Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2431: , Save lives!

But how is this possible?

Did he also use any method to quickly improve his strength? !

"Sword Intent Reorganization!! Pointing to the stars far away!!"

Seeing the sacrificial god, Ye Fei was stunned, and immediately changed the form of the golden sword that killed the undead army.

I saw that thousands of golden swords immediately gathered together to form a golden giant sword!

This huge sword is fifty or sixty meters long and several meters wide, really like a skyscraper!

Immediately, this golden giant sword stabs directly towards the sacrificial god!

The huge golden blade of light swept across the sky, illuminating the entire night sky!

Gu Qingcheng and the others in the distance were completely stunned!

They know the power of offering sacrifices to the gods!

However, they felt that Ye Fei seemed to steadily press the head of the sacrifice to the gods!

Especially Lu Qinghong felt extremely shocked!

He also cultivated the sword intent, and naturally knew the power of the sword intent!

Sword intent is divided into three, six or nine grades, which are human, earth, heaven, and emperor!

Qinglian Sword Intent is a Heavenly Sword Intent, already a very powerful sword intent!

However, it was the first time he saw someone who could control the sword intent like this!

Brother Fei deserves to be the evil spirit among evil spirits, and the sword intent of the king is really the emperor in sword intent. It is really amazing!

But Ye Fei did not pause, planning to attack with this huge sword composed of thousands of golden swords!

He was holding the huge sword of infuriating energy and kicked his feet to the ground, his body rushed directly like a cannonball, jumped onto the golden huge sword, and his feet steadily stepped on it!


A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Fei and the giant sword under his feet were directly approaching the gods!

"Shield of the Undead! Triple!!"

Sacrifice's face sank, and he directly shot three magical energies in a row!

I saw that the triple shield of the undead stood in front of him like three thick walls!

boom! !

A violent impact sounded!

The first shield of the undead was directly pierced by the golden giant sword under Ye Fei's feet!


Sacrifice was shocked in his heart, and never expected that his shield of the undead would be so vulnerable, like a piece of paper, it was directly penetrated!

Without waiting for him to think about it, there was another loud noise, and the second shield of the undead was also penetrated in an instant!

Seeing the shield of the undead on both sides was pierced and broken, the heart of the sacrifice was even more shocked!

But at this time, the golden giant sword under Ye Fei's feet had already rushed towards the third undead shield!

Boom! !

There was a bang!

The golden giant sword at Ye Fei's feet finally weakened a lot after piercing through the two shields of the undead, so it was blocked by the shield of the third undead!

When the gods saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief and sneered: "Purgatory King, no matter how strong your sword intent is, it is impossible to break my triple defense in succession!"

"Who said it's impossible...Isn't there still me?"

Ye Fei smiled indifferently, and then suddenly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and slashed directly at the third undead shield!

"All beings punish!"

Huh! !

A sword fell, the momentum was like a broken bamboo, and the crazy sword intent was simply irresistible!

With a bang, this sword directly split the third shield in front of the sacrificial god!

After slashing the shield of the undead with a sword, the sword intent was not let down, and he continued to slash down towards the sacrificial god!


The face of the gods changed drastically, and there was no time to react, so he had to violently quit!

However, he was still half a beat. Although he retreated tens of meters away, he still caught up with the golden light blade!

With a "pouch", he split his chest with a long **** mouth, **** and bloody, and bones can be seen!


The **** screamed in pain, and the blood on his chest continued to flow down, and even almost fell directly.

"Brother Fei is great!!"

"Just kill him like this!!"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu yelled in surprise.

"Purgatory King!! I want to kill you!!"

Sacrifice to the gods has been completely mad.

After so many years, he has never been hurt by anyone!

Now that he was injured by a stinky boy, he felt a great humiliation!

"Sacrificial magic!! A feast for the undead!!!"

Sacrificing to the gods seemed to be mad, madly displaying magic power.

