Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2304: , Looking forward to a miracle!

"This is almost the same."

Ye Fei curled his lips and said to his heart, if these old bats wanted to monopolize the holy water, he would just grab it.

"Purgatory King, please believe me, we will definitely give you the holy water."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat is also an old man, and he naturally saw what Ye Fei was thinking.

However, now he really didn't dare to move any crooked thoughts.

After all, Ye Fei's strength lies here, and they have to accept it.

"Hehe, old bat, of course I believe you, after all, we are friends, right?"

Ye Fei patted the bloodthirsty ghost bat on the shoulder, a harmless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But this kind of smile, in the eyes of the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the four princes, felt panic.

"Yes, huh, huh, we are friends!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat gave a dry smile and said: "Purgatory Lord, it's getting late, let's go down the mountain."

"it is good!"

Ye Fei nodded.

Immediately, Ye Fei and his party rushed up and down...

After Ye Fei stayed in the blood clan for a long time, he got the holy water, and then, sent by the bloodthirsty ghost bat and a dried blood clan, he came to the outside of the blood clan territory.

"Okay, old bat, go back, don't give it away."

Ye Fei put a palm-sized porcelain bottle with holy water into his pocket, and waved at the bloodthirsty ghost bat and the others.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat smiled and said: "Purgatory King, since you are anxious to go back and save people, then I won't keep you.

However, old bat, I am here to assure you that if one day, you and the Alliance of Gods go to war, our blood will definitely help you! ! "

"Oh, old bat, haven't you always been afraid of death? Why are you so courageous this time?" Ye Fei laughed.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat said with a serious face: "Purgatory King, although I am afraid of death, I also know the rewards of knowing grace.

You saved the lives of me and my people, and you also helped us retrieve the Holy Grail. I will naturally repay you.

Moreover, the people of this alliance of gods are arrogant and unreasonable, not only taking my holy water, but also killing my people, I can't swallow this breath! "

"Okay, old bat, it's enough to have you!"

Ye Fei smiled, and said to his heart that if there is real help from the blood, then it will also have a 10% chance of winning.

Unexpectedly, this time coming to the blood clan, not only got the holy water, but also got a boost, but it was not in vain to run here all the way.

The bloodthirsty ghost bat nodded, then thought of something, and said: "Purgatory Lord, I have one more thing to remind you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Fei asked.

"Since the two of the Alliance of Gods took away the holy water, there must be some conspiracy, so you should pay attention to it." said the bloodthirsty ghost bat.

"Well, I will pay attention."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Old bat, thank you for your reminder. If there is nothing wrong, then I will leave first."

"Send to the King of Purgatory!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat led all the blood tribesmen to bend down towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled, then turned around, boarded the transport helicopter, took off, and left the kinship territory.

After Ye Fei left, the bloodthirsty ghost bat returned to the territory with a group of people.

When halfway down the road, a blood guard ran over.

"Patriarch, the old patriarch Douglas is in the castle, he wants you to hurry over!"


The bloodthirsty ghost bat was taken aback, and said: "Isn't the old patriarch Douglas always practicing in retreat outside, why did he come back?"

"Subordinates don't know."

The blood guard shook his head.

"You guys step back first."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat waved his hand, with a suspicious expression on his face, rushing in the direction of the castle.

At this time, in a dilapidated castle.

The kinsmen are moving the stones in the castle and sweeping the battlefield.

And on that throne, there is a man sitting.

This man, dressed in a hand-sewn, elegant, noble, and classically aristocratic service, combed with long gray-brown hair, handsome in appearance, three-dimensional features, and he looked like he was in his forties or 50s.

But everyone in the blood race knew that this man had actually lived more than two thousand years old, but he had achieved success in his cultivation, and he had drunk holy water, so he was rejuvenated.

This man is the fourth-generation old patriarch of the blood family, Winterborn.

"Meet the old patriarch!"

At this time, the bloodthirsty ghost bat rushed in from the outside and knelt down facing Winterburn.

"Mogras, get up."

Winterburn raised his hand, glanced at the entire castle, and frowned slightly: "What the **** is going on? Why is our castle destroyed like this, and so many people died?"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat stood up and told Winterborn what happened with a bitter expression.

After listening, Winterburn frowned and fell silent.

"Old patriarch, our blood family has never been provoked like this for so many years! We must repay this hatred!" said the bloodthirsty ghost bat bitterly.

Winterburn took a deep breath and said, "Mogras, the Alliance of the Gods is not an ordinary organization. This organization has a deep foundation and many masters, and it is not something our blood race can match.

If you want revenge, it's not the time yet..."

"Could we not report this hatred?" The bloodthirsty ghost bat said unwillingly.

Winterburn squinted his eyes and said, "Mogras, since you said that the Alliance of the Gods and the Ancient Alliance will have a battle sooner or later... So, the matter of revenge, I am afraid that we don't need our blood to do it...

However, since you have promised the King of Purgatory that you will help him at that time, then it is okay for our blood clan to send some people to help..."

"Old patriarch, I understand."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat nodded.

"By the way, Mograth, you said that the Purgatory King asked us for holy water to save people, so who is he trying to save?" Winterburn asked.

"Old Hui old patriarch, the Purgatory King is to save her woman, Elena...According to what the Purgatory King said, the body and blood of the woman Elena seems to be a bit similar to our blood..."

"What do you mean? You mean something happened to Elena?!"

When Winterburn heard this, his face changed slightly.

"Old Patriarch, do you know Elena?"

Seeing Winterburn, the bloodthirsty ghost bat was a little excited, and doubts appeared on his face.

"Oh, hehe, don't know."

Winterburn shook his head and said: "I just heard you say that the body and blood of the girl from Elena are similar to those of our blood family, so I feel very surprised..."

The bloodthirsty ghost bat thought for a while, and said: "Old patriarch, maybe Elena's child is really a child born to a member of our blood clan.

Because, I heard, that child seems to be an orphan..."

"Perhaps so... But since no one of our people recognizes that child, then we don't want to guess..."

Winterburn said lightly, and then said: "Well, Morgrass, I'm just visiting the clan today. Now, I should go too."

"Old patriarch, won't you stay in the clan for more time?" the bloodthirsty ghost bat asked.


Winterburn waved his hand and said, "Now that the blood clan is led by you, it is also very good, so I will be relieved."

After speaking, Winterburn walked down from the throne and walked towards the outside of the castle.

"Send to the old patriarch!"

The bloodthirsty ghost bat held his chest with his right hand, bent over and lowered his head.


The kinship is hundreds of miles away.

An unknown snow-capped mountain with snow-capped peaks above it, and a hot spring with geothermal heat flowing slowly below it.

The blending of ice and fire is particularly prominent here.

Perhaps because of the geothermal heat, the surrounding snow-capped mountains are full of green plants and flowers of various colors, and the scenery is very pleasant.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared one kilometer away from the snow-capped mountain.

This figure was walking towards this snow-capped mountain, but in the blink of an eye, it had moved thousands of meters away and came to the foot of the snow-capped mountain.

This man was wearing a hand-stitched noble costume, with long gray-brown hair and handsome appearance. It was Winterburn who had just talked with the bloodthirsty ghost bat in the blood territory.

Winterburn stood at the foot of the snow-capped mountain with a solemn expression, then sighed slightly, then opened a stone door and walked into the cave.

After walking into the cave and walking through a long tunnel, I once again saw a closed stone gate.

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