Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2305: , Shocking!

Across the stone gate, it seems that the sound of "swishing" of running water can be heard inside.

Winterburn opened the stone door and walked in.

I saw that inside Shimen, there was a huge space opened up.

When it was filled with a strong smell of blood, it was very pungent.

The source of all this is a pool in the middle of this space.

This pool was the size of a basketball court, but inside, it turned out to be bubbling blood!

Moreover, beside the pool, there are more than two dozen blood tribesmen who are pouring buckets of blood into the pool!

There are dozens of empty wooden barrels beside the pool.

The wooden barrels were covered with blood stains, as you can imagine, these wooden barrels were also filled with blood just now.

I just don't know how many people's blood is needed to fill this pool.

"Old Patriarch!"

People of more than two dozen blood races saw Winterburn coming in, and they all greeted respectfully.

Winterburn nodded and said, "If it's over, then you can go out."

"Yes, the old patriarch!"

These kinsmen nodded, then picked up the empty bucket and left.

After these tribes left, Winterburn closed the stone gate and pressed a raised stone on the stone wall.

When the stone was pressed, only a sound of "rumble" was heard.

Immediately, I saw that in the center of the blood pool, a stone disk had risen unexpectedly, and in the center of the disk was a crystal coffin.

However, what is puzzling is that there is no trace of blood on this crystal coffin, and it exudes a bright light under the shining of the energy-saving lamps in the cave.

In this crystal coffin, there is a beautiful woman lying.

This woman looked like she was in her twenties, her complexion was like white jade, her figure was not very hot, but she was just right and full, even if she was wrapped in that black dress, the perfect curvature of her chest was very eye-catching.

An amber hair dangled, reflecting the angelic face, with delicate features and a tall nose, highlighting the nobility and **** of Western women.

The woman closed her eyes tightly, just looking at the two pairs of thick eyelashes, you can also see how beautiful a woman's eyes should be.

After the stone plate was completely raised, Winterburn walked to the side of the blood pond, kicked his legs gently on the ground, and his figure jumped over the blood pond and landed on the stone plate steadily.

He walked to the crystal coffin, reached out his hand and touched the crystal coffin, his expression became extremely gentle.

"Medea, I came to see you again... Unknowingly, another half year has passed... In these half a year, I have been thinking about you all the time, I just hope you can wake up soon..."

As he said, Winterburn leaned his cheek lightly on the crystal coffin, and continued to talk to himself with red eyes.

"Dear Medea, you are so stupid... why would you rather die by yourself than **** human blood... why... why...

My dear, you are a witch from another are the noble ‘Night Witch’... Isn’t the witch sucking human blood just right?

Those tiny human beings, their lives are not worth mentioning... You **** their blood, that is their supreme glory..."

While speaking, Winterborn shed tears unconsciously.

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were bloodshot, and gritted his teeth and said, "My dear... now, more than 20 years have passed...for you, I killed more than 8 million people...

I take their blood just to wake you up... as long as you take the blood of 10 million people, you can wake up...

It’s almost here, it’s almost...just over a million people...he, hehe... Medea, everything I do is for your own good, to make you wake up soon... So, I hope you don’t hate Me, don't hate me..."

Winterburn had already burst into tears. He stared at the beautiful face in the crystal coffin and continued to mutter.

"Medea... Twenty years ago, despite my objections, you just wanted to give birth to that child. You said it was the crystallization of our love...

But you know you can’t have a child with me, you will die if you have a child, but why are you so stupid? Why must we give birth to that child?

If that child is not born, you won’t die, you won’t die... Medea, you told me not to impose hatred on that child, I promised you, I didn’t kill her, and she did it now. Very good...

However, if you don’t wake up after I kill 10 million people and take the blood of 10 million people, then I can only say sorry to you...

I will kill that child, and then come here to commit suicide, go down to find you..."

In this way, Winterburn muttered to himself, speaking to the woman in the crystal coffin for several hours.

He cried and laughed, until his voice became a little hoarse, then he stood up straight, looked at the woman in the crystal coffin, and said, "Medea, I will come to you for the last time in a while, I hope At that time you can wake up..."

After speaking, Winterburn left the stone plate and returned to the pool.

He glanced at the crystal coffin one last time, and then pressed the stone on the wall.

Accompanied by a sound of "rumble", the stone pan with the crystal coffin slowly sank and sank into the pool of blood.

Moreover, when the crystal coffin was submerged in the blood pool, I saw that the water in the blood pool was slowly decreasing. Although the speed was very slow, Winterburn had already seen clearly.

Winterburn smiled faintly, then turned around and left...

At noon the next day, the sky was clear.

Under the blue sky, the waves continued to beat the beaches of the Lost Island and the reefs by the sea.

Three days have passed since the battle between the temple and the kingdom of supernatural powers, the blood on the beach has been washed away, and the soldiers who died in the battle have been buried in the temple cemetery.

With the singing of insects and birds, the residents of the town laughed and laughed, and the island once again restored its former harmony.

However, at this time in a room in the castle on the island, the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

"The big sea monster, the poker face, you are saying something! Didn't you say that the boss went to the blood clan to get holy water? It's been a few days, why haven't you come back?"

Rex, who was wrapped in a piece of gauze on his chest, yelled at Elena, who was unconscious on the bed.

Alston glared at Rex and said, "Fatty man, don't make a noise! ​​If the boss gets the holy water, he will naturally come back. It's useless to be anxious here!"

"That's right, since you are so free, why not hurry up and practice the inner strength and mental method that the boss has handed over to you!"

Otherwise next time you will be severely injured, lying on the bed, and we will worry about you! "Algernon said coldly.

"Elena won't wake up, I'm not thinking about practicing!" Rex rolled his eyes and yelled.

"Who is talking about not thinking about practicing?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the room.

Everyone in the room turned their heads and saw that Ye Fei was standing in the doorway smiling.


"Brother Ye Fei!"

"Boss, you can be regarded as coming back, we are almost dying!"

"Yeah, boss, if you don't come back, all of us are going to the blood clan to find you!"

Allston, Barr, Rex, Algernon, Shi Junze, and Arnold hurriedly greeted them.

Ye Fei smiled, and said, "I'm so anxious, I'm not back now."

"Boss, why have you been there for so long? Are the old bats of the blood clan making things difficult for you and refusing to give you holy water?" Alston frowned.


Ye Fei shook his head and said, "It's just that something happened when I went to the blood clan, so I wasted some time."

"What's the matter?" Barr asked.

Seeing that his old brothers looked interested, Ye Fei didn't hide it, and told them what he had encountered in the blood clan.

After listening, Allston said in a puzzled manner: "Boss, what do you want to do when the Alliance of the Gods took the holy water?"

"I don't know much about this matter either."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "So, I plan to practice on the island these days while paying attention to the movement of the Alliance of Gods.

If there is any movement from them, I will be able to react as soon as possible..."

"Boss, then we will stay with you and practice on the island these days." Barr said.

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