Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2422: , Who's doing the ghost?

"If it were before, I would be a little afraid of him. After all, that kid is too evil, and his strength is unfathomable.

Back then, the three of me, the Star God, and the Goddess of Death failed to kill him... and, because of the carelessness of the Goddess of Death, he was killed in vain. "

Sacrifice to the gods frowned slightly and continued: "However, now that I have gained the power of the sacred stone, if I meet him again, I will directly kill him.

It’s just that Wisdom has an order, don’t entangle that kid, so I will let King Gu hold that kid..."

"so it is."

The Dark King nodded, and then said: "Master Sacrifice, although the Purgatory King is not there now, the five people in that villa are all warriors.

Two of the women's cultivation is in the Guiyuan Dacheng realm, and the other three men's cultivation is in the Vientiane Dacheng realm.

Of course, we will not doubt your strength, but to be on the safe side, let us go with you. "

"no need."

The priest waved his hand and said: "I can go alone, and the five warriors are nothing to me.

You first drive the yacht out on the high seas, and when I regain the sacred stone, I will go to meet you. "

"Yes, Lord Sacrifice!!"

The Dark Kings did not dare to disobey the order of the gods, nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, the three people of the **** sacrifice and the dark king walked out of the cabin and came to the deck.

"You go first, and I will go back."

The **** sacrificially said something, and then lowered the staff in his hand to the ground.


There was a bang!

A wave of magical energy dissipated in all directions like ripples, while the body of the sacrificial **** was directly lifted into the air, rising to an altitude of seventy or eighty meters.

Immediately, the body of the sacrificial **** moved, like a black meteor, across the sky, and disappeared before the eyes of the three kings of darkness.

"Gongsend the Lord Sacrifice!!"

The Dark Lord trio bent down and bowed their heads in the direction where the gods had left, with a pious expression on their faces.

Afterwards, the Dark Lord looked at the sacred dragon knight and the shadow code and said, "Go, get out of here."

The sacred dragon knight and the shadow code nodded, and then walked into the cabin with the dark king.

After a while, the medium-sized yacht started, left the pier, and headed towards the high seas...


at the same time.

Maple Leaf Villa No. 6.

Gu Qingcheng, Gu Xiaoran, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu were eating in the restaurant.

All day today, the three of Zhang Baokun taught Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xiaoran to practice exercises.

Although it was only a training partner, the three of Zhang Baokun felt that they had gained a lot.

Gu Qingcheng looked at Gu Xiaoran, who was blue and purple everywhere, and said distressedly: "Xiao Ran, why don't you take a day off tomorrow."

Gu Xiaoran shook his head again and again, and said seriously: "Sister, we were relatively late in practicing ancient martial arts. If we want to improve our strength as soon as possible, of course we have to work harder than ordinary people.

So, I have asked for leave from the school these days, and I am not going to rest anymore. I am ready to practice the exercises and improve my strength. "

"Xiao Ran, sister just saw scars everywhere on your body, it hurts a little bit."

Gu Qingcheng sighed lightly, and then solemnly said: "Moreover, the practice belongs to practice, but you can't fall behind in your studies, do you understand?"

Gu Xiaoran stuck out his tongue and said weakly, "I understand, I understand..."

Gu Qingcheng also knew that his sister was interested in everything except going to school.

But the point is that even if this girl spends very little time studying, her grades are still very good.

Regarding this matter, Gu Qingcheng also expressed helplessness.

Gu Qingcheng put down the dishes, looked at Zhang Baokun and the three of them, and said, "Baokun, Qinghong, Tang Yu, you are tired today, so please rest early."

"Yes, sister-in-law."

Lu Qinghong nodded, and then asked: "By the way, sister-in-law, why hasn't Fei yet come back?"

"Yeah, didn't Fei said that he would be back today, but why didn't you see anyone else at night?"

Gu Xiaoran also took the sentence.

"I don't know what's going on."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head, her eyebrows frowned, and said, "Maybe Ye Fei encountered something in the capital again."