As soon as he dropped his hand, he saw countless demons, whizzing towards Ye Fei!

This is not a scary illusion, but a real ghost and ghost, and even the best magic in sacrificial magic!

Once injured by these ghosts, they will be sucked away from the blood, and the soul will be scattered!

The average magician can summon dozens or hundreds of ghosts, which is already quite remarkable.

However, the sacrifice to the gods can summon thousands and tens of thousands of them at once, completely covering this area, which requires powerful magical power as support.

With so many ghosts and ghosts, it was easy to destroy a huge army.

Seeing these countless ghosts and ghosts pounced towards him, Ye Fei stepped on his feet suddenly, and his body rose into the air!

The golden giant sword under his feet was carrying the last remaining energy, rushing towards the ghost ghost that had been culled!

Boom! !

Accompanied by a crazy explosion, the golden giant sword directly wiped out thousands of ghosts and ghosts!

But because the magical power of these ghosts and ghosts was too strong, the golden giant sword also shattered and disappeared into the air!

However, the remaining thousands of ghost ghosts continued to attack Ye Fei!

"The body of sword intent!!"

Ye Fei shouted, the golden light on his body became more blazing, and the phantom of a golden giant sword also appeared on Ye Fei's body!

And those ghosts and ghosts were strangled by the powerful sword intent emanating from Ye Fei's body before they even touched Ye Fei!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Sacrificing to the gods was shocked, "What is your practice?!"

The sacrificial **** was completely unable to understand what he saw before him. How could the phantom of a giant sword appear on an ordinary human being?

This is so weird!

"Regardless of his practice, as long as it can kill people, it is a good practice!"

Ye Fei's eyes burned with golden flames.

"You want to kill me... it's not that easy!!!"

The sacrificial **** hissed and roared with a grim look on his face.

"Heaven descends from God!!"

Boom! !

Suddenly, in the black clouds gathered in the sky, a muffled thunder blasted directly!

Immediately, hundreds of purple lightning fell from the sky like a mad snake, and slashed towards the leaves below!

Boom boom boom! ! ...

A wave of violent thunder crashed down, really like a **** condemning the sky!

The ground was stunned by these violent thunders to chop out dense pits!

Seeing waves of violent thunders smashing towards him, Ye Fei was constantly moving on the ground at high speed, avoiding these violent thunders!

However, Ye Fei did not dodge in place, but at the same time dodge, pressing hard to sacrifice to the gods!

However, no matter how fast Ye Fei is, the hundreds of violent thunders that keep falling are not so easy to avoid!

Therefore, Ye Fei was hit by a violent thunder abruptly when he heard a muffled sound of "bang"!

"Ye Fei!!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingcheng in the distance was taken aback.

Lu Qinghong's hearts were even more twitched.

At such a distance, you can see the power contained in the waves of wild thunder. If this is smashed on a person, will it be smashed into coke?

However, in the next second, what shocked Gu Qingcheng and others was that this violent thunder struck Ye Fei, only temporarily stopping Ye Fei, but it did not cause any substantial damage to Ye Fei!

No matter how strong and fierce Kuang Lei is, it will not penetrate Ye Fei's sword intent!

This is the real horror of Ye Fei's sword intent!

Not only can enhance sword intent, increase destructive power, but also enhance defense power!

"How is it... how is it possible?!!!"

Seeing that the violent thunder he released hadn't worked for the gods, he was stunned that he felt a chill in his heart.

What the **** is this monster? !

Why can he not only resolve but also resist all the attacks he made? !

"Old stuff, after doing so many tricks, it's my turn now!!"

Ye Fei roared, and his figure suddenly accelerated again, like a golden meteor, rushing forward!

Immediately, Ye Fei leaped into the air and stabbed a sword directly at the sacrifice!

"Sword intent triple explosion!! Sword dominates the world!!!"

cough! !

A sword stabbed, like a thunder, like a golden thunder stab towards the **** of worship!

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