Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2308: , Blood Vessel Awakens!

Time passed quickly, and a week passed in a blink of an eye.

In this week, everyone on the Lost Island can always hear the sound of thunder from the Star Island. People who don't know think there is an earthquake and tsunami.

Moreover, everyone can see that several active volcanoes on the Star Island are always erupting lava from time to time. This also makes the residents on the island extremely panic, thinking that the volcano is about to erupt.

However, after Elena explained, the residents of the island knew that it was the Purgatory King who was practicing on the Star Island.

Because of this, the residents of the island are even more in awe of Ye Fei.

Being able to make such a big movement is definitely not something ordinary people can do!

The lost island, above the castle tower.

Elena, wearing a pale white dress, was looking at the Star Island where lava was erupting in the distance, and there was a look of doubt and wonder in her beautiful eyes.

"What kind of cultivation is Wang doing? How could such a big disturbance be made?"

Elena squinted her beautiful eyes and murmured.

Although she wanted to visit Star Island very much, she suppressed her curiosity when she thought of what Ye Fei said.

Five nautical miles from the Lost Island, there is a small island full of volcanoes. Because the shape of this island is a bit like a star, Ye Fei named it Xingchen Island.

Although Star Island is not too big, it is surrounded by mountains, green trees and red flowers, and the scenery is quite pleasant.

However, because of the fear that these active volcanoes will erupt lava, no one lives here.

At this time, in an active volcanic area on the island.

Boom! ! ——

A thunderous roar sounded, and seven or eight active volcanoes shook at the same time!

Shattering! !

Because of the impact of the shaking, these seven or eight active volcanoes spewed out lava at the same time!

Hot lava spewed from the crater, poured onto the surrounding rocks and plants, and instantly turned to ashes!

boom! ! ——

At this moment, another muffled thunder sounded!

I saw that in the middle of a volcanic crater, lava swept out like a fire dragon, spraying to a height of ten meters!

Immediately afterwards, only a loud noise was heard, a figure clutching a golden infuriating giant sword, rushed out of the crater, and suddenly jumped into the sky tens of meters, it was Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's body was shining with golden light, and his eyes were beating with golden flames. Under the shining of the sun, he flew like a dragon, overlooking the world and despising the common people!

"Sword intent triple explosion!!"

A loud drink exploded in the sky.

Immediately, Ye Fei held the sword in both arms, directly swung the huge sword of infuriating energy in his hand, and slashed towards a large mountain in the distance!

Huh! !

A sword swung, like a broken bamboo, bringing out a hundred-meter-long heroic sword intent, as if to split the world!

The huge golden light blade sinks down, carrying a sense of destruction!

boom! ! !

Accompanied by a shocking explosion, that big mountain was directly cut into a hole up to seventy or eighty meters deep!

The shattered boulders flew up and the dust was billowing!

The surrounding mountains have also been affected by the sword intent, and have been punched out of gaps!

Immediately, Ye Fei churns in the air, swings a few more swords in succession, and after splitting a few large mountains, he landed on the top of the mountain steadily!


Ye Fei let out a foul breath, and was very pleased to see his destructive power becoming more terrifying.

This week, Ye Fei has been practicing swordsmanship and forging his body in this volcanic zone and deep sea.

Moreover, the cultivation environment here is somewhat similar to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Volcanoes can replace Yantan, and deep seas can replace Hantan.

Therefore, even if he does not go to the Mystic Yellow Secret Realm, Ye Fei can still perform high-intensity extreme training.

These days, Ye Fei practiced in volcanoes and deep seas, and obviously felt that his body was getting stronger and stronger, and he was more and more able to adapt to the extreme heat of lava and the extreme cold of the deep sea.

During training, if you are hungry, eat some dry food, if you are tired, take a rest.

Just like this day after day, so repeatedly, carrying out extreme cultivation.

If you let others know that Ye Fei is practicing "suicidal" practice here, I am afraid that all of them will be so scared that their hearts will explode.

