Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2421: , It's going to happen!

When the man's face was enlarged, Shi Junze's expression changed, and he said, "Boss, he is Wu Yunchuan!"

"Are you sure?" Ye Fei asked.


Shi Junze nodded and said: "I have read this guy's information before. Although this guy is a bit older, his appearance has not changed!

Therefore, I am 100% sure that he is the Gu King Wu Yunchuan! "

"very good!"

Ye Fei nodded, and said: "Quickly cut this picture and send it to the Dragon Soul base, let the dragon master use the'eye of the sky' to find this guy's whereabouts!"

"it is good!"

Shi Junze nodded, and then hurried to contact the dragon master.

After the contact, Shi Junze said to Ye Fei: "Boss, let's go to the lobby on the first floor and wait a while. After we determine the location of Wu Yunchuan, we will rush over."

Ye Fei nodded, knowing that he couldn't blindly search for it now, it was undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, we can only wait for the results to come out before starting to act.

So Ye Fei and Shi Junze came to the hotel lobby, sat in the rest area, and waited.

However, as time went by, Ye Fei felt more and more disturbed.

But Ye Fei didn't know why there was such an uneasy feeling.

It was not until the evening that news came from the Dragon Soul Base.

After Shi Junze answered the phone, Ye Fei quickly asked, "Have you found the whereabouts of that guy?"

"found it!"

Shi Junze nodded and said, "Wu Yunchuan didn't come out again after he entered a hotel named Dess for the last time."

"Go, go to the Days Hotel now!"

Ye Fei said a word, and then left the Grand Hyatt Hotel with Shi Junze, driving a military jeep straight to the Days Hotel.

When he arrived at the Days Hotel, Shi Junze showed relevant documents and, under the leadership of the hotel manager, came to a room on the ninth floor.

However, when Ye Fei and Shi Junze entered the room, they found that there was no one inside.

"Manager Li, didn't you say that there is someone in this room, where?!" Shi Junze looked at a fat manager and asked loudly.

Manager Li wiped his cold sweat, looked at a waitress next to him, and said, "Xiao Zhang, where is the person living in this room?!"

"I, I, I... I don't know!"

The waiter was also taken aback and said, "At four o'clock in the afternoon, I happened to be on duty at the front desk. I also saw the gentleman living in this room enter the hotel and take the elevator upstairs.

Moreover, after that, this gentleman never got downstairs..."

Ye Fei thought for a moment, and then said: "It seems that this guy should have left the hotel. It's just that he should have changed his face, so the people in the hotel didn't see it."

"Change your face... Disguise..."

Shi Junze murmured, opened his eyes, and said, "Yes! It must be so! That guy Wu Yunchuan is not only good at using Gu, but also good at disguising!

That's why, he was able to successfully escape the pursuit of those ancient martial artists in China again and again, and thus escaped abroad! "

Ye Fei nodded, and then said to the hotel manager: "Manager Li, quickly bring up the monitoring, and then compare the appearance of people who enter and leave the hotel with those who live in the hotel around four o'clock in the afternoon.

If there is a strange face, then this strange face is the person we are looking for. "

"Yes, two gentlemen, please come with me!"

Manager Li didn't dare to say anything, so he brought Ye Fei and Shi Junze to the monitoring room and called for surveillance cameras.

Through comparison, I found that a stranger had left the hotel at about 4:30.

"It shouldn't be wrong, it's this guy!"

Ye Fei's face sank, and said: "Junze, contact the dragon lord quickly and look for this person's whereabouts!"


Shi Junze nodded and hurriedly contacted the dragon master.

After contacting them, Ye Fei and Shi Junze waited at the hotel for half an hour, and the Dragon Lord heard the news.

"Boss, the last place that guy appeared was the airport. I have already sent someone to rush over. Now let's hurry over too!" Shi Junze said.

Ye Fei nodded, then drove the car and headed straight for the Beijing Airport with Shi Junze.

Around 7:30 in the afternoon.

