Super Master of Female President

Chapter 2432: , Emperor Sword and Shield!

"This... this is impossible... how can your strength be improved?!"

The sacrificial **** shuddered, completely shocked by the coercion of Ye Fei's sword.

He originally thought he was fifty or sixty meters away from Ye Fei, so he should be safe.

But in the next second, he knew that he was wrong.

Ye Fei's triple explosion of sword intent, coupled with the blessing of "Sword Intent Body", has already exploded hundreds of times in strength!

A golden giant sword is like a golden mad dragon, directly across hundreds of meters!

The safe distance in the heart of the sacrificial **** has become a death distance at all!


The face of the priest was full of horror, and he subconsciously flashed to the side.

However, only one sound of "chi" was heard!

Although the sacrifice to the gods avoided the vital parts, his left shoulder was directly pierced by this golden blade of light!

Immediately, Ye Fei directly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand!


Blood spattered, and one of the left arms of the sacrificial **** was directly cut off!


The sacrificial scream screamed, and his face suddenly became pale.

Because the chest was slashed with a sword and his left arm was cut off again, the sacrifice to the **** who was seriously injured could no longer maintain his peak state.

He knew that if he continued to fight, he would only have a dead end!

Therefore, he hurriedly used magic to prevent the blood from flowing out, and then turned around abruptly, ignoring the majesty of the Lord God, and embarrassedly moved towards the distance to prepare to escape.

"Want to run? No way!!"

How could Ye Fei be as sacrificed to the gods?

Just as the **** of worship slid out hundreds of meters, Ye Fei suddenly raised the infuriating giant sword in his hand, and pierced a sword toward the sky!

"Sword intent triple explosion!! Wild ancient sword dragon!!!"

This is the first time that Ye Fei has used the "Wild Ancient Sword Dragon" after he cultivated the "Sword Intent Body", so Ye Fei didn't know how powerful it was.

A sword stabbed...


A dragon chanting sound that seemed to have come from the wild, resounded throughout the world, making the five Gu Qingcheng behind them tremble!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a stegosaurus composed of countless golden swords soaring down from the sky, tumbling, roaring, roaring, and rushing towards the fleeing sacrificial god!

The speed of the sacrificial flight is fast enough, but the speed of the ancient sword dragon's impact is indeed better!

Just in the blink of an eye, this huge and ancient sword dragon tens of meters long jumped directly over a distance of hundreds of meters, and instantly approached the gods!

Feeling a violent and terrifying coercion coming from behind, the **** of worship suddenly turned his head and saw a huge stegosaurus rushing towards him, trying to swallow him!


Jishen's face was pale, and his soul trembled with fright.

"Shield of the Undead!!!"

"Feast for the Undead!!!"

"Hell Death Cannon!!"

The sacrificial **** has been scared mad, so he madly played various attack and defense magic, trying to stop the ancient sword dragon!

However, the magic he played was like drizzle, and it had no effect on the ancient sword dragon at all!

Boom! ! ——

Accompanied by the sound of a crazy explosion, a group of dazzling golden light burst out in the air, like a supernova exploding in the air!

The golden light spread wildly, and the wind swept across, razing a radius of 100 meters to the ground!

The five Gu Qingcheng couldn't look directly at the golden light, and closed their eyes subconsciously!

It took a few minutes.

The dazzling golden light under the night sky completely disappeared.

The wind stopped and the dust dissipated.

Ye Fei and Gu Qingcheng looked up and saw that the body of the **** sacrifice was standing still in the air, as if time had frozen.

The expression on his face was horrified to the extreme.


A gust of wind passed.

I saw that the body of the **** sacrifice turned into countless fly ash, which was directly scattered in the air!

It turns out that the trick just now, the "Wild Ancient Sword Dragon", has completely killed the God of Sacrifice!

No bones left!

For a while, Gu Qingcheng, Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu, and Zhang Baokun were completely sluggish.

They knew that Ye Fei was strong, but they didn't expect Ye Fei to be so strong.

The sacrificial **** who wounded all five of them was killed by Ye Fei's move just now.

"Feige mighty!!"

"Brother Fei is domineering!!"

"Brother Fei is great!!"

Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu, and Zhang Baokun could no longer express their worship and admiration, so they could only shout loudly.

But Gu Qingcheng stared at Ye Fei, who looked like a **** in the world, with a slightly raised mouth, revealing a touching smile.

As long as Ye Fei is there, she will feel at ease.

The countless violent storms, countless critical moments of life and death were all because of the presence of Ye Fei that could easily be resolved.

It is worth it to be able to entrust one's life to such a man.

At this time, Ye Fei's sacrifice to the gods had been wiped out, and he was relieved in his heart.

However, Ye Fei was also faintly worried.

Although he killed a lot of gods, he also killed the two main gods, the sacrificial gods and the goddess of death.

However, if the other two main gods in the alliance of the gods are resurrected, there will still be twelve main gods in the alliance of the gods.

So, in the final analysis, he still has not shaken the foundation of the alliance of the gods.

If you want to completely defeat the Alliance of the Gods, you have to continue to work hard to improve your strength.

Ye Fei let out a deep breath, and didn't think about it any more, but instead of losing his sword intent and true energy, he turned and walked towards Gu Qingcheng and the others.

"Qingcheng, how are you doing?" Ye Fei asked.

"We are fine, but Xiao Ran..."

Gu Qingcheng looked at Gu Xiaoran, who was unconscious in his arms, and couldn't help but cry.

Ye Fei knelt down and took a pulse for Gu Xiaoran, frowned slightly and said: "Xiao Ran suffered internal injuries, and now he has just passed out in a coma, and there is no major problem.

Go, come in, I'll treat you. "

With that, Ye Fei picked up Gu Xiaoran.

Immediately, Ye Fei and his party walked into the villa.

After returning to the villa, Ye Fei treated Gu Qingcheng, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu.

Because the injuries suffered by the four of Gu Qingcheng were not too serious, after treatment, they only needed to recover for a few days to heal.

However, Gu Xiaoran suffered a serious injury, so it took a long time for Ye Fei to finish the treatment.

The four of Gu Qingcheng stood by the bed, and Gu Xiaoran had not woken up yet, and they were very worried, thinking that the treatment had not worked.

"Ye Fei, why is Xiao Ran still not awake?" Gu Qingcheng looked at Ye Fei and asked worriedly.

"Qingcheng, Xiao Ran's body is no longer a serious problem. The reason why she hasn't woken up now is because her body is relatively weak. When she rests for one night, she will wake up tomorrow." Ye Fei said.

When Gu Qingcheng heard that Gu Xiaoran was fine, they relieved their minds.

"Go, let's go to the living room."

Ye Fei said something, and then left Gu Xiaoran's room.

Afterwards, the five Ye Fei came to the living room and sat down.

"Qingcheng, didn't you say that the King of Darkness and the Holy Dragon Knight also came to **** the Divine Stone last night? Why didn't you see them tonight?" Ye Fei asked suspiciously.

"I don't know this."

Gu Qingcheng shook his head and said, "I will sacrifice to God alone tonight."

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, and said, "It seems that the fellow who sacrifices to the gods thought he was confident that he would **** the **** stone from you tonight, so he didn't let the Dark King and the others come over.

Since I haven't come, I don't bother to pay attention to them. Anyway, if I meet again later, I won't miss the old feelings anymore, but will kill them directly..."

"Ye Fei, this time you went to the capital, have you figured out what this sacred stone does?" Gu Qingcheng asked.


Ye Fei shook his head and said, "This time I not only went to the capital, but also went to the Tibetan area to **** the second sacred stone.

The Dragon Lord has asked the scientific research workers of the Dragon Soul Base to collect the data of the sacred stone and conduct research, but there is no result yet.

However, I will not wait for their results, it would be too slow.

Therefore, I am going to take two sacred stones with me early tomorrow morning, go back to the temple, and let Elena study it.

Elena is the top scientist besides Minova, and she should quickly crack the mystery of the **** stone. "

"Ye Fei, you just came back, are you leaving again?" Gu Qingcheng asked.


Ye Fei nodded and said, "I must figure out the mystery of the **** stone as soon as possible, and I can no longer keep the **** stone at home, this will only cause you more trouble."

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