, the temperature is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Even if the body and blood of our kinsmen are different from ordinary people, we dare not go into the lava in the volcano to get the Holy Grail... If we go in, it will be no different from dying..."

"Old bat, you can't take it, but I can take it!" Ye Fei said with a smile.

"What?! Can you take it?!!!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat looked at Ye Fei in shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

The four princes on the side also looked at Ye Fei in a daze, their faces full of disbelief.

"Prince of Purgatory, I know you are eager to save people, but this can't be messy! If you go inside the volcano, you will definitely be dead!" said a prince.

"Yes, Lord Purgatory, this is not a joke. Going to the volcano to get the Holy Grail, let's forget it. Or, do you think of other ways to wake Elena?" another prince persuaded.

"I said, the lava in the volcano is nothing to me."

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, just walk around, take the Holy Grail is important!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes looked at each other, and shook their heads helplessly, and could only take Ye Fei away.

In their opinion, Ye Fei should not understand the horror of lava, so he said such big words.

After waiting for the volcano to be there, Ye Fei should be able to retreat.

Soon, Ye Fei and his party left the pavilion and came to the foot of an active volcano more than a dozen miles away from the territory of the blood race.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat pointed to the volcano and said: "The purgatory king, this volcano is called'Katra', which is more than one thousand meters above sea level. Over the past few hundred years, there have been seven or eight lava eruptions.

Although there is no eruption right now, the temperature of the magma in the volcano is terrifyingly high... If an average person falls in, it may be instantly turned into a pool of blood..."

Before the bloodthirsty ghost bat finished speaking, Ye Fei ran straight toward the mountain.

"Hey! Lord Purgatory, wait!!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat yelled, and then took the four princes and rushed towards the mountain together.

Although the altitude of this volcano is very high, it is nothing for Ye Fei and bloodthirsty ghost bats.

So, after about half an hour, Ye Fei reached the top of the volcano.

The crater was scorching hot white gas, and just approaching, I felt a burning pain.

Ye Fei immediately released all the power of Li Chen Dacheng's true energy, and a faint golden light radiated from all over his body, forming a defense, which resisted the scorching heat.

However, Ye Fei's face was sad, and it was a bit difficult.

Before, in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, he could only dive to a depth of seven or eighty meters in Yantan, and he could no longer dive.

However, this volcano is so high that if the Holy Grail falls into the bottom of the volcano, no matter how powerful your body is, you will not be able to dive to the bottom of the volcano.

Should I go down or not?

Ye Fei hesitated, after all, this was indeed not a joke.

If after entering, you can't get the Holy Grail, but lose your life, then it will be a big game.

After thinking about it again and again, Ye Fei finally made a decision.

No matter, in order to wake Elena, even if it is dangerous, I have to try it myself.

After making up his mind, Ye Fei used his strongest sword intent to protect his body.

For a moment, the sword light on Ye Fei's body became more dazzling, and golden flames burned in his pupils.

At this time, the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes finally ran to the top of the volcano.

When approaching the top of the volcano just now, they felt a terrifying and powerful pressure and aura.

After coming up now, I found out that this coercion and aura were radiating from Ye Fei's body.

"As expected to be the King of Purgatory, just this coercion and breath made my heart tremble, no wonder he can push back the two main gods..." The bloodthirsty ghost bat said with emotion.

"This kid is really a monster, I really don't know how he cultivated."

A prince also sighed with emotion.

"Okay, don't sigh, you should stop this kid as soon as possible, don't let him mess around." Another prince said.

"Yes, yes, you must stop him quickly, if he does jump in, he will definitely be dead!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat nodded, then used blood defense, and while approaching the crater, he shouted: "Purgatory King, forget it, if you jump down, you will definitely be dead!"

However, as soon as the bloodthirsty ghost bat had finished speaking, Ye Fei did not hesitate anymore and jumped directly from the crater!

"Purgatory King!!!"

When the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes saw this scene, they all screamed in shock.

They hurried to the crater and looked inside, but Ye Fei was gone.

A prince trembled all over and murmured: "It's over, it's really over...The purgatory king is gone, it must have turned into a pool of blood..."

"This kid is too reckless? How can this volcano jump as long as it wants?"

"The Purgatory King is young and has a great future, but why can't he think about it like this?"

"But, now that the Purgatory King has died in our blood, will the people in the temple blame us?"

The several princes were sympathetic and worried, and they were mixed up in their hearts.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat frowned and said: "According to my understanding, the purgatory king should not be such a reckless person.

Since he dared to jump down, he must have something to rely on...So, let's wait..."

Although he said so, he actually felt that Ye Fei should have been turned into blood, I am afraid that there is no bones left.

However, he still had a glimmer of hope. After all, he and Ye Fei could be regarded as friends, and Ye Fei also had a life-saving grace for him. Of course he didn't want Ye Fei to die like this.

As a result, the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes left the crater, sat down at a far distance, and waited.

Now, they can only look forward to a miracle...

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