However, for Ye Fei, cultivating in the deep sea and volcanoes was already an ordinary way of cultivation.

Because the potential dangers and enemies have not been eliminated, Ye Fei dared not slacken his efforts.

However, what made Ye Fei helpless was that these days of cultivation did not allow his sword intent to break through, nor did his cultivation base break through.

"Is it because the intensity of cultivation isn't enough? Or did you find an opportunity?"

Ye Fei murmured, frowning, very incomprehensible.

After thinking for a while, Ye Fei didn't think of a reason, so he didn't think about it at all.

It's useless to think so much, just go to the deep sea and practice again, and then try it.

Thought of this.

Ye Fei dodged, skimmed over several mountains, and then jumped directly into the sea with a "plop".

After entering the sea, Ye Fei continued to dive until it reached about two hundred meters. After feeling the chill and pressure reached the limit of his body, he stopped.

Immediately, under the extreme pressure of the deep sea and the extreme cold, Ye Fei directly released all the power of Li Chen Dacheng's true energy, and let the muscle power triple explode, and the sword intent triple exploded!

At this moment, Ye Fei had already used all his power!

Today's Ye Fei can break the ground with one foot, and split a mountain with one sword!

Therefore, only in the boundless deep sea can withstand the terrifying pressure and breath of Ye Fei!

At this moment, Ye Fei's whole body was shining with golden light, and his pupils were beating with golden flames, like a dragon, moving at high speed in the deep sea, and constantly wielding the infuriating giant sword in his hand!

At this moment, the extreme pressure of the deep sea and the extreme cold temperature could no longer affect Ye Fei!

In this deep sea, Ye Fei's speed is still as fast as a rush, this difficult resistance, in front of Ye Fei, also disappeared!

Every time Ye Fei swung his sword, the movement caused was not normal!

The entire deep sea is beginning to turn the river and the sea, the thunder is rolling, and the waves are rolling!

The creatures in the deep sea seemed to feel Ye Fei's horror, and they all fled around, not daring to approach!

I don't know how long it took, how many times I swung the sword, until I felt my energy was almost exhausted, Ye Fei kicked down suddenly!

cough! !

His body rushed towards the top like a wandering dragon!

boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a thunderous explosion, Ye Fei jumped out of the sea like a dragon and jumped to an altitude of tens of meters!

Moreover, when Ye Fei jumped out of the sea, he found that the sky was already dark!

It was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon when Ye Fei entered the sea, but at this time, it was eight or nine o'clock, that is to say, Ye Fei spent six or seven hours in the two hundred meters deep sea!

The full moon is high in the sky, and the sky is full of stars!

Such a beautiful scenery is difficult to see in the city, and only the vast sea can be seen!

However, Ye Fei had no time to appreciate the beauty at this time!

"Sword Intent Triple Explosion!!!"

Ye Fei burst out with a shout, holding a sword in both arms, and slashed directly towards the sea!

boom! ! ——

A sword fell, golden light flickered, and pierced the night!

A violent sword intent of hundreds of meters long fell down, like a giant, like a big mountain moved and crushed down!

Rumble! !

Shattering! !

Suddenly, the entire sea made a muffled thunder-rolling sound, like a huge tsunami!

Moreover, the entire sea surface was split by a sword, revealing a gully that was hundreds of meters long!

The coast on both sides of the gully swept up and rose to a height of seven or eight meters!

Above the vast sea, the stars and full moon are in the sky, and the vast sea and the undulating mountains are beneath your feet!

At this moment, Ye Fei felt very open-minded, as if everything was under his feet, under his control!

Afterwards, Ye Fei vented, and once again cut out more than a dozen swords, and then returned to the shore, standing on a huge reef!

Looking at the distant sea, listening to the sound of waves hitting the reef, Ye Fei held a sword in his right hand, raised it with a sword, clenched his left hand, and then stepped on the reef suddenly!

Boom! !

A violent ripple of power impacted in all directions, and then, a crackling sound rang out, the reef under his feet was completely shattered, and his feet landed firmly on the ground!

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