Zhang Baokun nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

But at this moment, Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong, and Tang Yu put down their bowls and chopsticks at the same time, their bodies tensed, and their brows frowned.

"what happened?"

Gu Qingcheng saw that Zhang Baokun's expressions changed drastically, and he realized that something was wrong.

"Someone approached." Lu Qinghong replied.

"This person's strength is very powerful, even the breath and coercion he exudes makes my heart cold." Tang Yu frowned and said.

Zhang Baokun clenched his fist, his eyes flashed fiercely, and said angrily: "These guys dare to come, this time I will definitely not let them go!!"

"Yes, never let them go!"

Gu Xiaoran also yelled and said, "It just so happens that I can use them to practice hands, and experiment with the results of my training today!"

"What a group of shameless bastards! If you didn't make it once, you dare to come a second time!"

Gu Qingcheng's pretty face was cold, and he patted the table directly, "Go, we will meet them when we go out!"

With that, Gu Qingcheng and his party walked directly out of the villa and into the courtyard.

However, what puzzled them was that they did not see the King of Darkness and the Holy Dragon Knight outside, but the heavy pressure was getting stronger and stronger.

"A group of tiny human beings...hurry up and offer the **** stone, kneel down and surrender to the god..."

At this moment, a sharp and harsh sound penetrated the darkness and came from the air.

The five Gu Qingcheng glanced at each other, their eyes all filled with doubts.

Because they feel that the sound is strange.

"Aren't they here, Lord of Darkness?" Gu Qingcheng frowned.

"Although it's not those guys last night, they are definitely their accomplices, because their auras are very similar." Lu Qinghong said solemnly.

When Gu Xiaoran heard this, he was immediately furious.

"I've been pretending to be a god, get out of my mother! Go back to my original spirit, my god, your sister! The western old Maozi is embarrassed to call himself a god?

I bother! If you are a god, then I am the Jade Emperor Avalokitesvara Tathagata Buddha! ! "

"What a little girl with silver teeth and sharp teeth! You really don't show off your power, you really don't know what you are afraid of!!"

The voice fell off.

I saw that the black cloud directly shrouded the sky above the villa, a surging dark and decadent magic power, this world seemed to be trapped in a ghost domain, which made people shudder!

For a time, the five of Gu Qingcheng only heard the howls of ghosts and wolves, the wind gusts, and everything in front of them fell into death and despair!

Feeling the pressure of magical energy, the five Gu Qingcheng couldn't help being shocked!

"Who is it this time... why is there such a terrifying coercion..."

Gu Qingcheng's pretty face turned pale, and said something trembling.

Gu Xiaoran couldn't help but shuddered, even feeling suffocated.

She was thinking about going back again, but when she felt the pressure, she swallowed it abruptly when she reached her lips.

Not only the Gu Qingcheng sisters, but also Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, and Tang Yu also felt the strong pressure, and their hearts couldn't help but speed up.

At this moment, everyone can understand more and more why Ye Fei so strongly urged them to cultivate hard, because the potential enemy is too strong!

The Lord of Darkness and the Holy Dragon Knight last night were already strong enough.

But tonight this enemy that has not yet appeared is much stronger than the Dark King and the Holy Dragon Knight.

Lu Qinghong looked into the distance with a solemn expression, and said: "Two sisters-in-law, the enemy who came this time is very powerful, beyond our imagination!

Once the fight starts later, you should quickly take the sacred stone and leave here, escape as soon as possible, and run as far as possible! "

"That's right, the man who came tonight is so coercive and aura, even if he is so far away, it is frightening.

When the time comes, really fight, the three of us may not be his opponents together..."

Tang Yu took a deep breath, a touch of determination appeared in his eyes, and said: "Two sisters-in-law, we promised Brother Fei that we will take good care of you.

Therefore, even if it is desperate, we will protect your integrity and let you escape from here. "

Zhang Baokun, who had always been fearless, also had a solemn expression and was silent. He also agreed with what Lu Qinghong and Tang Yu had said.

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