When Ye Fei and Shi Junze arrived at the Beijing Airport, they saw Bai Fengtu and Yan Zilong already waiting at the door.

Seeing Ye Fei and Shi Junze arrived, they hurriedly greeted them.

"Fengtu, did you stop that guy?" Ye Fei asked directly.

"Brother Fei, we are still a step late."

Bai Fengtu said helplessly: "When we arrived, the staff at the airport said that the person had already boarded the plane to Ying Country..."

"Damn! Let him run away!!"

When Ye Fei heard it, he was blown up with anger.

Shi Junze also clenched his fists, his face full of unwillingness.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, and was shocked in his heart, "It's broken! It's a trick!!"

"Boss, what's the trick?"

Shi Junze looked puzzled.

Bai Fengtu and others also looked at Ye Fei curiously, a little confused.

"Junze, I don't have time to explain to you! I must hurry to Ninghai now, or something big will happen!"

Ye Fei threw a sentence, then took out the box containing the **** stone from the car and rushed directly into the airport.

Seeing Ye Fei assaulting the airport like a gust of wind, Shi Junze and the others looked at each other with dumbfounded expressions.

At this time, after Ye Fei rushed into the airport, he directly showed the token of the Dragon General Protecting the Country and boarded the first flight to Ninghai.

Ye Fei's heart was still hanging in his throat until he got on the plane and the plane took off.

Just now, after Ye Fei learned that Gu King Wu Yunchuan had left the capital by plane, Ye Fei suddenly came back to his senses.

In fact, from the beginning, Wu Yunchuan never thought of killing himself.

After all, he has killed so many gods, even the main **** has killed one.

And this Wu Yunchuan is not even a **** disciple, so his strength must be very weak.

Therefore, he sent someone to punish himself like this, and he didn't think that he could really kill himself.

Then he knew he couldn't kill himself, so why did he do it?

There is only one reason, and that is, this guy is delaying his time so as to create conditions for other people in the Alliance of Gods to go to Ninghai to grab another sacred stone.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei's heart became even more anxious, and he couldn't wait to grow his wings and fly directly to Ninghai.


Around half past eight in the evening.

A medium-sized yacht is parked at a pier in Ninghai City.

As night fell, the waves crashed against the shore and yachts.

At this time, in the cabin of the yacht.

The Dark King, the Holy Dragon Knight, and Shadow Code were looking down at an old man in front of them respectfully.

The old man was wearing a black-gray mage robe with various weird patterns painted on the robe. He was crouched and he was stuck with a cane-like staff.

There are many skulls hanging on the staff, including adults, children, and birds and beasts, which look particularly frightening.

Moreover, the old man's face was covered with wrinkles, his face was pale, and no blood was visible.

What is even more frightening is that the old man's body is surrounded by black light, full of the smell of death and decay.

Although the old man looked short and weak, the three of the Dark Kings did not dare to show any disrespect to him.

Because he is the ninth **** Kokata in the Alliance of Gods.

"Master Sacrifice, do you really want to go out in person tonight?" The Dark Lord asked respectfully.


Ji Shen's face became cold, and said: "Today I got news that the underworld and ghost wizard have died in the hands of the purgatory king, and even the **** stone has been snatched away.

Master Zhishen was very disappointed with you, so I sent me here to take back the stone. "


The dark king's face changed drastically, and said: "The Underworld Demon and the Ghost Mage are dead?!"

"This... how is this possible?!"

The holy dragon knight also looked unbelief, and said: "The underworld and the ghost mage are so powerful, how can they be killed if they join hands?"

"Although I don't believe it a bit, it is true."

Please sigh, then ask: "Darkness, has the Gu King's plan succeeded?"

"Report to the Lord of Sacrifice, Gu King's plan has been successful. Presumably the Purgatory King should still be in the capital now, madly looking for the whereabouts of Gu King."

The King of Darkness replied, and then said in a puzzled way: "Sacrifice to the Lord, are you afraid of the Purgatory King too?"

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