Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2307: , That child!

"it is good!"

Elena nodded, then raised her arms, two black and red energies quickly condensed in her hands!

"Magic Light Impact!!"

Boom! !

In an instant, the two black and red energies in Elena's hands rushed towards Ye Fei with surging power!

Ye Fei released the power of zhenqi and formed a defense, blocking these two shock waves!

After blocking Elena's second move, Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Elena, change into a combat form and try again!"


Elena nodded, then clenched her fists and let out a shout.

In a flash, Elena's whole person has changed, directly transformed into a battle form!

Elena's pale blue eyes directly turned into a magnificent scarlet color!

The woman's silky silver hair fluttered with the wind, and waves of black and red energy surrounded her body. The pressure and breath released by the woman shocked Allston and the others!

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong...Elena's strength has really increased!!"

Alston was shocked and excited again, and yelled directly.

"If Elena had been so strong a few days ago, then the Dark Adjudicator would probably not be her opponent!" Barr said startledly.

At this moment, although Ye Fei had already prepared mentally, when he saw Elena in front of him, he was still very surprised!

Sure enough, his own guess was correct!

Holy water not only awakened Elena, but also awakened her blood!

It's just that what Ye Fei can't understand is what kind of blood is Elena, who is it, and why is the potential in the body so great?

If Elena is given a period of time, I am afraid her strength will continue to soar!

I am afraid that when the time comes, those kings will be nothing to her!

"Elena, continue to attack me!"

Ye Fei yelled at Elena, and then displayed Li Chen Dacheng's infuriating energy, and condensed a infuriating sword.

"King, offended!"

Elena responded, and her figure disappeared in front of her eyes instantly!

When she reappeared, Elena's figure had already jumped to an altitude of more than twenty or thirty meters, her light body seemed to be out of gravity!

"Dark Night Meteor!!"

Elena snorted and raised her arms.

For a time, a large amount of black and red magic power gathered in the sky, from top to bottom, falling like a meteor shower!

"Alston, Barr... quickly get out of the way!!"

Ye Fei rushed to the side of Alston and the others shouted.

Alston, Barr and others also felt that Elena's attack was extraordinary, and quickly retreated outside the attack range.

At this moment, the black and red meteors all over the sky fell down!

"Sword intent exploded!!"

Ye Fei swung a sword directly upwards.

However, in order not to hurt Elena, Ye Fei did not display a stronger sword intent.

Huh! !

With a sword swung, the fierce and violent sword intent immediately collided with hundreds of meteors formed by black and red magic power!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A burst of horrible explosions exploded like crazy!

Although Ye Fei solved Elena's move with a single sword, his surroundings have become devastated!

The solid stone slabs on the ground were all shattered by the explosion, one by one, and several stone sculptures were blown down!

"Demon puppet!!"

The moment Elena fell to the ground, her arms raised, once again condensing a more powerful and surging magic power.

Immediately, she raised her hands and slammed to the ground!

In an instant, I saw that around Ye Fei, there were six giant demon soldiers with a height of six or seven meters, wearing armor, scarlet eyes, and holding a giant axe!

These six rounds of demon soldiers simultaneously waved the giant axe in their hands and slashed towards Ye Fei in the middle!

Six horrible energies crushed down, the giant axe had not yet fallen, Ye Fei's feet had sunk, and all the slabs on the ground shattered!

The boulder is flying, the sand is surging, and the wind is blowing!

"Wang, be careful!!"

Seeing this scene, Elena herself was shocked.

Obviously, Elena is still a little uncomfortable with her sudden increase in energy.

Allston, Barr and others were also taken aback.

Isn't it a competition? Why is it true? !

"Sword intent double burst!!"

Ye Fei seemed to be ready.

When the six demon soldiers smashed down with a giant axe, Ye Fei's feet slammed on the ground, and his figure was like a sharp blade, rushing to an altitude of five or six meters!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei twisted his waist and abdomen, his body rotated 360 degrees in the air, and the infuriating giant sword in his hand also rotated a full circle!

The violent sword intent vented out, bringing out a wave of sword intent power ripples!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

There was another roar, and Ye Fei's sword directly defeated all the six demon soldiers!

Alston, Barr and others in the distance were completely stunned!

"So strong..."

Algernon spit out two words softly.

"My God, Elena became so strong just after she slept and woke up?"

Allston scratched his head, and said helplessly: "It's really more popular than the dead!"

"It seems that we have to work harder, not only to catch up with the boss, but also to catch up with our sister Elena!" Rex mumbled.

At this time, Ye Fei had landed steadily on the ground, dissipating the power of true energy and sword intent.

"Wang, are you okay?!"

Elena was worried, she also lost her fighting form, and ran over quickly.

Ye Fei touched Elena's head, smiled softly, and said, "Of course I am fine. Although your strength has improved again, there is still a distance from me."

Elena's face is slightly red, her heart is sweet, her eyes are tough, and she said, "Wang, I will definitely catch up with you!"

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Ye Fei smiled and squeezed Elena's small face, pretending to be angry and said: "Also, don't always call me the king in the future, you can just call me by name."

Elena bulged and said, "I'm used to it. It's hard to change it."

"It doesn't work if you get used to it, you must change it." Ye Fei said.

"Oh, okay."

Elena nodded obediently.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I really didn't expect that Miss Elena, who is cold and cold on weekdays, will have such a cute and cute side!"

Rex grinned and walked over.

"Fatty, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Elena turned her head and stared at Rex coldly.

Rex was stunned when he felt a chill jump from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and quickly covered his mouth.

Seeing this scene, everyone burst into laughter.

"Boss, walk around, it's late, let's go to eat and drink, celebrate Elena's waking up, and improve our music skills!" Auston yelled.

"Well, it is indeed worth celebrating!"

Barr also smiled and nodded.

"Okay, those brothers are walking!"

Ye Fei waved his hand and led everyone into the castle.

Sleepless all night, arrogantly intertwined, laughter...

The next morning.

Ye Fei called everyone to the castle hall.

"Boss, you suddenly summoned us, is there something wrong?" Auston asked.

"Because the Alliance of Gods took the Holy Water, I suspect they have any conspiracy. Therefore, I am going to stay on the island these days and pay attention to the movement of the Alliance of Gods.

However, waiting is definitely not enough. Therefore, these days I plan to go to the Star Island near the Lost Island to practice because there is an active volcano there, which is more suitable for me to practice. "Ye Fei said.

"Wang, why do you want to practice in the volcanic zone? Isn't it possible on the Lost Island?" Elena asked curiously.

"No, I don't want to tear down our base camp."

Ye Fei smiled, and then said: "You have also stayed on the island for me these days to practice hard and improve your strength as soon as possible.

If there is something particularly important, you can go to Star Island to find me, understand? "


Elena and the others all nodded and agreed.

In the following time, Ye Fei briefly chatted with everyone for a while, and then called Gu Qingcheng and Qin Menglan and the others, telling them that he would have to go back a few days later.

After finally coaxing the women, Ye Fei took the dry food and drove a small yacht towards the Star Island near the Lost Island.

I hope I can break through the four bursts of sword intent this time. If the cultivation base can break through 10%, that would be even better...

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