Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2420: , Fengwu for nine days!

Later, Ye Fei took the woman into the house.

After closing the door, Ye Fei brought the woman to the room, and then asked: "How do I need to cooperate with you?"

"You just need to take off your shirt and lie on the bed," the woman said.

"Oh, OK."

Ye Fei nodded, then took off his shirt quickly.

However, the moment Ye Fei took off her shirt, the woman's pretty face turned red, staring at Ye Fei's upper body, a little obsessed.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing this woman in a daze, Ye Fei stretched out his hand and shook it before her eyes.

"No, nothing."

The woman blinked a little shyly, and said: "I just think your figure is really good, with perfect muscle lines, and not as exaggerated as those muscular men.

Sir, I think you have an extraordinary temperament, what do you do? "

Ye Fei smiled, lay down on the bed, and said, "I work as a security guard in a company."


The woman was dumbfounded, and she covered her mouth and smiled: "Sir, you can really make a joke."

"I'm not kidding, I'm really a security guard."

Seeing that the woman didn't believe it, Ye Fei emphasized again.

The woman laughed stiffly, obviously not believing what Ye Fei said.

After all, this is a five-star hotel. How can a security guard come here to open a room?

What's more, the gentleman surnamed Shi is a big man who even the general manager of the hotel treats respectfully. How can Mr. Shi's friends be ordinary people?

However, the woman didn't ask more, after all, she saw more people, and many big bosses were also very low-key.

The woman prepared for a while, then climbed onto the bed, stretched out her soft hands and pressed Ye Fei's back, using just the right amount of strength.

Ye Fei actually knew that his body was very healthy, and he didn't need massage at all.

However, it's not bad to enjoy it occasionally and pass the boring time.

"Sir, your body is really good, I have never met a person with such a healthy body, and your meridians are also very smooth..." the woman said while pressing.


Ye Fei smiled and said, "Can you tell whether your body is good or bad?"

"Of course, I'm professional." The woman replied.

Ye Fei smiled, his heart said, his body is more than just being healthy.

At this moment, Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smirk: "By the way, this lady, do you have any other services besides massage?"


The woman was taken aback, and she understood Ye Fei's meaning in her heart, her pretty face flushed, and she said, "Is there... do you need it?"

"Haha, I just made a joke with you, I don't need any other services, just press the massage with me." Ye Fei laughed and said.

The woman said "Oh", feeling a little lost in her heart for some reason.

This man has such a good figure, and every muscle in his body is full of explosive power. Such a man is really attractive...

Ye Fei closed his eyes slightly, but he didn't expect this woman to think so much.

After a full half an hour, the woman saw that Ye Fei seemed to be asleep, so she stopped the massage.

Then, the woman's eyes suddenly became hollow and absent, and then she awkwardly took out a small porcelain bottle from the box on the side.

When she opened the porcelain bottle, a colorful bug, only the size of a fly, flew out, and then flew towards Ye Fei's ear.

However, when the little bug flew to Ye Fei's ear and was about to get into his ear, Ye Fei suddenly raised his right hand and stretched out **** to clamp the little bug accurately.


Seeing that Ye Fei suddenly woke up, the woman was startled and quickly prepared to get out of bed.

But Ye Fei turned over and stretched out his other hand, grabbing the woman's hand, making it impossible for him to break free.

Ye Fei glanced at the worm in his hand, and said coldly, "Say, who sent you here, why should you give me a heart-biting Gu worm?!"

"I don't know, I don't know anything..."

The woman seemed to wake up suddenly, with a panic expression on her face, and she shook her head again and again.

"You really don't know?"

Ye Fei stared at the woman tightly. Seeing her didn't seem to be lying, he was even more puzzled.

"Sir, I, I really don't know... I don't know where the bug came from..." the woman said with a cry.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and suddenly understood something in his heart.

With two fingers, he squeezed the Heartbiting Gu worm in his hand, then lifted a palm to knock the woman out.

Immediately, Ye Fei raised his hand, placed it on the woman's forehead, secretly luck, and slowly poured the pure Yang Zhenqi in his body.

After a while, a jet black bug flew out of the woman's ear.

"Ecstasy Gu worm?!"

Ye Fei's expression changed, and when he lifted his right hand, he directly grabbed the gu worm and squeezed it.

After squeezing the gu worm, Ye Fei's face sank, and he felt doubtful.

Ecstasy Gu is a kind of Gu that can manipulate people's minds. Obviously, this woman has also been poisoned and manipulated.

However, fortunately, he reacted promptly and caught the Heart-Biting Gu worm.

Otherwise, if you really let the Heart-Eater Gu worm enter your body, within a few days, your heart will be eaten clean by the Heart-Eater Gu worm.

It is definitely not an ordinary Gu Master who can download these two kinds of Gu worms at the same time.

However, in this way, Ye Fei was even more puzzled.

Who is going to hurt yourself?

Just when Ye Fei felt doubtful, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Fei quickly got up, opened the door, and saw that Shi Junze was standing at the door with a box smiling.

"Boss, the girl I sent to you is not bad, isn't it good for her to massage you?"

Shi Junze smiled, and walked in with the box, and said: "Yes, boss, is that girl here..."

However, before he finished speaking, he saw the girl he had sent lying on the bed in the room.


Shi Junze coughed lightly and said, "Boss, it seems that I am not here at the right time.

I came here to give the **** stone, uh, you continue. "

With that, Shi Junze put down the box and was about to turn around and leave.

Ye Fei also knew that this guy had misunderstood, and said in a funny way: "Okay, don't think about it, kid, you just came here.

Something happened to this woman while helping me massage, so I knocked her out..."


Shi Junze was taken aback, and said, "Boss, what happened?"

Ye Fei frowned and told Shi Junze what had happened just now.

After listening, Shi Junze couldn't help exclaiming, and said: "Boss, you said someone wants to give you a gu and harm you?!"


Ye Fei nodded and said, "It's just that I don't know who the other party is.

Moreover, I really want to have no dealings with those Gu masters in Miao Jiang, and there are no festivals...what is the situation? "

Shi Junze frowned, pondered for a while, and then said: "Boss, it is possible that King Gu wants to harm you..."

"King Gu? What King Gu?"

Ye Fei looked at Shi Junze inexplicably.

"I heard from the Dragon Lord before that in the Alliance of Gods, there is a Gu master named Wu Yunchuan, codenamed'Gu King'.

Wu Yunchuan is a Chinese native and a powerful Gu master in Miao Jiang, who is good at all kinds of Gu techniques.

It's just that, many years ago, this guy did a lot of evil in China, so he was hunted down by the Chinese warrior.

Later, this guy fled directly abroad and joined the League of Gods.

I haven't heard from him for these years, but I didn't expect this guy to jump out again..." Shi Junze said solemnly.

"so it is……"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Since it is possible that this Gu King wants to harm me, then I can't let him go!

Presumably, this guy should still be in the capital... and since he had poisoned the staff in the hotel, he would definitely leave some clues!

Let's go, let's adjust the monitoring of the hotel first, if we are sure that this guy is doing the ghost, then we definitely can't let him go! "

"it is good!"

Shi Junze nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Fei put on his clothes, carried the box, and left the room with Shi Junze, found the hotel manager, and called out the monitoring.

Sure enough, during the surveillance, it was discovered that a sneaky man wearing an ordinary dress, thin body, and a peaked cap had spoken to that female staff member...

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